Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello Again INSANITY

Things are looking up!

I went to the doctor yesterday (hence the NO blog) and he said everything looks great! JUST WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR!

Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming for July 20th the last visit.

For now its drops in the ear, antibiotics that will eat the packing away restore the hearing and rid me of the head ringing. The ear did drain blood last night with the drops so that means its working, 2 drops 2x a day.

He said I will have THIS CONSTANT ringing that is normal because of that packing holding the surgery in place, and it will go away. [THAT IS THE GOAL OF THIS WHOLE 2nd SURGERY].

I had the last bandage taken off by him and it looks good on the incision, and I have neosporen on it so maybe it won't scar bad.

This morning got in a short workout, strength training and Yoga and feel great. 6 weeks till my 30 year high school reunion.

Now its back to INSANITY, Hello Shaun T.



  1. Great, great, great to hear you are on your way to recovery!!!
    Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  2. Marcelle,
    Your very welcome and thanks for the well wishes for my recovery.
