So I decided to go back darker for fall.....
I wanted more dark low lights but this will do for now.
I'm working on my Halloween costume........
This is it!
I'm on the search for pink head bands for the stripes and some sort of shoe, I don't have pink sadly.
But I am not giving up, I could just wear my nude ones and I want to make a sign that says.......
Back to business..........
Client workout:
Time = 60 min cals burned 260
Step up warm up with 2lb db
Push ups to tricep push up
TRX pull ups
TRX plank to mountain climber to scissors - 1min
Kettle bell row to over under legs - 20lb
Kettle bell swings to drops - 20lb
Curtsy lunge w/10lb db pour curls
Walking lunges w/10lb db
Sandbag cleans - 1min
Wall sits w/3lb db
Bench mountain climbers
Bench flys double moves 10lb db
Bench tricep dips add single leg
Thanks for reading.........