Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Purpose Driven Life is a MUST read

This book by Rick Warren is a MUST read!

I just finished this book and loved it, and will continue to use this as a reference to remind me about why I am here on earth.

There are so many things this book teaches you plus it has a 40 day challenge to get more out of your life.

Have you ever seen the movie The Ultimate Gift?

It is another outstanding tool of life, in this movie his lesson is about taking away material riches to find out who you really are and what your about.

Both of these are Christian based but you do NOT have to believe in God to get something out of these they are amazing tools to use for changing your life.

Seems to fascinate me that many people do not set goals, or reach deep inside themselves to find out what makes them tick and what they really want out of life.

Ask yourself this one question: What do I want out of life?

If your just doing the "same ole same ole" you are STAGNANT!

Time to get yourself rolling towards a goal and what you want your life to be and don't say you don't have time. You make time for what you really want, and not necessarily what you need to be doing.

Spend your "bathroom time" reading and writing things that put you towards your goal not negative things that don't lift you up or reach you to be a better person its just a waste of time and brain power.

Now that your on your way to a healthy life what will you do with it?
Who will you share it with?
How will you grow?

For me:
Study the word
Using my gifts to help others
Zumba Certified
Giving my knowledge to others
Fitness Ranch
Finding other entrepreneurs

Study your goals for 20 minutes a day, keep them in front of you and visualize them taking place and watch your life bloom!

No workout yet - will do inclines at lunch ( P90X Shoulders & Arms day)
iPad still a work in progress