
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

JM Shred Level 2 Functional Test Results

Image: [not me]

I found my test on the functional movement screen when I went to the Kettlebell training and here is how I did:

Deep squat = 1 [could have done better but bad knees]
Hurdle step 17" = 2
In line lunge = 2
Shoulder mobility = 1 & 2 [no surprise here with my injury]
Active straight leg raise = 2
Trunk stability push up = 2
Rotary stability = 2

Total score = 12 [14 being the best]

If I could have done a deep squat and had my shoulders been the same, I would have got the 14 woot woot. Something to shoot for!

Last night I decided to take the Zumba class just to get the swing of things since I have been practicing. I got to stay and talk to the instructor and she is switching her class time and someone else will take the early class. Good for me now I can see another style.

Workout - Zumba class at the gym
Mood - eager
Time of workout = 1 hour
Cals burned = 300

Today's workout I really enjoyed the circuit, and plus its just fun to see how much I can do compared to the girls on the dvd. Favorite move, plank jacks rawk!

After workout snack =
2 scoops vanilla whey
1 cup water

JM 30 Day Shred Level 2
Mood - sore
Time of workout = 30 min
Cals burned = 202

Warm up:
arm crosses
J jacks 25
high kicks 20
neck circles

J jacks 25
walking push ups 5/5
squat row 15lb - 22/12

high knees 60/60
squat thrust 22/22
single leg lift crunch 12

lunge w/row 15lb - 20/20
pendulum lunge w/bicep curl 15lb - 8/8
oblique twist 50/60

skaters 25/25
Abs straight leg w/overhead weight 15lb - 18
reverse crunch 20

military press w/leg ext 15lb - 10/8
squat w/side to front lift v-raise 15lb - 10/12
plank jacks 30/30

double jump rope 70/70
plank twist 26


Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Body Results

I got to workout with some profession Kettlebell trainers, it was tough! In this shot I am just holding the 30lb Kettlebell for the photo and you can tell it was tough for me.

1. because I did an hour cardio that morning
2. because I did a 2 hour wall yoga class [which was cool and different]
3. because I was too tired to hold in my core as my form should have been

When working with the kettlebells you swing and then tighten the butt and thighs digging the toes into the mat. I had trouble doing that movement with my shoes off.

I also felt the 30lb was too heavy and switched to a 20lb bell, and my back sure felt all of that the next day. Where was I NOT SORE?

They do this testing [takes like 20 minutes] before you get to do the Kettlbell workout and it was very interesting. It is not flexibility but stabilizing and how asymmetrical your body is to avoid injury. For me they said no overhead swings.

I got a score of 12 which was very good but a 14 was perfect. I do think I may have scored better if I was not so tired and the fact that my one arm reaches up higher then the other behind my back took 2 points off. I never saw a testing like this, any where.

Here are my workouts and even though I ate great on Thanksgiving, just turkey, a sweet potato plain, and salad with apples I had peanut butter pie ;-)

Nuff said! My stats were better then I thought they would be, at least my weight for sure considering my diet has not been as clean as I would have liked it to be.

Off day - rest and recover

20 minute Zumba Express
Cals burned = 100

Wt - 123.5
BF% - 24.1
BMI - 20.8

Saturday [Insane workout day]
Elliptical - 60 min = 600 cals
Wall Yoga - 120 mins = 137
Kettlebell - 30 min = 100

Total calories burned = 837

I did straight easy cardio
Went to Wall Yoga class with straps, fun and different
Interviewed and trained Kettlebell at a new studio opening.

1 hour Hatha Yoga
Cals burned = 137

Rest and enjoy day

Here is my change from 1 year
The first (left) is from 11/2009 the second (right) is 11/2010 as you can tell I need to do more work. My abs are going in the WRONG DIRECTION!

New Goals, new plans Pictures never lie!......NO EXCUSES

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Talk

Happy Thanksgiving all!

I know I am early, but I have NO intention on being online over the holiday.....I am on a computer, iPad vacation!

My workout = 20 minute Zumba Express

It is raining here in STL so I had to get up early and get things ready to go since traffic would also be a bear *sigh. Thank God it was not that bad and I made it just when I wanted to at 7.45am.

I made my apple salad with almonds and low fat cheese for our Thanksgiving feast here at the office. Someone had to make something good for you right? There were already 4 pies back there, meatballs cooking and nacho cheese and chips ready to go...our warehouse guys and drivers start at 4am.

Good news is I am off for the next 4 days, yippee!

Check out my schedule:

Tonight I train a new client, and I am super happy to help her change her life as she has 2 kids and one is a special needs.

Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving! I plan to workout at home and relax with some flavored coffee. Make some socks, to drop off and be non-rushed. Then I will be heading for the Turkey Feast. (Again bringing the same salad with apples, almonds and low fat cheese).

Friday Yoga at 9.30am then work on my house with Christmas decorations and what not.

Saturday the long awaited 9.30am -11.30am Wall Yoga with straps, should be a new fun challenge.
Then at noon its off to a NEW Kettlebell Studio to do an interview, workout demo and take some pictures.

Wonder how sore I am going to be after all this *yikes

Sunday will be church and then chill. (yes chill, but that does NOT mean skip my workout)

Will I get any turkey left overs? Don't know, but I am hoping to get at least enough for a sandwich as I love turkey. I'm sure there will be lots of talking, eating and fun had by all.

What is your thanksgiving going to be like?
Give me your turkey talk........

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Strappy Yoga Class

I had my ear appointment yesterday, hearing test, ear cleaned, then a catscan, and off to get a prescription $95 later!

Lets hope I get a call soon to find out that everything is good. He said it looks great and healing as well and my hearing is even better then it was prior to the surgery.

The ringing in my head - party, is going to dissipate he said, as the wall of the ear drum gets thicker now that it is not diseased.

Hurry UP already!

This has been going on for almost a year, 2 surgeries and I am so ready to move on with my life and be able to hear myself think. Not that I am super brainy but still ;-)

So my day was long, and I got home starved! I had scrambled eggs and added salsa and cheese with a side order of toast with my home made apple pumpkin butter - D-lish!

Then I wanted something sweet and had 4 cookies, and 1 cup skim milk. Needless to say that was not the way to end the day! But honestly that's how I ended it.

Nuff said.

If your new to Yoga I really like this workout and its FREE

I will be taking my first Wall Yoga class this Saturday, from 9.30-11.30 and am super thrilled. I can't wait as the first class is free so what have I got to lose right? This is the kind with bands, not just poses to the wall sorta like TRX but yoga style.

Strappy Wall Yoga, ever do this??? I only found a few Youtubes on it....

I am P-U-M-P-E-D!

Plus I got my mini ball to workout with my new Pilates routine to teach, and I am ready for that. I have to present it next week to Linda to do a workshop on Yoga/Pilates flow.

*Plus I get to interview on Saturday, and do a workout with a BRAND NEW ST. LOUIS KETTLEBELL Workout studio!

My workout today and a walk/run at lunch

Workout - Shred Kettlebells Level 1 - 12lb Kettlebell
Mood - Super
Wt - 124
Time of workout - 30 mins
Cals burned = 100

Shred with Kettlebells
Arm swings
Pass kettlebell at waist level - R & L
Pass Kettelbell at head level - R & L
Twist hold in front

Repeat 2 times (first R then L)
Bridge w/shoulder press & leg lift
Swings front - 20
Squat w/front row - 20

Repeat 2 times (first R then L)
Front swings w/switching arms
Lunge w/back row

Crunch holding kettlebell at core
Triangle w/over head snap press
3 way hop holding bell at chest
Laydown get up holding kettlebell
Full swings w/head between legs


Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekend Mish-Mash Workouts

I got so much done this weekend, I am super proud of T. I got another client, plus my Boxing flyer up at the Yoga studio.

Outside holiday lights up, and got things moved ready to decorate for the holiday.

Sure I wanted to hit the gym, but that just did not happen this weekend and today I am working early shift to go back to the ear doctor for a hearing test. I just want the PARTY OUT OF MY HEAD.

I made Rachel Macs eggs and oats but put them in a pancake, topped with the homemade apple pumpkin butter I created and a drizzle of honey. D-LISH.

Saturday workout:
10 min Zumba warm up
30 min Shred with weights Level 1
1 hour Yoga class

Jillian Michael's Shred w/Weights 12lb Kettlebell

Workout - Shred Kettlebells Level 1 & Yoga Class & Zumba
Mood - Ampd
Wt - 124
Time of workout - 1hr 40 mins
Cals burned = 312

Shred with Kettlebells
Arm swings
Pass kettlebell at waist level - R & L
Pass Kettelbell at head level - R & L
Twist hold in front

Repeat 2 times (first R then L)
Bridge w/shoulder press & leg lift
Swings front - 20
Squat w/front row - 20

Repeat 2 times (first R then L)
Front swings w/switching arms
Lunge w/back row

Crunch holding kettlebell at core
Triangle w/over head snap press
3 way hop holding bell at chest
Laydown get up holding kettlebell
Full swings w/head between legs

Hatha Yoga Class - 1 hour

Sunday workout:
45 min power walk
Cals burned = 151


Friday, November 19, 2010

Motivation Running

Today I run.

" Failure is no word. Either you are the best or you will be soon."
Written in 2010 by Varun Arora --- India

" Everyone starts at the bottom; though he who strives, makes it to the top."
Written in 2010 by L.P. --- California

" Be happy for what you've learned and where you come from and be excited for where you are going."
Written in 2010 by Scott Jensen --- Utah

" Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time."
Asha Tyson --- Submitted by George Wachirah --- Kenya

" Success in life is not earned by just wishing and believing. It only comes into reality when you know what to do to earn it and go after it."
Written in 2010 by Zakiyu Iddris Tandunayir --- Ghana
Often, people wish for great things in life but they don't do what will make them arrive at it. In the community where I come from, most of the youth always dream of becoming this and that, but they don't engage themselves in activities that will really make them become what they want to become.

" Destiny is all about the choices we make and the chances we take."
Written in 2010 by Ruheen Khan --- India

" Worrying about the future only robs you from enjoying the present. The future will take care of itself; it's the present that needs our constant attention. Learn to enjoy it for what it really is - a gift."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jennifer H. --- Kansas

" In order to make a difference, all you need to do is start."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Rebone Mogotsi --- South Africa

Today is sunny and warm, I will look forward to an awesome workout run at lunch. I was going to bring my kettlebell but decided to enjoy the run on the pavement while hearing birds sing and seeing fish is good.

Yesterdays workout:

Workout - Cardio and Yoga Core
Mood - burrrr
Wt - 124
Time of workout - 15 min + 60 = 75 min
Cals burned = 187

15 Min Running/walking inclines
1 hr Yoga Core class

Todays workout:

Workout - Cardio Zumba & Run/Walk
Mood - Brrrrring it
Wt - 124
Time of workout - 20 + 45 = 65 min
Cals burned = 227

AM workout:
Zumba Express w/Beto

Lunch workout:
45 Min run/walk inclines


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Don't Complicate It!

I really like this latest newsletter from Steve owner of Fitness and More

The main reason that you're not happy with your weight is because of what you eat.

It's hardly your fault.

Have you ever stopped to notice how many times you're bombarded by food marketing each day?

Ads come at you from magazine pages, T.V. commercials, on websites and billboards, each boasting of cheap, convenient and tasty ways to cure your hunger.

The question "What's for dinner?" has never been more complex than now.

Extensive menu options and large entrees have distorted your concept of a proper meal, and before you know it you've fallen into the trap of the chain restaurant, the drive thru, and the take-out line.

But wait – truly healthy eating is simple.

First you need to block out the blizzard of food marketing around you.

Remember that advertisers want your money, and they don't stop to consider if the food they promote will expand your waist – that's your job.

It's safe to say that, with few exceptions, any food that you see marketed should be avoided. When was the last time you saw an ad for grilled white fish, steamed broccoli and a side of brown rice?

So what does truly healthy eating look like?

A healthy meal contains lean protein, fresh vegetables and a modest serving of whole grains.

Just as importantly, a healthy meal does NOT contain:

•Refined sugar / corn syrup
•Fried / fatty food
•Full fat dairy food
•Processed food with chemical additives
Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What you decide to eat when you first wake up will set the tone for the rest of your meals that day. Try these healthy options:

•Scrambled egg whites, sliced tomato and whole grain toast
•Whole grain oatmeal, sliced fruit and a protein shake
•Homemade breakfast sandwich: Multi-grain English muffin with lean turkey slices and egg
Healthy Lunch

It is important to plan your lunch ahead of time in order to avoid turning to a fast food joint or vending machine. Pack your lunch the night before and carry it with you. Try these healthy options:

•Dark baby greens topped with chopped chicken breast and diced tomatoes
•Albacore tuna (packed in water), mixed with finely chopped cucumber over brown rice
•Homemade sandwich: Sprouted grain bread with lean turkey slices, lettuce, tomato and mustard
Healthy Dinner

Dinner is the meal where most people splurge and eat far more calories than they should. Eating at home is the first step in reducing your dinnertime calories. Try these healthy options:

•Grilled white fish, sautéed spinach and whole wheat couscous
•Baked chicken breast, steamed broccoli and brown rice
•Try the recipe for Chicken Quinoa Stir Fry below
While healthy eating is a huge factor in achieving your ideal weight, exercise is the other half of the equation.

Your exercise routine should be challenging and should be done on a regular basis. this last line is so true, it is what I teach ... CONSISTENCY = SUCCESS!

You would be surprised how small changes can add up. When my trainer put me on that diet last year, I stuck with it true and true and got to 113 lbs. This year I struggled!


I was not consistent, I had too many little cheats in the wrong direction.

Last nights workout Boxing training went great, so well I may be doing a workshop at the Yoga studio. Life is good. Today's workout will be run/walk at lunch and Yoga core after work.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just a Slacker Week?

My Yoga teacher and first Heavy Bag client, Linda Jones CYT

This week, even though it is only Wednesday is making me feel like a slacker. Why?

I took an extra day off.

Well I did this for 2 reasons, one my back has been bothering me and the thought of swinging a kettlebell yesterday was just not something I felt I wanted to do.

Plus, I would have walked at lunch but I have been out searching for more socks to make.

Today I have to get more socks, as the holiday approaches I am selling them faster then I can keep up. So even though that is a good thing the ones I really like are hard to find.

Tonight is my first client for Boxing. I can't wait, even though its my Yoga teacher I don't care I just am so PUMPED up! And so is she, thank goodness.

Her daughter has been making fun of her the way she stands to pretend to jab so I can't wait to work on her form. She lives downtown and she needs to know how to BAM someone good lol.

Just a reminder, always do a warm up of about 7-9 minutes before any exercise. Especially if it is early morning and your muscles are cold, now if you have been up and moving about you can shorten that a bit but listen to your body on this and take the time to do it to avoid injury.

Workout - Cardio Zumba
Mood - Sexy
Wt - 123
Time of workout - 20 min Express w/Beto
Cals burned 50

Zumba party 20 minute Express - I finally feel like I am getting better at some of the moves ;-)
Tonight - Teach boxing one on one should burn a few calories.

I totally want to make this recipe I love pumpkin and pasta!
It looks easy and I think de-lish

I forgot to load my pictures up from my last food recipe, maybe by the weekend? I have NO idea why time is going so fast these days.

Or is it just me???


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bob Harper Kettlebell Workout

Has anyone ordered this?

I think this would be so much better then JM, not that I don't like her workout I do. I just think his style of training would be awesome!

I like the fact these bells are contoured but my bell is covered so I think its pretty comfy for me. I have a 12lb but would love to bump up, to maybe a 20lb or 25lb. I do struggle with some of the overhead snatch and press moves but for just swing I think I could do better with heavy.

How do you know when your using the right weight?
The last 2-3 reps should be very challenging
You should be doing no more then 20 reps max (8-10 for size 12-15 for lean)
Dropping down weights work well to fatigue muscles for more reps
Adding weight does well to fatigue muscles for less reps

The whole point of strength training is to fatigue the muscle, if your not doing that you won't get the results.

How do you know you have worked till fatigue?

Your form will get sloppy and it should be very hard for the last 1-2 movements. Plus you will feel it the next day! Oh yes, you will and that's a good thing. Its also why you should not work the same body part every day.

Rest and rebuild.

Kettlebell or Dumbbell doesn't matter. Same principle applies, work it, rest it.

You can strength train a few ways, that depends on how much time you have. You can do a upper body one day, lower the next or a full body and skip. Its a matter of preference.

Me I like upper or lower, that gives my lower body more time to recover for cardio.

My splits are:
Back, arms, shoulders, tris and chest
Legs, glutes, abs

If you have a Bob Harper DVD you like let me know or if you ordered this, looking for a review

No workout today, praise and worship instead.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Heavy Bag Hitting for Woman

I took some pictures for my Heavy Bag Hitting training that I am posting on ebay and craigslist and I picked the bottom picture for the ad. I look a bit crazy doing my jab in the top picture, so I think I will just leave that one out lol.......

My first client is this Wednesday, I am super PUMPED UP!

$15 for 30 min and $25 per hour is the rate I am charging, and its for women only. As you my know I have passion for boxing and I was trained boxing by a 2 x Golden Gloves, and have spared with a MMA trainer. (felt the PAIN)

I had a good weekend and a fierce workout at the gym on Sunday, I am so glad its my day off because I am very sore. No REALLY!

Check the numbers out....I'm kinda proud of me ;-)

1 hour yoga class

Workout - ST / cardio at the gym
Mood - super
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 60 min
Cals burned = 360

Warmup - 7 min cardio elliptical

2x10 each:
25lb db dead lifts
15lb - 20lb db bench flys
15lb - 20lb db chest press incline
25lb single arm bent row
5lb T-plank oblique twist
Hyper extensions
2x25 bent knee bench knee in crunches
20lb clean and press
15lb - 20lb in-out bicep
15lb cross body bicep

23 min cardio elliptical - 10-12 resistance 1-4

Runners lunge
Wide forward bend
Cat to cow
Downward dog to cobra
Shoulder-tricep stretch
Neck rolls


Holiday snack ideas

Friday, November 12, 2010

Outdoor Kettlebell Workout

I love the outdoors, and spend my lunch at a park everyday I can.

Today I decided to do my Kettlebell workout outside at the park
and boy did it ENERGIZE ME! Beautiful day 75 cloudy and breezy just perfect for a workout.

This is why I am posting my blog so late, and I worked up an awesome sweat! I did walking inclines first, and finished with a Kettlebell workout routine I created and it was tough.

I did a 3 swing movements to 1 stationary movement.

Workout = Cardio Mix w/Kettlebells
Mood - Fabulous
Time of workout = 45 minutes
Cals burned = 180

Cardio = 3 miles inclines
ST = 20 minute Kettlebell swings

12lb Kettlebell Workout:
Forward swings
Pass around while walking
Waist twists
Switch grip swings
Lunge w/shoulder press
Forward swings
Dead lift w/row
Lunge w/row
Lunge clean and press
Halo circles R & L
Waist circles R & L


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Growth Charts by GrowthArt a keepsake memory

A friend of mine makes these fabulous Growth Charts
Talk about a one-of-a-kind gift these are hand made and can be passed down from generation to generation.
Hand painted and designed they are ready to take your holiday orders, and they can even make special orders so contact Brian and he will be happy to work with you.

I found this blog from Sparkler TESENISIS1 and I think it is very interesting, as you all know how much I love cinnamon and honey together on my eggs-n-oats from Rachel_Mac

Let me know your thoughts......didn't know how good this was for the body:

Yesterdays workout ended up being a calorie burn of 195 not too bad and I feel great today about that and had a pretty good meal day.

1 cheat = pumpkin bread I made, 1 slice + 1 cup skim

Unfortunately I had a "toss and turn" night, I was restless and I did not sleep well from 4am on so I only did my Zumba this morning.

Good new, no traffic!

Thank you all Veterans for all you do, will do and have done for us and our country I salute you!

Here is my workout:
Workout - Cardio = Zumba & Yoga Class
Mood - Restless
Time of workout - 10 Zumba 1hr Yoga = 1hr 10 min
Cals burned = 50 + 137 = 187

10 Min Zumba w/Beto
1 hr Yoga Core Class tonight

We still have fabulous weather so I will walk again at lunch today.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shred it with Kettlebells Level 2

My workout yesterday after my 1 mile run and 2 mile walk ended up being a 305 calorie burn.

Today I plan to walk since tomorrow I will do step or legs. My plan is alternating strength training (Kettlebell, Boxing, Yoga) with cardio (Zumba, Running, Walking, Elliptical) Depending on the day of the week AND if I am training at the gym or at home.

Sounds confusing but it's not the only mix may be a double = ST in the am and a cardio at lunch. Splits give me better fat burning results. Meanwhile, Bible study went great and the pumpkin bread I made was a hit (no added sugar)

I found this great food site on the back of the Libbys Pie label and its a great site I am going to try some of the recipes.

Today's Workout:

Shred w/Kettlebell Level 2 & Zumba Party Mix
Wt - 123
Time of workout = 15 JM K-2 + 15 Zumba = 30 mins
Cal burned = 100

Zumba Cardio Party Workout 3 sessions
JM Shred with weights Kettlebell workout (I use a 12lb Kettlebell)

Figure 8
Jack w/press
Lunge back
Toe taps - 30
Hip thrust - 12

Repeat 2 times:
Rock n roll up -12
Back lunge w/press -15
Leg up halo - 2x10

Repeat 2 times:
XJacks w/at chest - 25
Plank rows - 15
Swings w/dives -25
Plyo swings w/3 way walk - 25

Repeat 2 times:
Squat w/shoulder press
Rotating swings (Heros)
Inverted grip pushups - 15 (these are super odd)
Punch swings w/1 arm out

Crunch twist w/kettlebell at chest


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So What I'm Lazy

Ok, I had EVERY INTENTION OF GOING TO CLASS this morning at what I'm lazy!

Can't I be once in a while?

It was a cardio mix class with my favorite trainer and it was warm out this morning and still I couldn't drag myself to go.

I was up

I was energized

I slept well

No excuse, but being lazy. Did not want to get in my car and drive 1 mile down the road to do it.

Ok, nuff said, nuff beat up T. moment......maybe next week.

STOP THE CYCLE! That's where change doesn't happen but procrastination starts, don't let this happen to you.

Did I workout?


Would someone else do that?


But the point is, Lazy is so not good for your health and wellness so just go for a few minutes, commit...then once you get going its all down hill from there. Find the MOST ENERGETIC person in the gym and get right next to them......


Works, nuff said.

Ok here is my fun workout and I really enjoyed myself and "felt the music" I only wish I had more time.......

After workout smoothie:
1 banana
1 scoop whey
1 cup cold water

Workout = Cardio Zumba
Mood - Happy
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 40 min
Cals burned = 120

Am workout = Zumba party mix
Afternoon workout = Walk inclines


Monday, November 8, 2010

Lat Pull Down with My Twist

I had a great weekend and enjoyed my extra hour of SLEEP!

My workouts felt great, and I also ate much better then usual. (no processed foods)

I went to a restaurant near my work for lunch on Saturday its called Viviano's and they were having a 7 year anniversary party.

Samples were cheese, wine and pasta.

I tried the squash ravioli pasta in olive oil. OMG they are going to carry this on the menu starting tomorrow. D-lish! I had just a salad with some meats, salami, and ham and fresh olive oil and pepper.

I did get 2 recipes, one for a roll up the other for celery with cranberry and cream cheese. (try to post later I forgot to bring them to work)

Here are my workouts, and our weather was very motivating!!!

Looking for great core and multi workout? Try this move I invented (I love to create new moves from machines) at the gym:

If you have a cable lat pull down machine pull in your core and lay flat (with both cables in your hands). Don't go too heavy here, 20-40lb only if you have a strong back.
Lay back flat, and bring one cable back to a lay down row squeezing all the way back towards the floor, holding the other mid way at bent elbow position.

This gives you an isometric hold, while working the other arm in a row and doing a pilates core move like on a reformer...sweet!

Try doing 10-15 per side, let me know if you love this move.

1 hour yoga class - right in front of the teacher ;-) eye to eye
45 minute walk

Workout - at the gym
Mood = Great
Time of workout = 1 hr
Cals burned = 498 take that fall fat!!!

10 min warm up elliptical
2x10 each + add 10lb second set:

Laying glute press 55lb, 70lb
Standing glute press 40lb, 50lb
Squat 60lb, 70lb

Lat pull down 40lb, 50lb
Chest fly press 40lb, 50lb
Back row seated 40lb, 50lb
Asst pull up 45lb, 55lb

Back extension 40lb (both sets)
Hyperextension 2x12

20 min Elliptical inclines 10-15 resistance 1-4

Cool down stretches
Downward dog w/ single leg stretch
Runners lunge

Ab pulses w/cable pulls 40lb

Off day

Ha, plus I saw someone doing a lat pull down move like I do yesterday I call them in and outs.....woot woot.


Cornish hens yummo!

Fun stuff picture blog, enjoy!

Cornish hens

Artwork hung in the studio

Zumba fashions I made

More Zumba fashion tank cut side and made bows instead of slits

This one got sold this week

Making socks

Fun crafting, I am selling these 3 styles of socks

style 1

style 2

Me getting the highest scrabble word point EVER!

First word of the game......80 points!

super happy!

apple tart I turned into Rachels eggs-n-oats

turned into a apple eggs-n-oats pancake

topped with pb and a tad of honey

Have a super day!

Food and Fashion Picture Blog

Fun stuff picture blog, enjoy! (My workouts later today)

Cornish hens

Artwork hung in the makeover Fitness Studio

Zumba fashions I made

More Zumba fashions this is a tank, I cut sides and made bows instead of slits

This one got sold this week :-)

Making socks for extra income

Fun crafting, I am selling these 3 styles of socks (the toe-less are great for Yoga)

style 1

style 2

Me getting the highest scrabble word point EVER!

First word of the game......80 points! (cause I got the 50 bonus for using all tiles)

super happy! (sorry I am wearing NO make up here)

Apple tart I turned into Rachels eggs-n-oats

I turned it into a apple eggs-n-oats pancake and it grilled up great with the 2 egg whites

I topped it with pb and a tad of honey, DELISH!

Have a super day!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Why Me?

Oh I can find every excuse in the world to have a "ME pity party" but its not going to work.

Why me when:

I will and can get focused - because I love myself enough to take care of the body God gave me

I can stop excuses - really are they valid, nope!

I will find ways to encourage myself - find 1 good thing, its not hard (my feet)

I won't let others de-rail me - nope, going to stick with my plan of action

I have spunk - somedays more then others

I may have to push myself - yup, my own GO button

I will have to motivate myself - no one can do this for me

I can create a good environment to do good - color I love color

I won't let time get away from me - if I make it important I will do it

I will try new things - I won't fear the unknown

Why me? well......why not me, I'm the only ME God made like this "a one of a kind" so I may as well honor him and do the best I can with ME.

Today's stats:

Wt = 124

BF% 24 *sigh - really those pumpkin muffy tops are killing me, STOP the sugar madness!

BMI 20.7

Last night Yoga was wonderful, after Kettlebell I was so sore. Yesterdays calore burn total was 233.

I also got 2 orders to make shirts and socks at Yoga class so I will take pics and blog about that. Its so fun and if I can make extra money even better :-) Oh I will start my boxing clients week after next - the 15th placing the add on the 12th.

Did you know Cornish Hens are chucked full of protein? 24 grams I think I will be making more of them this month. (got a pic too need to load up)

Cals 175 (baked with a tad of olive oil)

Workout tonight - Zumba


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kettlebell Workout plus Yoga Meditation

Today's workout = Level 1

Last night the Yoga Meditation work shop was great, I learned a lot of new breathing styles and how to meditate in 3 ways.

Candle, Art, Secret Place.

Other methods were:
Counting to infinity
Visualize bright light
Visualize calm and happy

and to always remember to use your mouth for eating and nose to breathe.

My workout today felt much more focuses, could it have been from the meditation last night?

Today's smoothie:
1 tsp olive oil (adding good fats in my diet for belly fat)
2 scoops vanilla whey
1/2 banana
1 cup cold water

Workout - Shred with Kettlebells Level 1 & Yoga Class
Mood - Ampd
Wt - 122
Time of workout - 30 + 60 minutes
Cals burned = 133 + Kettelbell circuit

Shred with Kettlebells
Arm swings
Pass kettlebell at waist level - R & L
Pass Kettelbell at head level - R & L
Twist hold in front

Repeat 2 times (first R then L)
Bridge w/shoulder press & leg lift
Swings front - 20
Squat w/front row - 20

Repeat 2 times (first R then L)
Front swings w/switching arms
Lunge w/back row

Crunch holding kettlebell at core
Triangle w/over head snap press
3 way hop holding bell at chest
Lay down get up holding kettlebell
Full swings w/head between legs

Yesterday at lunch I did get in 3 mile run at a 10 minute mile too......57 fabulous degrees perfect for running!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Playful Workouts

I wish I had something super insightful to share today but I am feeling playful instead.
Have you ever heard of Fitness Poker?

I did this article on it because I feel like you have to mix things up, hence the reason I went to the Dollar store and got a Hoola-Hoop!

Did you know there is always an exercise you can do to be inspired? You don't have to do the same ole same old again and again till it becomes like work.
(insert not counting runners here) But still you vary your runs and times so that is changing it up and either you like running or you don't per say.

My friend Steve from Fitness and More just sent out a newsletter on this exact subject (insert great minds think alike?)

Workout today - 3 mile Run at lunch

1/2 banana
2 scoop vanilla whey
1 c water
1 tsp olive oil

I leave you with some inspiration today:
" When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life."
Written in 2010 by Thami Lomo --- South Africa

" Eliminate thoughts of inaction and doubt. Find, add, create and manifest creative and action thoughts, then create and act upon them."
Written in 2010 by Jesse Barkasy --- Connecticut

" Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live."
Bob Marley

" Components of success consist of understanding your god given talent, committing yourself to it , excelling in it and positively impacting the lives of others."
Written in 2010 by Samuel Pennington Baidoo

" Every investment begins from the journey of the mind. Moreover, before physical success there must be a mind success."
Written in 2010 by Yinka Olawunmi

" When you're following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves."
Shakti Gawain

" Sometimes, when we want to get motivated, we only have to remind ourselves of what we are striving for."Written in 2010 by Jasper Tong

" Forget past failures! Focus on the NOW and what needs to be done today to help you achieve your dreams!"Written in 2010 by Aaron Forsyth


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The goal this week is 5 days practice of Zumba, with 2 already done.

Im doing the 20 minute express with Beto then next week I will do my regular full training sessions.

I want to start teaching in December, I have to RAWK out this month! No worries with the strength training thats going to be Kettlebell training, boxing and my workouts at the gym.

November goals:
Adding good fats - 1-2 tsp olive oil per day
Cutting out sugar - adding Stivia
Zumba practice - teach December
Kettlebell for ST - 2 times per week
Boxing for extra cash - 2 times per week/2 clients per week

My workouts:
Workout: Cardio
Mood - Should be off day = Bonus
Wt - 123
Time of workout = 15 min Zumba 40 min walk/running inclines = 55 total
Cals burned = 269

Basic Zumba
1 mile run = 10 min mile
3 miles fast walk w/inclines

Workout - Cardio
Zumba w/Beto
Workout time = 20 minutes
Cals burned = 100


Monday, November 1, 2010

My NEW Power Yoga Video is Up

I finally got my Power Yoga video up, keep in mind I do these on a "one shot only" I think its pretty good.

Of course I have to stop doing these right after my workouts, because its harder but hey I got it done. I have only been doing yoga for about 9 months and its very different then anything else I do.

I'm still working on my Zumba practice but that and my Boxing video will be on the next round.

Today's workout:
15 Minutes Zumba
3-4 mile run/walk inclines at lunch

Please rate me:

And of course I am still on my mission for my new meal and workout plan, lots of new recipes I will have to start making.

Main course workouts:

Goal = reduce body fat%