Friday, April 3, 2009

New Lower Body Workout DONE!

Last night I got all the rest of the church plants finished and they look wonderful. I even put the new moss and the silk Easter lillies in the bottom with silk ivy an they look so good I should have taken before and after pictures lol. It was a challange to get the 2 plants in one pot but I got them in there. I plan to deliver them after work today and place them at the alter. I am very excited to see what pastor Jeremy and Stephanie think. I think the dust kept me up and I had trouble sleeping, I kinda have remissive asthma so I kept coughing every 1/2 hour. Today I feel fine, just a slight headache. I was just tired too because it took longer then I thought. My head hit the pillow at 10pm, but I feel pretty darn good today. Heck its going to be in the 60s so I hope to get some fresh air walk at lunch.
Instead of going to the gym, I decided to do to my workout at home since it was the first one. It went very well, I feel like a Rockstar! I forgot to do my weigh in today, but since I missed all this weeks workouts, I am not expecting much in the way of amazing numbers. Also I had some tater tots and missed my last protein shake, I had a coffee instead last night so I am sure that won't be of help. So far, my numbers have been good all week and I am very happy about that. Here is my workout today and I only used 10lb dumb bells just to see how my shoulder would feel. I have been putting off using them, instead using the machines just to be safe that I don't turn or move wrong and risk a longer injury.
Workout - Lower body Day 1
Mood - Ready!
Lateral Lunges 10lb 3x12
Single Leg Dead lifts 10lb 3x12
Single Leg Squats 10lb 3x12
Hip Pop ups w/weight on non-working leg 10lb 3x15
Calf raises 10lb 3x20
My shoulder feels good so I will up this next time to 15lbs and see how I feel. I could tell my back was a bit stiff but lets hope it works its way out. That may be from climbing the ladder to do the plants again last night.
Off to get the Rockstar Body.........

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