
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Guest Post: The Treadmill Review Guru

Woo woo I have a suprise!!! A guest post from The Treadmill Review Guru

There certainly is a lot of hype about treadmills, a lot of which coming from me! And you might just be wondering: "what exactly is so great about treadmills? I can get a just as great workout if I step outside my front door!" While doing both employs your ability to run, running on a treadmill can offer you some more benefits than just regular running outside. Rather than give you the pros and cons of each, I'm going to show you how using a treadmill can amplify or increase the number of benefits of running.


So running is a pretty easily accessible workout right? Literally anyone who wants to can step out of their house and go for a run. Running has tremendous potential and can be one of the most effective exercises of all time and treadmills assist in bringing it to that potential.

Treadmills can do this by allowing you to get that great workout in the comfort of your home. Sure there are many advocates of running outside in the fresh air, and if you like that, then more power to you! But when it comes to the busy life of...well most people now days, where they don't have a whole lot of time, having a workout machine such as a treadmill in your home is very convenient. Maybe you only have 15 minutes to work and you don't want to go for a run outside that might make you late, that is when the treadmill comes in handy; you don't have to go anywhere!


Modern treadmills are stocked with all kinds of new and shiny features. From an iFitLive to decline capabilities, treadmill manufacturers are working hard to make your workouts more interesting and fun.

Built-In Workouts

One thing that treadmills do that greatly improves the effect of running is the feature that most treadmills will support these days is having built-in workouts. These are extremely useful tools that will allow you to get the kind of running workout that you want. Most will have the workout titled after what type of race it is designed to train you for, for example, they will be titled "Marathon", "Half-Marathon", "10k", you get the point. By selecting a workout, the treadmill will control everything; like the speed, and incline so you get a specific workout that you might not be able to obtain otherwise.

Incline Training

Another great thing that can amplify your running workout, that treadmills offer, is incline training! Honestly, I don't think there is a bigger fan of incline training than me! Do you realize that on a small incline you can burn nearly 5 times the calories?? Incline training alone is a great reason to buy a treadmill! Yeah, you can walk up and down the hill next your house till the cows come home, but with an incline training treadmill you have full control over the incline; set it higher if you are feeling like a boss, set it to a negative slope to get a more realistic workout. The bottom line is that incline training takes the exercise of running to a whole new level.

Run Anywhere!

This is a fairly new feature that only a couple of brands have employed into their treadmills. The capability to synca treadmill to Google Maps is an extremely effective tool. Not only is it super-cool and will make you feel like a tech-guru, but it can actually help to keep you interested and motivated in running. This feature lets you put your treadmill's display into street view mode on Google Maps so that you can feel like you are running anywhere in the world! What's more is that your treadmill will even adjust the incline/decline according to where you are running.

Treadmill companies have running down to a science! They know what is best for you and what you will benefit most from.

About the Author: Treadmill Review Guru is a running fanatic that prefers treadmills. You can read honest and unbiased treadmill reviews on his site,



Monday, October 29, 2012

New Chia seed is yummy!

So I decided to try this NEW Chia seed, mainly because it was organic and on sale.
I added it to my smoothie this morning after my workout. I have used Flax but never Chia seeds, I was sceptical to say the least.

Look how pretty it is!
So smooth and lovely I could NOT believe it.
Blended you can't even see it huh?

Here is more on my review

Today we had frost and a beautiful sunrise......on my way to work

It almost looks like snow YIKES!

Then I tried to snap the river, but I think I got it too crazy but I still posted it because I love the orange trees.

Oh and how cool is this, the new Crush cycle studio invited me out.......I'm so STOKED!
Insanity Day 22

Friday, October 26, 2012

I Love Fall Style!

Finally its Fall weather here, and I can't wait to get out all my jackets and scarves! This was my outfit yesterday at the office.

Do you crave things late at night you shouldn't?
My go-to is tea. I love making hot tea, and you know if you like spicy stuff this tea is the BOMB! It taste amazing, and refreshing.
It does have caffeine, so if you don't want that at night pick a night time tea that is caffeine free.

Today's sunrise, it was a beautiful morning crisp and in the 50's.
The sun and warmth has kept my workouts going strong.

Today at the office, after Day 19 of Insanity. Wearing my new Burberry scarf one of my clients got me, I just looooove it!

This weeks numbers:
Actual = 1952 / Goal = 1440
Here are the workouts:


Workout - Insanity Day 19
Time of workout - 45
Cals burned = 290


Workout - Insanity Day 18 + Teach Yoga Core
Time of workout - 40 min + 60 min
Cals burned = 460


Workout - Insanity Day 17 + Abs + Client training
Time of workout - 55 min
Cals burned = 354


Workout - Insanity Day 16 + Client training Butts and Guts
Time of workout - 40 min
Cals burned = 258

8 min Bosu w/2lb db

Banded donkey kicks
Banded pulses
Banded roll ups w/leg lifts
Banded 100 w/bicep curls

Planks w/20lb kettlebell row
Reverse crunch w/legs crossed
Bridge w/single leg lifts/pulses


Workout - Off day + Client training
Time of workout - 10
Cals burned = 30

8 min Bosu step up w/db

Sandbag cleans
Jacks w/jumpless rope and skis
Walking planks on towel

Med ball twist - 8lb
Vsit bicycle crunch on Bosu
Jump squats

15 minute Yoga
Making it count, Insanity day 19!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ageless Pilates to stay younger


I found this DVD simple and effective. The fact that she is over 80 years of age and still teaches just RAWKS! Talk about keeping you young :-)

Here is more on it.

I teach Yoga and have been doing Pilates off and on for years.

As a matter of fact I added a reformer if you recall this year and the Malibu Pilates chair to my studio. Not only does it focus on core but I feel like it makes your whole body feel better. That's worth the money right there!

Insanity Day 18

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Colors, Planes and Cars

The weekend drive was amazing for colors. Here are some of the shots I took.

Caterpillar's were everywhere sun bathing :-)

Super cool old house with a tin roof

This "jail" is next to the old house above

Starting to see the planes at the open house. (note the cop did not like my U turn)

You can barely see the planes coming in for a landing

At the airport area where the plane open house was

Where they gas up

Some of the cool planes

How fun!

I love the wooden propellors

and the army planes

Orange, I loved it!

I wish I could fly one...........

Mash look a like!

Cool cars........

Insanity Day 17.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cliff Cave Looking For Bats!

I went to Cliff Cave park, a place I have not been since I was in High School.

I went in search of bats in the cave. This cave was more like a quiet place to go, even though some kids would party there.

We hiked next to the road to get to the cave entrance.

Up the big hill past a creek

Lots of fall colors and leaves

We can see the entrance way up

Near the top of the stream

We finally make it to the top

It is now gated off. Since 2009 and you have to go in with a park ranger to get inside. It also has a security camera so there is NO trying to sneak in.

The gate has one small part that removes so that you can enter. You can't be super big or you won't fit. It was really cool watching everyone snake through the hole ha ha.

This is what you see at the top, sadly a bunch of graffiti. *sigh......It can't be removed because it will harm the bats in the cave, so it must remain.

This used to be a winery, but it was only opened for 2 years.
Sadly I also saw some empty cans, if you look really hard you can see them they are red coke and red Budweiser cans.

We got the history of the cave and instructions from Kieth on going into the cave. And about all the limestone, bats and salamanders we would see.

The we lit our headlamps and took off for the cave.

The cave entrance is behind that wall in front of you, a 4 foot drop down to water and mud and FUN! This little guy had to be helped and carried through the deep water.

Looking outside from the cave, I now know how cattle feels being caged.

Here is more graffiti, sadly it has to stay.

You can see how dark it is going to get when we get in the cave.

This is the sign that was posted in the front of the cave.

Looking for bats in all areas

This is how dark it was with about 12 people with headlights on

A small brown bat......just hanging out!

This is the largest in the cave. We saw a total of about 15 to 20 bats in cracks and on the was so awesome!

I love this shot, it looks like some ancient atifact.

Leaving the park the colors were amazing!

It was only $7.00 per person to go to the cave and very worth it! Not only to see the bats but also because I grew up going in the cave it brought back many memories.