Thursday, July 16, 2009

P90X Just 12 Days Left

I wonder how much I have changed since I started P90X?

Here I am on the last 2 weeks of this 90 day program and wondering what type of results I will get as I blast these next 12 days.

I will be a P90X Grad so to speak, next round I would do like to do the classic version.

Some of the results I have noticed so far, as I progress is that I love the stretch. I was never doing enough of that and this program has forced me to do more. I also love pilates over yoga since its faster paced, however this program of yoga has been pushing me more on the balance end. I still have not completed the whole hour and half but I have made it one hour on a weekend day.

The other thing that I have found is that my legs seem to be more defined and I do look leaner, which is ok. Now as far as my mid section I know I lost but not as much as else where. I do feel like I am stronger in my legs yet weaker in my back. I won't know until I get back to the gym and try to lift. The lighter weights and more reps have been a nice switch up. I will be looking forward to a new program.

When I finish the last 12 days I will post what I started with and what I finished with and see the difference, including body stats. I will post new pictures too, but remember I am NOT doing the diet that comes with the program and I am NOT completing the full minutes. I am sure if you did those other 2 things you would really see results.

Last night I got to see So you think you dance and it was another great talented show. I like all the dancers so I don't know who will go. I love dance of any kind, just to see these dancers push themselves is amazing don't you think? Not to mention costumes and hair... wow!

Here is my workout today:

P90X Week 11 Day 2

Workout - Cardio X

Mood - Rockstar Wt - 116.5 (over on carbs again)

Cals = ?

40 Minutes total workout: Yoga warm up - 15 minutes 25 minutes

25 of each:

Hook upper side kicks Kick front & Back

Ball kick knuckles Jab, cross, hooks, uppercut

3 Direction kicks

Airborn heisman

Swing kicks

Jump shots

Wide tires

Wacky jacks

Squat cross X

Steam engine -50

Dreya roll Squat runs - 1 minute each side (no weights)

Banana to superman - I only did the supermans

I need to get in Ab ripper and the last 10 minutes of this workout.

Off to get the Rockstar Body........

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