
Friday, June 8, 2012

Vacation Fashion!

So this is the RED suit I am taking on my trip this summer. I love everything about it, and even had "stay up" trim put in the top so I can take off the strap. (

Last night I started putting together some outfits with my new necklaces that I got but for some reason this suit look pink.
With the short pheasant skirt then I added my shrug and necklace

and my green twisted tank style top with my necklace called "dreamy"

Of course I had to take a picture with my outfit today, with the necklace called "rich and famous" don't ya just love these names???
I love how long and "blinggy" it is.
Now on to yum! I took onion, mushrooms and bell peppers and grilled them topped it on the white fish. Added some green beans it was d-lish!

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