Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pity or Power?

P90X Week 8 Day 5 Cardio X

Today I did much better on the draya rolls, they are TOUGH! I wish I would have counted how many I did but I tell you its hard to concentrate cause they are killers (in a good way). I can't believe I have made it this long without getting bored, but so far so good.

There are times when T has her own pitty party so today I thought about something I heard a minister say....you can choose pity and be weak, or you can choose power and be strong.

I choose power!

When I get up and I feel the effects of working out and the aging process compared to a few years ago I have this pitty party. I can't do it good enough, perfect or as long. Boo hoo! Yes I can, if I focus on my power to do so, be strong and do my best then I can succeed. Its ok to stray way from the bad stuff and move towards the good stuff...try it. Who wants to be weak, take the easy road....not me. I am all about rasing the bar.

Go for the power.

Here is my workout today
6/23 P90X Week 8 Day 5
Cardio X
Mood - Rockstar
Wt - 116
Cals = ?

50 Minutes total workout:

Yoga warm up - 15 minutes
35 minutes 25 of each:

Hook upper side kicks
Kick front & Back
Ball kick knuckles
Jab, cross, hooks, uppercut
3 Direction kicks
Airborn heisman
Swing kicks
Jump shots
Wide tires
Wacky jacks
Squat cross X
Steam engine -50
Dreya roll
Banana to superman - skipped this today
Squat runs - 1 minute each side (no weights)

Off to get the Rockstar Body..........

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