Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekend About Town

This weekend was great for my workouts and for being about town. I went to a wellness healthy planet convention, it was very fun and interesting. Lots of all natural and organic things going on that are so much better for everyone. If you have never been its a good start to open your eyes on ways to be "Earth friendly" and understand how we can take better care of ourselves naturally. This is why I love the product I use Nutrazon. Its a great way to take care of your body all natural and vegetarian friendly since its all plant based. They had so many products from the earth there it was amazing.

Had an inspiring message at church Sunday, about love and love languages. I find it interesting because it really helps with communication, I mean if you know what matters to someone you are more apt to make them happy right?
Like if you are someone and your language is acts of service and you run around and do all kinds of things for someone and their language is quality time they won't really see what you are doing. They will just feel like, I just want time with you not the time you are spending doing these nice things for me.

Really made sense to me on how to handle my relationships, not just at home but work and church as well. Its what matters to the other person that shows love.

Off day

Workout - Legs, glutes & abs
Mood - Happy
Wt 125
Cals = 40

5 min stair climber warm up
3x10 60lb squats - up 10lbs
3x10 140 leg press - up 10lbs
3x10 40lb standing glute press
3x10 55lb laying glute
3x10 hyper extensions
2x50 bicycle crunches off the bench
3x12 standing abs machine
25 reverse curls stomp ceiling
50 obliques
spits stretch

Workout - Cardio
Mood - Rockstar
Wt - 125.0
Cals - 350

Straight cardio elliptical 3 levels 12,15,50 and resistance 4 & 5 with interval jogs

Off to get the Rockstar Body...........

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