Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pick ME!

Jeanine My Pick ...... She is a Power House!
Here is who left and I am torn on the guys, I think Evan needs to go bye bye he is just not able to give the variety needed in style to me.
I love the fact that the girls did the super girl number and heck Ade brings it every time, he's a lion. I like all the styles of the girls but I just feel that Jeanine has the ability to adapt to anything, wow!

Who do you want to win?

I was going to call this blog for the LOVE of disco!
I love disco that was my groove and I was very good winning nearly every dance. I had a super partner and we were in sinc, he was tall and strong and I was about 105 of solid lean muscle in red satin pants and black stilettos can you imagine?That number blew me away, yes I was a competitive disco dancer and those moves were tough. I was thrown all over the place back in the day, including the death drop, but a death drop double and by the woman then man is something I call a complete show stopper. I can tell you I was re-living my old dance days in a daze last night and LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

What was your favorite dance?

I missed the first hour so I only got the re-cap on those but again my girl J. stood out. I think this year has been one of the best as far as reaching the bar higher. Can you even imagine having memories of being on a show like that with the costumes and make up and all? Seriously that would be AMAZING! What next for any of these dancers, the possibility is endless. I really loved the show last night, even got a jump out of Nigel shazam!

Ok now to fitness, I have been on a brownie sugar craving kick. So that scale is sticking again. My doings, and I take full responsibility. SNAP OUT OF IT T.!
I wanted to share this site that I joined, via Sparks Member Urbanmommy (Kim) and I am waiting for my first newsletter. I just thought I would share it with you in case you may want other info on supplements, or want a newsletter on this.

Here is my workout today, and glad to say my back is feeling better.
P90X Week 13 Day 2
Workout - P90X Yoga & X Stretch
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 117.5
Time of workout - 50 minutes Cals = ?

Yoga X = 30 minutes
Moutain pose Reverse Swan Chateranga Minata Plank Downward Dog Runners Pose Cresent Pose Warrior 1, 2 & 3 Chair Twisting Chair Triangle Twisting Triangle

Stretch X = 20 minutes
Seated spinal stretch Cat stretch Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed Triangle Rollers Side stretch

Now that I am almost a graduate of the P90X I am wondering if I should become a coach?
Off to get the Rockstar Body...........

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