
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Plan Of The Week

I got 2 new swim covers and I love them both!
The skirt can be used as a dress and the pants are gauze and they have the fold over waist and are super duper comfy!

Now all I need is a beach :-) ha check out this dove I caught just checking things out on my neighbors roof.....he was perfect on the roof pitch, how could I resist?

I really need to scale back on the cars, I hardly have room for them but I love them all so much......check it out looks like a race ready to take off, VAROOM!!!
My workouts have been a bit lame this week, and its only Tuesday but my nutrition has been totally on target. I should get bonus points this week, with some body fat loss and maybe even weight.....sweet!
Good news is that I get to have dairy this week, wowza hello Greek yogurt!

Here is the plan of the week:
Monday  - off day
Tuesday - cardio at lunch/ ST after work
Wednesday - ST/ cardio
Thursday - cardio at lunch/ ST after work
Friday - ST heavy/ cardio after work
Saturday - Power Yoga
Sunday - ST

I need 4 days cardio and 4 days ST and one cardio as HITT, that will be Sunday.  Hopefully this will bring those numbers down.

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