Monday, June 15, 2009

I Tried This Product, LOVE It!

I tried this new Boca and LOVE it!
Bruschetta Tomato Basil Parmesan
I really like this boca much better then the new mushroom one I tried last week. It has more a chicken flavor and its very good. I may even like it better then the spicy bean, I am not sure yet. I only added honey mustard and really loved the texture too. Same low cals and high protein as the others so thats why I like Boca over Morning Star.
I got my video up on youtube (trainertfitness) and had a great pot luck at church on Sunday, got all domestic duties on the home front done. Its going to be an awesome week! I did good on diet and my workouts, even got in a walk after dinner last night.
Here is my workout and thank you all for the support and inspiration you give me.
P90X Week 7 Day 4
P90X Yoga - 1hr 30 mins, I have yet to do the whole thing.
Workout - P90X Yoga
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 116.5
Time of workout - I did 25 minutes
Cals = ?
I was going to make this my off day, but after the 2 - 2 mile runs I did over the weekend I figured I could use the movements so I did part of it. Hence I did NOT want to get up on a rainy Monday! Ugg.....
Mountain pose
Reverse Swan
Downward Dog
Runners Pose
Crescent Pose
I will try to do some more when I get home tonight. Not sure what will happen at lunch since its rain, and more rain.
Off to get the Rockstar Body.......

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