
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Starbucks New Natural Energy Drink

I got some new cushions for my front porch chairs...I love'um! They

Just adorable...and comfy too....and then I also tried a new product

Starbucks natural energy drink is nummy, have you tried this stuff???? You don't get the jitter bugs from this just pure sweet extra zing! more about it here:

I went to a Yoga class last night that was so darn hard, even though I love this teacher the hard part is wrapping my arms! So afterwards I was talking to her and she said because my shoulders are so muscular, (*insert ego boost) that it can hinder my rotators cup from bending in such a way.

Yay! That made me feel so much better......

My lunch walking workouts have been de-railed by vacation shopping! I think I have everything I need for the trip......

I got:

Birthday dress pink, melon and black - so adorable!

Orange sun dress

Dark blue tie-dye knee length pheasant skirt

Lime green twisted sleeveless tank style shirt

Black sweater shrug

Black and silver necklace

Pink and orange necklace

Black flip flops

Added to what I already had bought for trip:

Back pack

Red swimsuit

Black swimsuit

Black twisted sleeveless tank style shirt

White gauze lined beach pants

Black wedge sandals

Low heel brown walking sandals

Yoga wear for plane and Yoga at hotel

Tonight's workout, hitting the weights!

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