Monday, December 13, 2010

DYI Fitness Studio

Most of you know I have been re-doing my fitness studio, and this weekend I got a bunch more done.

Its lots of curtains hiding the storage of clothes, not sure if I look like a magician or not lol. For now I am happy to train clients the way it is.

I have enough space for Zumba practice, and got antibacterial, mold resistant "slip knot" for flooring that can be rolled away when not using the TRX system for strength or Pilates. I am super happy.

This weekends bill for supplies:
Drapes = $45
Supplies to make them = $1.50
Flooring 10'x5' = $30
PVC to hang drapes and fix leak = $15.50
Total Expense= $102

I will have a complete total finance break down again once completed. You don't have to have a bunch of stuff to workout with, a few hand weights, bands, mat and your body that's it! You can DYI your own studio very cheap.

We got snow today so I was glad to have a pot of turkey chili on and no place to go but stay home today and fill out holiday cards.

Feeling like Christmas in STL. Note the white snow in the back ground.

2-3" snow view from the bay window to front yard, there is a driveway in there somewhere between the 2 trees!

Front porch you can't even see the driveway YIKES!

Back yard with buried MINI Cooper

Tan Slip knot flooring rolled up, this stuff is super sticky great! Its 10' x 5' and look how tight it rolls (plus bands and body bars) I have lots of fitness toys.

Walking down the step you enter here

Then the boxing weight train area to the left (I will be enclosing hot water heater)

Straight ahead to the the left to the TRX system area

Whats behind the curtain on the right? Clothes, and junk!

The curtain straight ahead - shoes yes and more junk!

Enter the TRX area with my new mirrors and Zumba dance floor area

Looking back out to the curtain area from the Zumba TRX station (still have to hang my other TRX about a foot apart from this one)

Where desk will be built straight ahead, at and the ST bench area workout station. The book case and antique dresser thing will be gone. My other files will be brought down and a desk made over it with enclosed storage cabinets for books and such.

Leaving the studio

OK, there you have it.

Comments and ideas welcome...........

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