
Friday, October 29, 2010

Fitness Studio Makeover

This is my Barbie House basement fitness studio area that I have been working on the project of curtains the last 2 nights.
I still have some work to do, sell a piece and move the closet section but so far the floor has been painted and now the curtains made so it is coming along nicely.

Finished project:
Paint floor Tan - done
Wall of curtain to cover small windows - done
Art work in center - bought not hung
Condence clothes racks - this weekend
Sell antique piece - listed on craigslist
Build desk and new office/book shelf/hide water heater - not even started
New can lighting - not even started
New outlet - not even started

I will be teaching Heavy bag boxing/self defense for women one on one, which is why I am doing this. Plus my youtube videos should look nicer.
Diane also suggested I create a logo, so I may work on that as a finishing touch not sure yet. (to place on the opposite wall)

The colors are more clear on the first shot of the wall the curtain panels are 50's era aqua, and dark charcoal gray. (it looks purple in the one shot)

Here are the before and afters:
(please keep in mind this is only about 200 sq ft)

My good friend Diane that helped me with the curtain project she so sweet!

My basement studio



The side I film my youtubes on (I just cover that window with a picture for filming)


After (see it looks purple but its very dark charcoal almost black)

Plus my Halloween Dept 56 window decorations :-)

Let me know your thoughts of the new wall, it will have a piece of artwork large on the center black section (its a Kandinsky abstract)

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 13

Image: HGTV

Moving on.......away from the candy dish!

Yesterday I finished my double workout, Kenpo in the morning and after work Yoga class burning 133 cals. I came in with a total calorie blast of 504 for the!

That means Thursday was Day 3 (Kenpo) & 4 (Yoga X) workouts leaving today as Day 5 Cardio X.

But this morning after staying up late and finishing the curtain project I did not do a workout. Tired T.

Good news is that I did a 3 mile run at lunch, and the basement looks FABULOUS!!!

I took the before and after pictures (without the art work) and will post those this weekend, and ask for opinions. Now I have to sell that little antique dresser and I will have the space I need to start training Heavy bag boxing for women.

I will take my stats this weekend, and wrap up P90X for the year posting all changes made.

P90X Lean Week 13 Day 5
Yoga (I did this last night as a double)
Cardio X = Run 3 miles

Workout - Cardio 3 mile run
Mood - puuurfect
Time of workout = 30 minutes
Cals burned = 219

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

P90X Round 3 Week 13 Kenpo X

Today workout Kenpo X = RAWK this is my zone.

Just the warm up alone could be used as a workout
incorporating yoga moves with some great stretch. Plus its almost 15 minutes long, enough to feel it.

After my walk/run inclines yesterday my total calorie burn was 266. I felt pretty good about that and had my pizza without guilt, and even a small bite of brownie with fat free whip cream D-lish. My cal range was 1800 so I basically came out average on my macros which should not hurt me too bad on Friday stat day. (insert cross fingers here)

Why did I have this meal?

It was for my girl friends birthday, she loves this pizza place near me that she can't get so I ordered it for her "favorite meal" and she totally enjoyed the splurge. Of course the brownie was a "Birthday cake" that we split, with me giving her the larger part. Good T.

We worked on making my curtains for the basement so that I can start teaching heavy bag hitting for extra income. Well and because its just F-U-N to me to blast some calories while getting out any stress you could possibly have on a bag with an attitude of ROCK!

Update on my ear, I did see the doctor (Monday) and the ringing is still there so he ordered a hearing test (next month). Assured me the ear is perfect, healthy and healed so there may be months before this ringing subsides. Next step would be MRI just to be sure there is no nerve damage, after that medicine to calm the noise. Sigh....

I asked him to remove my ear drum and leave me deaf just to rid the constant noise in my head and he said I would not really want that so we go with these next options. So I continue to pray for healing, God silence my head and remove the ringing in my left ear.

........Special thanks to Rachel_Mac my dear friend that lets me share her information, please check it out her recipe is easy and fabulous!

This week will wrap up my training with Tony Horton, and I will be moving on as I have said in a new direction.

November Training Plan:
Zumba = cardio
Kettle bell = strength training
Heavy bag = endurance, power and stamina training
Yoga = flexibility, balance and peace

Tonight is Yoga, so I am counting today a double which will end the program on Sunday as a day of rest or stretch. I will continue from time to time to use some of my favorites from the P90X program, more on that list later.

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 13 Day 3
(I did my own warm up)

Workout - P90X Kenpo
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 40 minutes
Cals burned = 371

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

P90X Round 3 Week 13

4 more P90X workouts left to go, and I will be a 3 time graduate.

I will get in a double on Thursday since its Yoga Class that night, giddy up! Puts me ending round 3 on October 31st right on target woot woot!

Tonight my girlfriend if she does not cancel for the 3rd time is coming over to make the curtains for the basement with me. (so that I can start teaching heavy bag training $$$) The plan is pizza and salad, so I need to pre-blast some calories!

After workout smoothie:
1 banana
2 scoops vanilla ice cream whey
1 cup water

AM Workout - Core Synergistics
Afternoon Workout - Run/Walk inclines

P90X Lean Round 3 Week 13 Day 2
Workout - Core Synergistic

Mood - Refreshed (hit snooze 1 time)
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 40 min
Cals burned = 120

Body Stats: (this is where I was last October, wake up T!)
WT - 124
BF% 24.0
BMI 21.3

7 minute Warm up:
Neck rolls
Back wide arm stretch
Tapas stretch (sumo squat w/arms out to laterally)
High knee taps
Jog, wide, knees down, knees up
J Jacks 25
Forward bend stationary
Straight leg forward bend
Standing hamstring stretch

Stacked staggered pushups 2x5
Banana rolls 2 min
Leaning crescent lunge 24 w/3lb db
Squat run 1 min w/3lb db
Sphinx pushups 10
Bow to boat 10
Low lateral skaters w/leg lift 25
Lunge and reach 25 w/3lb db
Prison push ups 10


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Last week Round 3 P90X

Its is my last official week of P90X and I will have completed 3 rounds, this is recovery week.

2 rounds of Lean and 1 round of Classic, and as a cardio person I loved lean better. I also got better results with lean, but I tend to carry my weight on my abs.

I really did not follow a strick meal plan, some was from my trainer the rest were just plain cheat days so I don't have the results I had the first time. I am not sure if I just got bored, or could not reach in deep enough to make it happen.

Honestly I don't think I gave it my all, because after going to the gym on Saturday I have lost strength, not gained. I dropped my rows down 10lbs and added 10lbs to my assited pullups which should NOT have been the case.

Hello pullups and pushups in P90X! I was doing more then expected but still not the same as lifting body weight compared to weight plates huh?

I had a great vacation with my family and big sister, with some beautiful weather. Of course I did not get my new videos up but they are on the list to do. Hey I got them written out, just have to film :-)

Todays workout:
P90X Round 3 Lean Week 13 Recovery

Workout - Yoga X

Mood - Focused
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 30 mins
Cals = 67

Forward bend
Wide T stand
Split leg forward hamstring stretch
Standing side stretch
Astanga sun salutation
Downward dog calve stretch alt.

Downward dog
Upward dog
Runners lunge
Warrior I
Warrior II

Monday Workout:
Off day

Sunday Workout:
Workout - At the gym
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 45 gym
Cal burned = 240

Gym workout:
Elliptical = 7 mins Level 1 resistance 4

Squats 70lb 2x12
Laying glute press 55lb 2x12
Standing glute press 40lb 2x15
Back extention 40lb 2x20
Standing reverse crunch 2 x 10
Asst Pullups - 60lbs 2x10
Cable chest press 30lb 25lb 2x10
Back flys - 40lb - 30lb 2x10
Ab pulses 40lb 2x50
Cable rows 40lb 50lb 2x10

Elliptical level 15 resistance 4 = 8 mins

Yoga vinyasa
Downward dog
Runners lunge
Forward bend
Cat to cow
Shoulder rolls


Monday, October 25, 2010

Tom Venuto on Sleep and Muscle Loss

Sleep and Muscle Loss
By Tom Venuto On October 22, 2010

You all know how much I think Tom Venuto RAWKS he is the king of kings with body fat loss and his programs work wonders. Just check out this latest email on Sleep and how he explains this so simple on the effects of your training habits.

Here it is:
Under Holy Grail Body Transformation Content In this post, I’d like to talk to you about how to retain lean body mass (or even gain some) while dieting, by avoiding common mistakes that lead to muscle loss.

One of those mistakes is lack of sleep.

I’m not sure about you, but in the last few years I’ve been hearing a lot about the effect of sleep on body composition.

Specifically, I’ve been reading (in peer-reviewed journals) about how insufficient sleep can hinder fat loss or even lead to fat gain.

The earliest of these studies started with an observation of an association. In this case, researchers noticed that sleep duration has decreased over the last two decades and that a rise in obesity has paralleled the decrease in sleep duration.

Of course, this only reveals a correlation and correlation does not equal causation. So at that point, researchers began looking for mechanisms that might explain this correlation, and they wondered if they’d find a casual link between lack of sleep and gaining fat.

Indeed, they found a mechanism: even partial sleep deprivation increases plasma concentrations of ghrelin and decreases leptin.

Ghrelin is a stomach hormone that increases appetite (ghrelin goes up, appetite goes up).

Leptin is a hormone produced primarily by fat cells that signals your brain about the status of your energy stores (in fat) and energy intake (food / calories coming in). In that sense, leptin is an anti-starvation (anorexigenic) hormone (when leptin goes down, the “starvation” signal is sent, so your body starts to hold on to stored body fat in a variety of hormonal and metabolic ways)

That’s not all. Researchers have also discovered that reduced sleep can decrease physical activity-related energy expenditure. That’s not surprising. When you’re tired and fatigued from lack of sleep, you’re liable to move less in general, skip workouts or work out with less gusto.

Wait. It gets even worse.

Sleep deprivation + stress + low calorie dieting = “The MUSCLE-WASTING TRIAD OF DOOM.”

Find the rest here on his Blog newsletter link

Thank Tom!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Breakfast Food Picture Blog

I am heading out for vacation and decided to make some tasty french toast for breakfast here it is........

1/2 banana 1 tbs chocolate pb drizzle of honey and a dash of cinnamon

I used 1 egg and 1/4 c skim milk

Beautiful and D-lish, and the ingredients were split for both pieces

How do you top French toast or Waffles?

The MINI is fixed to the cost of $450 and I am ready for a safe trip to visit my family. I am not expecting any good workouts, as I still have a cold but atleast my sore throat is gone. Thank you all for the get well wishes, nothings worse then heading on vacation not feeling well.

Putting on my happy face....I did get in 10 miles this week running!

Have a great weekend, back on Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Motivation Blog Pre-Vacation


" A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one."
Mary Kay Ash

" When you're following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves."
Shakti Gawain

" Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
Mahatma Ghandi

" Sometimes, when we want to get motivated, we only have to remind ourselves of what we are striving for."
Written in 2010 by Jasper Tong

" Every challenge that comes our way will help us develop our personality. When the time comes that you encounter one that makes you think that you can't make it, don't quit! Every challenge has a solution; just continue fighting."
Author Unknown --

" The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone."
Orison Swett Marden

" Often in life, while pursuing our dreams, we face uncertain moments that bring ceaseless sufferings; people will try to convince us to quit. At times like these you can choose to be weak and fall, by listening to what they say to you, or you can choose to be strong and walk tall towards your dream by ignoring them. Remember, no one writes our destiny but us. Let people advise you but never let anyone decide for you. And above all things you may do, think or choose in life - always be wise for in wisdom, morals and strength are found."
Written in 2010 by Kiplimo Chemirmir

" Train as if there's no finish line."
Author Unknown

I have a sore throat WITH nasty little red bumps, so no workout yet today. My car repair will be $450 but the good news is after today I am on vacation....woot woot! Since I will be in the country I won't have online access and will be back blogging on Tuesday October 26th.

If I run at lunch = 10 miles this week :-)


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wacky Workout

My poor little MINI has been "coughing" for a while and today its little check engine light came on.

Enter service = bye bye money

I love my Cooper and it is not like I did not know this was coming I was going to have it serviced this month anyway. However I was heading out of town on Thursday so I thought, better safe then sorry.

Enter BMW Bimmers R Us service center.

Luckily they said they can send someone out to pick up the car for today and hopefully have it back by 5pm in time for me to go home from work.

Todays workout will be a jog around the parking lot at the office, its not fun but it will work. I have headset and shoes beside me at my desk.

Just counting the days till vacation (1 more), going to visit my mom and my sister in from Oklahoma. Tonight is bible study and I hope to get some rest afterwards because I did not sleep well last night.

Ever have a night when you can't sleep then get a song in your head?

Yes from 3am-4:15am this morning I could just keep hearing "everyone sing.......everyone sing" I was like NO everyone SLEEP!

This week is going to be a mish-mash of wacky workouts NO yoga class or P90X completion. I guess I can call this a cardio running week because can't get the rest of my program in.

Here is the workout plan:

Monday - P90X + run = 3.5 miles done
Tuesday - run = 3 miles
Wednesday - P90X (strenght training)
Thursday - P90X
Friday - 0
Saturday - 0
Sunday - P90X + Zumba
Monday - P90X + Gym

This will put me 2 days behind on the completion of the Round 3 but I am certain I can get in the rest on Sunday or Monday.


I love this Christian radio station

Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend Projects and Workouts

This weekend I worked on touch up painting on the Barbie house and it looks so much better.

I did the floor in the basement where I can start teaching classes, and the white trim touch ups around the woodwork all over.

The bad thing with this is it makes you want to paint EVERYTHING! Which I would like to do if I had the time or hire someone if I had the money but instead I am going with the touch up till next spring.

Ok, I should have been doing my Zumba video, but its on the list I have not forgot to do so and if you have not seen the cookie recipe I got from a friend you may want to try that....its so D-lish!

I had 2 meals out, but my calories were fine it was the fat percent that was not good. I had some healthy if you want to call it that oven brick pizza and I had some Chinese rice. Nuff said.

Weekend Workouts:
1 hour Yoga class
20 Minutes Zumba Practice

15 Minutes Zumba Practice

I was completely lazy and did not go to the gym either day, and honestly after 2 back to back 5Ks I felt the rest was needed. Ok....That's my excuse and I am sticking with it.

Good news is I have been picked up by a link company for my blog, lets hope this helps the Trainer T. Foundation. (look for more boxing information workouts to come)

PLUS I got in 2 days of Zumba practice. Today is week 12 of P90X.

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 12

P90X Chest, Shoulders & Tricep
Mood - Up
Time of workout - 20 minutes
Cals burned - ?

Slow moe pushups 10 + 10
Shoulder raises 16 5lb
Chair dips 30

Lunch today should be a nice 3-4 mile run.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Healthy Pumpkin Oat Cookies

Pumpkin is every where right now and I love pumpkin! If anyone has pumpkin ideas please let me know.

This morning I got up to do my 20 minute Zumba and was so sore from yesterdays workout.

Today's workout will be another run at lunch, actually over a 5K if I am motivated my standard time for that is 27.33 and today I should get in 40 minutes again.

What do you eat before you run?

Here is how I ended up with my workouts yesterday, which was good compared to my food log which was a bit high I should end up right at goal for the week.

Morning Workout - P90X Shoulders and Arms
Lunch workout - 5K
Evening - 1 hr Yoga Core

Workout time = 40 minutes + 40 + 60 = 2hr 20 min
Cals burned = 90 + 324 + 133 = 547

Striving for Core Synergistics tonight, since I did a double yesterday.

Thanks to my good friend Rachel_Mac for creating this recipe for me to share here it is:


Thursday, October 14, 2010

P90X Round 3 Shoulders and Arms - Picture Blog

Ha I actually got up early and beat the alarm, things are looking UP!

Yesterday I skipped walking and took some pictures of the fall trees around work, just for Joanne my good friend who is on a trip taking pictures as we speak. Only much better of course :-)

Cookies I made for Bible Study Oatmeal Cranberry

The bruise on my arm from self defense course ouchie

Take a drive with me to see colors of the fall trees...Enjoy

P90X Round 3 Lean Phase 3 Week 12 Day 3

After workout smoothie:
5 strawberries
2 scoops vanilla whey
1 cup water

P90X Shoulders and Arms
Mood - Brrrrring it!
Wt - 124
Workout time = 45 minutes
Cals burned = 90

Warm up:
50 Jacks
Run lunges
High knees / wide /narrow
Butt kicks

Alternating shoulder press 10lb db 2x12
In and out bicep curl 15lb db 2x16
Two arm tricep kick back 10lb db 2x10
Deep swimmer press 15lb db 2x12
Alt one arm concentration curls 15lb db 2x12
Chair dips - 30 reg 15 straight leg

Switch grip tricep kick back 10lb 2x12
Isolated bicep curls - one holds one works 15lb 2x12


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

P90X Round 3 Cardio X

Last night I hit a few rounds on the heavy bag, felt great!

I miss that and really enjoyed hitting the mits during self defense a few weekends ago, so I think I am healed enough to go back to boxing. Yah!

Fall colors are here, going to snap some pictures at lunch today instead of walking or running or that is the plan.

After workout smoothie;
2 scoops vanilla whey
5 strawberries
1 c water

P90X Round 3 Lean Phase 3 Week 12 Day 2

Workout - Cardio X

Mood - Oh yeah
Wt = 124
Time of workout = 35
Cals burned = 198

Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Swan dive
Runners lunge
Warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior

Ball kick - 2x25
Hook upper cut side kick - 2x25
Knuckles ball kick back kick - 2x25
Jab cross hook upper cut - 2x25
3 direction kicks 2x18

Repeat this series 2 times:
Airborn heisman 30 sec
Swing kicks 30 sec
Jump shots 30 sec
Snow tire 30 sec
Wacky jacks 30 seconds


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

P90X Round 3 Chest and Back

SHEESH! I am still sore from painting.

I got in a 3 mile walk after dinner last night, no Zumba. I was hoping to practice or get in a small amount this morning, notta. For some reason I have NOT been popping out of bed right away, hibernation is trying to set in.

Fear NOT I will prevail.

3 Cookies last night, and a BIG bowl of Halloween candy at my desk I am going to have to muster up some sugar strength here for sure!

The plan is 3 mile run at lunch, weather is perfect.

P90X Round 3 Lean Phase 3 Week 12 Day 1

P90X Chest and Back
Mood - Love it
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 40 mins
Cals burned = 120

Pushups 30
Wide pullups 15
Military pushups 20
Reverse grip chin ups 15 [favorite]
Wide fly pushups 20 [favorite]
Close grip over hand pull up 13
Decline pushups 10
Heavy pants 15lb db 12
Diamond pushus 15 - with fingers & thumbs touching
Lawn mowers 15lb db 20
Dive bombers 10


Monday, October 11, 2010

P90X Weekend Workouts

I have 2 more weeks of P90X can you believe it? I am hoping to get in some good results as I change some food plans.

Met a new friend Lisa, just moved to the area and I invited her to Yoga on Thursday with me. She used to do dance, teach poms and all kinds of dance related events.

I can't wait because she also is going to practice Zumba with me.
Here are my weekend workouts, I was very productive and got the basement floor painted and the entire place cleaned working up a sweat.

Also got up my Halloween decorations in the bay window, adorable. Today is my off day but will try to make it to Zumba class at the gym tonight. I do like the girl that teaches its just that its a 7pm class and that is when I am so DONE with energy for the day you know???

Sunday Workout:

30 Min Cardio Elliptical (at the gym)
Kenpo X after the gym
1 Hour cleaning and painting

P90X Round 3 Lean Phase 3 Week 3 Day 7

Workout - P90X Kenpo
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 124
Time of workout = I hr 45 minutes
Cals burned = 555 check out that burn wow

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

Saturday Workout:

P90X Round 3 Lean Phase 3 Week 3 Day 6

Yoga X - 1 hour Hatha Yoga Class instead
Mood - Happy
Wt - 124
Cals burned = 60


Friday, October 8, 2010

P90X - Taught Yoga Core as Guest Trainer

Last night I taught for Yoga Core for about 20 students at the Yoga To Go Studio my friend Linda Jones owns and asked me to "guest teach".

She opened with stretch, and closed with stretch leaving me 30 minutes for training. Perfect.

We completed 330 core moves with 100 being the pilates 100. Timing and flow was perfect the class was very engaged and loving it. (that's a big part in yoga the correct flow for the level of the class) I got a bit nervous when I saw new people and some "seniors", but I ALWAYS show a modify move and they were doing them just fine.

I got several thank yous at the end of class and a few compliments on how I instructed things they did not know. (fitness core is very different then yoga core)

RAWK! I was in heaven......then I waited for Linda's response........

She loved it and wants me to guest train again, and as a matter of fact wants to incorporate some of my moves YAY!

Here is the workout flow I did if you want to try it:

Waist Twist - Circle Twist (straight arms in front hands locked twist side to side to warm up the obliques)
Steam Engines - standing crunches
Dolphin pushup w/ leg up or stacked leg (I did leg up)
Plank w/leg lift - in to chest and out
Cobra - childs pose
Plank w/side oblique bent knee ins
Cobra - childs pose
Superman w/arms bent under chin makes this move harder
Childs pose
Bent arm T stand Obliques reach throughs
Cobra - Downdog
Straight leg - straight arm scissor crunch (same arm same leg)
Pilates 100
Childs pose
Bent knee reverse curls
Straight leg roll ups
Forward sitting bend

Linda closed with stretching cool down and I think everyone had a good session but I won't get all the feedback till later when her students tell her. My main goal was to show more variety and levels so they can have goals to set and I feel I accomplished that.

My body stats are NO surprise I need to get out of sugar game. I can't out work a BAD diet, and sweets are my worst enemy.

AM Workout - Not complete
Lunch - Run 3-4 Miles
After Work - 20 min Zumba

Workout - Core Synergistic
Mood - Refreshed
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 40 min
Cals burned =

Friday Stats:

WT - 124
BF% 24.0
BMI 21.3

7 minute Warm up:
Neck rolls
Back wide arm stretch
Tapas stretch (sumo squat w/arms out to laterally)
High knee taps
Jog, wide, knees down, knees up
J Jacks 25
Forward bend stationary
Straight leg forward bend
Standing hamstring stretch

Stacked staggered pushups 2x5
Banana rolls 2 min
Leaning crescent lunge 24 w/3lb db
Squat run 1 min w/3lb db
Sphinx pushups 10
Bow to boat 10
Low lateral skaters w/leg lift 25
Lunge and reach 25 w/3lb db
Prison push ups 10


Ps: this is the course I took on self defense with helpful safety tips:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

P90X Round 3 Yoga X Sprinkled with Zumba

Alto's 20 minute fast Zumba workout done, as I continue my practice. I did work up a sweet grinding those hips around and around sheesh!

This is so different for me I really have to find my groove!

My workout was to be P90X Yoga X however since I am teaching Core Yoga tonight, (INSERT JUMPING UP AND DOWN HERE) I am counting that as my Yoga X. I will also take a run or walk inclines at lunch today working off the cookies I had last night.

T. is a cookie MONSTER!!! (note 3 explanation points)

That's why I don't bring them in the house, and you should never fall for that even if its for charity. Yeah I got these to make for Bible study, and even gave each person some to take home but kept the rest. MISTAKE! Note my weight is up 8lbs *sigh

Now I have a tummy ache today, go figure. I think 1 would have been ok but 3 REALLY T!
Got my supplies from GNC yesterday and today's smoothie was with strawberries, so tasty.

5 large strawberries
1/2 c skim
2 scoops vanilla whey protein

P90X Round 3 Phase 3 Week 2 Day 4

20 Min Zumba Fast Workout 6.45am
3 Mile Run 12.15- 12.45pm
60 Min Yoga Core at 6.30pm

Workout - Yoga X
Mood - Focused
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 35 mins Zumba + Yoga + Run
Cals = 80 + Run

Forward bend
Wide T stand
Split leg forward hamstring stretch
Standing side stretch
Astanga sun salutation
Downward dog calve stretch alt.

Downward dog
Upward dog
Runners lunge
Warrior I
Warrior II


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

P90X Round 3 Back and Bicep

I love this workout, I love working back it is my favorite other then tricep.

I increased weights and dropped reps, it felt fabulous! I could feel that run I did yesterday in my legs, wow....thats a good thing. Its been a while since I really did a nice steady great weather run that I really was in the zone.

Bad news - my ear buds died.....may they rest in peace.

They have been giving me some on again off again sound so I knew it was just a matter of time, the good news is it was at the end of my run. I can't run with out music!

As a matter of fact our mail guy is some famous DJ (he goes to Atlanta a bunch) and he gave me some "soon to be released" music, and I heard one of the songs last night on DWTS.....that was so ROCKSTAR!

He said it was ok for me to use them on Youtube as the contracts are signed and that it was not a copy write infringement. Another great thing! Super happy to video now.

So today at lunch I will stock up on supplies at GNC and later get some new Best Buy ear buds. NO SHOES!

After workout smoothie:
1 banana
1 scoop vanilla whey
1 c water

P90X Round 3 Lean Phase 3 Week 2 Day 3

Workout - P90X Back and Bicep
Mood - Happy
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 40 mins
Cals burned = 120

Wide pull ups 20
Lawn mower 15lb 15
Twenty ones 15lb - 21 - full, 1/2 curl, full
1 Arm cross body curl 15lb 15
Switch grip pull ups 20
Elbow out lawn mower 15lb - 15
Standing bicep curls 15lb - 8
1 Arm concentration curls 15lb - 10
Corn cob pull ups 10
Reverse grip bent over rows 15lb - 15
Open arm curls 10lb - 15
Static arm curls 10lb - 16
Towel pull ups 6
Congdon locomotive 15lb - 40
Crouching cohen curls 10lb - 12
Corkscrew curls 10lb - 10


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How I Make Oats

I have decided that I love oats!

You don't have to buy the expensive ones (or prepacked with all kinds of bad stuff in them) the best are just a plain rolled oat, Walmart, Dierbergs, Shnucks or Shop N Save brand as long as it just says ingredients - Rolled Oats

Of course you can buy better brands (cleaner) oats but you can't get a better bang for your buck then oats. (I pay $1.67 last 1 week and a half)

But since they are just a carb on their own, we need to add some protein and here are some of my favorite ways you can do that. Plus you should have your carbs early in the day when your body is going to use them for energy not store them. (BAD T. likes cereal for dinner)

I make my oats a bit runny that way by the time you mix in "your yummy stuff" it is all creamy and D-lish! So don't think your making them too runny, just add a few more dashes of water till you get it right because as you eat it, they tend to thicken. (I do 1/2 cup oats 3/4 c hot water for my oats with fruit)

NOTE: If you don't like whey in your food, you can just drink that on the side using water or skim milk. (I don't like my whey in food or warm except for protein pancakes)

Can't go wrong with this one, sweet or spicy (I use honey and cinnamon) depending on how you like scrambled eggs.
Rachel Macs Eggs n Oats

Oats with bananas -
1/2 c oats
3/4 c hot water
1/2 or 1 banana, lots of cinnamon, 1/2 scoop vanilla whey

Oat Egg Pancake
Just like Rachel's Eggs n Oats only make it like a pancake, I love this and add honey and cinnamon (you could do lite syrup)

Oats with apple -
1/2 c oats
3/4 c hot water
1/2 or 1 small apple, cinnamon and 1/2 scoop vanilla whey

Oats with pb or nut butter -
1/2 c oats
3/4 hot water
1/2 apple or banana
1 tbls pb or nut butter

You can add honey, cinnamon, chocolate pb or reg peanut butter, nut butters pumpkin, nuts, what ever you think of.

Oats keep you full and when you add a protein like an egg or nut butter you have an easy fast way to start your day fueled for less calories. People who eat a good breakfast eat up to 30% less calories.

Nuff said.

This is supposed to be today's workout which I am trading for a 4 mile run at lunch

P90X Round 3 Phase 3 Week 2 Day 2

Workout - Cardio X
Mood - Oh yeah
Wt = 124
Time of workout = 40
Cals burned = 324 (10 min mile run at lunch)

Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Swan dive
Runners lunge
Warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior

Ball kick - 2x25
Hook upper cut side kick - 2x25
Knuckles ball kick back kick - 2x25
Jab cross hook upper cut - 2x25
3 direction kicks 2x18

Repeat this series 2 times:
Airborn heisman 30 sec
Swing kicks 30 sec
Jump shots 30 sec
Snow tire 30 sec
Wacky jacks 30 seconds


Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend P90X, Zumba, Yoga & Self Defense

Highlight of my weekend doing this move on Saturday afternoon.

If you have NEVER taken a self defense course I recommend it! You just never know what you may encounter and plus its just down right fun.

Ok, so I have a few bruises, I still took down a 220lb over 6 foot tall man from a rape position - GO T.

Saturday afternoon I got to spar 2 times with the "abductor", first time he got me in the trunk of his car *sigh I gave a good fight. The second time, I got him good and got a way.

This is why I say you should take this course! 90% of the time if they get you in the car its game over, so no matter what stomp and kick and yell till you can get away.

You may get cut, you may get hurt, but you will be alive.

I am counting this course as my Kenpo workout. Our warm up and routine before being let loose was many front kicks, side kicks, back kicks and knee kicks.....PARADISE! Then we moved into punches, with elbows and snap punches all good stuff. I went through a full bottle of water in the first 30 minutes.

Then came the pads and mits. HELLO AGAIN PARADISE!

This is my field, this is where T. excels this is total fun to me. The trainer let me do double and really complimented me on form and power. I said "Aww shucks I teach kickboxing and got to spar with an MMA fighter." Big giggles

As a matter of fact I think he really enjoyed that because it gave him another opponent he was not expecting. Then I of course I told him I was a trainer, and thanked him for a great workout.

I did my Zumba on Saturday morning, followed by an hour of Hatha Yoga Class then the Self Defense Course.
Sunday, I rested and enjoyed my "battle wounds". Had a very bad nutrional weekend, not enough cals and lots of cookies. *sigh darn school charity sales.

Last night went to a church prophecy event, lots of praise and worship to glorify God.

Today's workout:
P90X Round 3 Lean Phase 3 Week 2 Day 1
Chest and Back
Mood - Love it
Wt - 124
Time of workout = 25 mins
Cals burned = 45

Pushups 30
Wide pullups 15
Military pushups 20
Reverse grip chin ups 15 [favorite]
Wide fly pushups 20 [favorite]
Close grip over hand pull up 13
Decline pushups 10
Heavy pants 15lb db 12
Diamond pushus 15 - with fingers & thumbs touching
Lawn mowers 15lb db 20
Dive bombers 10

Rest Day

Saturday INSANE Workout:
P90X Round 3 Phase 3 Day 6
[Counting this as P90X Yoga and P90X Kenpo]

Total workout - 2 1/2 hours
Cals burned = 649 - CHECK THAT OUT!

Morning workout
30 Min Zumba
1 hour Hatha Yoga

Afternoon workout
1 hour Martial arts - Self Defence Course 3 hours


Friday, October 1, 2010

P90X Round 3 Core Synergistics

Bob Harper will be doing a charity walk Saturday in STL!

I'm doing a self defense class and can not attend, sadly. I wish I had time to just fly by and get a photo op. How cool would that be?

Same smoothie as yesterday.

P90X Round 3 Phase 3 Day 5

Workout - Core Synergistics
Wt - 124
Mood - Getter done
Time of workout = 35 mins
Cals = 284

Stacked foot pushups - 20
Banana Roll Boats - 24
Leaning Crescent Lunge - 24
Squat run w/3lb DB 1 Min
Sphinx pushups - 10
Super man Boats - 15
Low lateral skaters - 30
Lunge reach w/5lb DB - 30
Prison pushups to max - 10
Side hip raise - 12
Squat X Press w/3lb DB - 30
Plank tatarunga runs - 10 sec switch 1 min
Walking pushups - 20
Lunge kickback curl press - 5lb db 2 min
Towel hopping 1 min
Reach high under pushups (T stand with twist) 1 min
Steam engines - 50
Dreya roll - 12 (1 min)

Plank to chaturanga - 1 min
Half back - wide tires 4 up, high knee run back 6
Table dip leg raise - 25 (backward bridge w/leg lifts)

Bob Harper Walk Details