Tuesday, June 15, 2010

90% Of Change Happens When.....

It's true change happens when your uncomfortable, or frustrated or have a problem to solve.

Well T. is frustrated! (still can't taste, still have a black eye, still have a sore neck and ear ugh)

I may not get to workout till June 22nd and that's bad. (waiting on doctor approval like a good girl...huff) But I am going to walk and still watch my meal plans. Ok, the ice cream needs to go, but since my taste buds are not working, its like I eat things searching for satisfaction.

NOT a good thing.

That is how people get over weight, eating for satisfaction. I am holding at 118 so that's a good thing, but I know I could do better. I need to cut a few calories simply because I am not my active self.

But getting back to this 90% of change, you know that means that only 10% of change happens BECAUSE YOU WANT IT TO.

Enter goals.

If you have a goal or a date that your working towards that does make that 10% more effective. I know because I have stuggled with this myself. This is why goal setting keeps achievers achieving, and motivated. Its the if I do this, I will get that mentality. (But sometimes when your kinda already at goal or close its harder to stay in this mode, or for me anyway to push myself over the edge)

But to really change you have to be uncomfortable:

Feel fat
Feel ugly
Feel not worthy
Feel guilty
Hate your appearance
Hate your clothes size
Hate your weight
Hate your health issues
Hate your self conscience
Not want to go out
Not want to make friends
Not want to be seen in public
Not want to do things you like

So when will you be frustrated, or uncomfortable enough to change?

That will be your turning moment in any change you make, first its being unhappy then its contemplation then its change. (unless your doctor tells you)

When you decide your life is NOT what you want it to be or where you want to head, you will hit that switch and change will be upon you.

Good news is......your in CONTROL.

You get to decide how you want your life to be, you decide what direction makes you happy, and how you can have all the energy and health you want to have with your body.

So get doing things that are out of your zone, take baby steps and start building that confidence to do more. Do you think the first time someone tried to do anything they succeeded?


Its ok to start somewhere, that somewhere where you are right now. Don't let that 10% of wanting to change hold you back.

Think of it as when you learned to do any thing new, you were scared, and maybe even not sure anyone would approve. Forget about that, think only of yourself here, you get one shot you don't get more then today. As we should live it as its our last that is very hard to do. But you can still live it the best that YOU can right?

What steps will you take to be uncomfortable today?

This article was inspired by June Success


  1. ur weight is 118????????
    I the size of a house compared to you then!!!!

  2. This is a great post, thanks for sharing

  3. Girl, I have been in a state of CONSTANT change for 3 years! LOL! I am VERY uncomfortable with several areas of my life right now but am FULL steam ahead! Sometimes the GREATEST triumphs are the growing we do while we have the feeling of fear! Fear stops so many of us from accomplishing our dreams! NOT me girl! :).....sold my gym equipment to get money for move NOW I am having to be VERY creative with exercise! Yet another uncomfortable thing! LOL! ................You know they say if we are comfortbale more than uncomfortable we are never changing! Keep yourself UP chica......this is a milestone to developing a stronger tenacity, vision, for yourself and a humbling experience to recognize how Blessed we are when our bodies are in fact healthy and in check! Great post girl! XOXO

  4. Big Daddy - Thank you for following me :-)

    Mary - Thanks so much for the inspiration,nothing but love for you and your changes.

    Marcelle - I am 5'4" and I am very short waisted, all legs. So in that case I really don't carry weight very well. Think supa-model with a belly..uggg!
    The scale is just ONE number and it can look VERY different on each body it is on.
    You look AMAZING sweetie at your number, trust me!
