
Friday, April 27, 2012

Guest Post: 5 Ingredients that will Ruin your Salad

Surprise! I have a guest post for you today!!!
Thank you Angelita Williams for sharing............

Salads—they're the go-to meal-of-choice for most new dieters and health buffs. But while salads can help give you the vitamins and nutrients you need to increase your metabolism and blast away fat, if prepared wrong they can do the reverse and help pack on the pounds. In fact, some restaurant salads (even a few that you make at home) can contain more calories than a Whopper from Burger King. To make sure that your body is on the right health track, try omitting these ingredients from your next salad.

Cream-Based Dressings

You may be a big fan of ranch, Caesar, blue cheese, thousand island or some other type of creamy salad dressing, but these dressings—which usually use heavy duty mayo—are filled with tons of calories and saturated fat. Even the "lite" varieties are a huge risk and contain as much as 12 grams of fat per two tablespoons. That said, vinaigrettes are always the best way to go. An even better option is to skip the salad dressing altogether and opt to squeeze a little bit of lemon juice and a small drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. When dining out, always ask for the dressing on the side so you can control how much is actually poured on your salad.


Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium, but too much is bad for you. This is because similar to cream-based dressings, cheese is fatty. Cheddar and American cheeses are by far the worst, but even feta and parmesan can do some damage too if you're not careful. So the next time the waiter comes around asking if you would like some freshly grated cheese on your salad, give them a firm no.


Croutons, even tortilla strips and wontons, give salads a nice little "crunch." But if it's crunch you're after, you should opt to include some strips of red bell pepper, chopped walnuts, or snap peas instead. Not only are croutons filled with empty carbs and fat—it's made with refined and over processed left over white bread after all—but they're typically fried. Nothing fried should ever touch your salad, including chicken tenders.


No matter if you choose to use the real deal or the artificial flavored bacon bits, adding this ingredient to your salad is a huge no-no. Both are loaded with sodium and the latter, well it contains preservatives that can potentially harm your body.

Iceberg Lettuce

That's not to say that iceberg lettuce isn't good for you—comprised of almost 90% water and containing no more than 8 calories per cup, it's a healthy choice. Its' just that romaine lettuce and the darker leafy greens such as spinach kale and arugula are even better choices. The dark the leaf, the more nutritional punch your salad will have which means you'll get all the necessary cancer and disease-fighting properties you need to live a long, healthy life.


This guest post is contributed by Angelita Williams, she welcomes your comments at her email Id:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Breakfast Food Picture Blog

I am heading out for vacation and decided to make some tasty french toast for breakfast here it is........

1/2 banana 1 tbs chocolate pb drizzle of honey and a dash of cinnamon

I used 1 egg and 1/4 c skim milk

Beautiful and D-lish, and the ingredients were split for both pieces

How do you top French toast or Waffles?
The MINI Cooper is fixed to the cost of $450 and I am ready for a safe trip to visit my family. I am not expecting any good workouts, as I still have a cold but atleast my sore throat is gone. Thank you all for the get well wishes, nothings worse then heading on vacation not feeling well.

Putting on my happy face....I did do a total of 10 miles of running this week!
Have a great weekend, back on Tuesday.

Ripped Diet Day 26 (Picture Blog)

I never get time to load pictures during the week, so here are some of my meals with just 2 days to go.

This is how I start the day drink, right out of bed (thanks Rachel Mac)
It rids toxins and makes you really clean out your system if you know what I mean

Lemon and pepper I call Fire water!

Drink it fast because it doesn't taste pleasant!

How to make my Green Monsters after my morning workout. Lots of people have asked me about these, and you DONT taste the fresh spinach really. I like banana, strawberry, pineapple, peach, and mango in mine. I don't care for the blueberries with the spinach but to each person they have a flavor they like.

It just depends how lazy I am and since its good to have the extra carbs in the morning naners are good for that. (I would not do chocolate whey uck!)

Water 1 cup Spinach 1 cup

My mini blender has measure on it

2 scoops whey

1 tsp olive oil for good fat

Banana or fruit of choice - sometimes I do 1/2 sometimes whole naner

Close the lid down or mash it

Mix it all up good till the fresh spinach is small

Drink it all up like Popeye, Yum! This one does not look very green bc I did not have on my over head light but they are Delish

For more recipe ideas just go to my blog

Now on to the food!

Bison topped with relish and mushrooms

Tuna and farm eggs with relish only, you won't miss the condiments really! Topped with sunflower seeds

I made this with 2 eggs, and it was too much for lunch but fine for dinner

Strawberries, cashews and a sprinkle of fresh coconut - I have a whole bag so I thought what the heck = Delish! Vacation without leaving home :-)

Salmon is so good for you I have been eating it 2 days a week

Salmon topped with bell peppers, mushrooms and spinach


Now on to my garden - for my sparklers that love these my poppies and azaleas

This is an azelea white with a shrub I dont know that I just somehow planted together and they like where they are. The pink flowers smell nice, if you know plants please let me know what that one is

Usually beat down by the spring rain this year I got a few and they are amazing and feel like soft skin when you touch the petals. Hard to grow, lovely to see...........

Have a great weekend!


Quest bars, love'm!

My new fav is the lemon, tart and sweet with 20g of protein....I may be getting addicted. I found this nifty little link from Self magazine on line to calculate your "Happy Weight"

 Mine is 124.6 Which explains why I keep re-setting to that number. I just think it is fun to do some of the calculators they have out.

IT department at blogger is making me *sigh over this having to learn more stuff again....ha ha I must be an ole dog :-)

If you do the happy weight calculation, let me know if you feel it is correct...all in fun!

Monday, April 23, 2012

New workout and more...Pic blog!

I got this dvd to try and its super! Here is what I had to say about it.......if you want to know more.

The core in this is sooooo good! I mean really I use balls all the time, all shapes and sizes because they WORK! Plus using it during the cardio section was tough, little movements that you really feel! Plus this workout makes you feel graceful even if your NOT a dancer. This weekend was my cooking class, this was me on the way out. I loved the class because it was all Mexican food and I just can't resist fresh salsa yum! Needless to say I tried to curb my eating elsewhere so I could save cals for dinner. So worth it and I tried to eat as much chicken as I could! Of course I had dessert, delish. I made a wonderful pork tenderloin, and served it up like this...... Just good ole home cooking Decided to finish up the strawberries and chocolate And added coconut to finish that off too. This is the dry shampoo I just tried, I give it a 9 just because its weird to use. If anyone has a good one for DARK hair let me know.....this is from the UK where my wonderful friend Mandy is from xoxoxo her. Guess what??? The poppies are all about to bloom woo woo! and mom's rose bloomed!!! love and miss you mom!!! and some weed daisys I just can't part with..... Workouts: Saturday killer Yoga at the studio up the street (where I saw a good fabulous friend I have been missing xoxoxo) Sunday walking, shopping and house task.
Off to learn more about how to use the new blogger..........sigh!

Monday, April 16, 2012

2 New Products Review (pic blog)

Casual weekend wear.....woo woo I got my LAST closet cleaned!

We had rain on Saturday so after I taught Yoga at the studio, I started trying on all the things in my cedar closet.

Bye bye 18 more pieces!

There was 20 but I decided to pull out 2 of them just in case. Still I can move things around just great. I feel much more lively knowing that is completed and this purge is done and my new wardrobe is all amazing things I love to wear that fit me and my style.

I ended up with summer bottoms:
2 black skirts
2 pattered skirts
2 black crops
1 black pants
2 black walking shorts (I pulled on dressy back in)
1 tan crop
1 tan walking short
1 grey walking short
1 white crop denim (these I pulled back in)
1 white walking short

14 total pieces.........whew!

Why do I think I need more clothes???? Slap me silly and add the cash to the savings lol. Girls we love to shop, and dress up its just in me why fight it!

I also tried 2 new products.........

Cracker creations in PB = good on the go.
140 cals for a pack of 5 grain crackers = 4gr protein.
I give this a 9 for easy on the go, the grains and protein per cals and that its NOT dry. Wheat can be so dry, it still has sodium and is a pre-pack but pretty natural.

And this heavenly product.......

Dark cream cheese chocolate really?!!! Love.

Look at the amazing texture

Just smooth on to strawberries and instant HEAVEN. I give this product a 10! It was easy to use, portion control and very satisfied after having it. This is in the refrigerated section of the food stores, I found it near the Yogurt and cream cheese section.

Took 2 walks this weekend = 9 miles total.

More on the new Creation Crackers..........

Oh and happy birthday to the Yoga studio this month = 4 years old and happy 1 year teaching to me. woo woo!!! I am thrilled to be a part of such a great Yoga family.

I am working straight through today, going to the ear doctor for my VERY LAST post-op appointment. The ear will be totally cleaned out and speaking into existence COMPLETELY HEALED. Praise God.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Good News, Minor Goals

Good news!!! I got to get my yoga mat bags in the Zfit studio!

I took them 10 bags

Super happy they will put them on the on-line store they have too, thanks Tj!
Look how great he made the display of the products they carry as they continue to grow. They are going to be adding another type of class but more on that later.

Yay! So grateful for a chance to have them there, it is a very nice studio and it is the place where I do the Hot Yoga classes. Bye bye toxins!

Today we have a luncheon at our office for the
St. Louis Cardinals home opening day!
My Cardinal spirit outfit, my headband has the logo on it but its too tiny to see in this photo.

I know its not true Cardinal red, but its the closest I have for office attire.

Anyway I get to teach this Saturday at the Yoga studio, and I can't wait since I have not had a chance to do any yoga since last Sunday. Boo!

What are my next minor goals:
Waiting on new food/workout plan hope to get this week - YIKES time is flying by
Make more homemade protein bars - have to find the recipe for my client
Read up on canning so I can can some things using my moms stuff (this will be a huge challenge)
Planning a jewelry party = girls night fun!
Finishing up the rest of my Agape yoga groupon

Taking it slow this weekend, its been forever since I have not had a ton to do and I am going to just enjoy!

Go CARDS!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quest Bars are YUMMO!

This is yesterday's outfit, nothing new but the tee shirt from Ann Taylor the scarf is from Cateos and the boot shoes, Payless crops from Old Navy.

Woo woo......I am super happy my Quest Bars came!

I love the lemon!

Of course they don't make a bad flavor, but lemon is such a treat to me. I was able to eat one between clients and it sure saved my energy level.

Last nights workouts again a double!

Workout - 2 clients back to back
Time of workout - 2 hrs
Cals burned = 297

Step ups
TRX plank to scissors to double leg in and outs
Bench press - 15lb

Skull crushers - 10lb
T lateral lifts - 5lbs
Walking lunges

Back rows - 25lb
Bicep curls - 15lb
Burpees - 1 min

Bench hops - 1 min
Bench dips - 1 min
Leg lift dips - 30 sec

Boxing rounds
Jabs R
Jabs L
Combo Jabs

Bicycles w/palate's ball
Reverse crunch w/palate's ball

Step ups
10 plyo jump low step
Back rows 25lb

Sand bag clean and press
Bench press 10lb
TRX plank hold to scissor to single leg mt climbers

Incline bench press
High plyo 1 min
Calve lifts 3-way

Single leg lunge w/shoulder press
Low step with later lifts front then side
Double hammer curl to rotator fly to kissed upright row

Superman w/leg circles L & R
Gate w/leg lifted
Table top with straight leg circles

Tonight I am off, yes off!

I going to take my Yoga mat bags to another studio to see if they are going to sell them for me. They want them but have not seen wish me luck!

and these are some of the fabrics

Plus I get to teach this Saturday at the Yoga Studio the 10am slot I am so happy I love that time slot!

Do you eat Quest bars? If so what is your favorite flavor?