Monday, April 22, 2013

Whew The Table Came!

Gracie was exhausted from watching me
she got extra treats ;-)
Decided to paint my lamps white they were tan, they turned out ok. but they look better then they did so thats an improvement that cost zero.

Cleaned top to bottom! All the woodwork and curtains.......

Now it is ready for the dining room set. I even had to move a bunch of stuff to the garage. I don't want to part with it, but I don't have room either.
I was able to tuck away Gracie's pet taxi which she and I both love, now its like a little den for her. Yay!

Drum it is the table!

It makes me happy that the room is almost completed.

It only took about 30 minutes and I love it, really love it!

On the rug you can see how the second shelves are blue glass that match my lamp.

And its super duper sturdy.
Ordered at

You can even put your bare feet on it, doesn't move an inch.
Sweeeeeet style and practical.

Plus it reflects the light.

I even gave it thought as to put something on it???

I rated it a 10 on Walmarts website.
I actually have my bedroom set that is made from the same company. Wayfair and its got the same matching glass in the top drawer.

Wow, I found the matching vase to may collection. Instert jump up and down here and cheer big time! I didn't even know it came in this very small one.
Found it at the Target in Kirkwood.

I love how it looks on the table, and I got the cord covered too.
Wowza happy dance ;-)

This is where the art will go. Yes, it will cover that electric plug thank goodness.
Pinch me I love my room!

Thanks for reading........Happy Earth Day!

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