
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yoga + Kettlebells = Awesome Workout!

Shape Magazines September workout routine:

Its the last day of the month, and I should have rawked out a good workout. But I only got in 25 minutes so instead of doing stretch, I did the second half of Kenpo.

I love the arm movements and they make me feel really strong, so I got my sweat on with that. I plan to do a walk at lunch, should be lovely weather here so I will be on track today. Tomorrow starts week 6 and so far I am not seeing any changes but am feeling super duper strong!

Yes, I will be taking the Yoga core class on Thursday, YUM.

I saw a great article in September Shape magazine on Kettlebell Yoga, now that's what I am talking about. I am going to do some of those moves and see how I like them V's dumbbells. I have done yoga with db in class at Club Fitness called Power Yoga and love, love, loved it.

It adds a new element of power to it, and although the moves are more flowing for me a cardio crazy girl the time just goes by so fast.

Let me know if you have ever tried Yoga with Kettlebells or weights.

Last night I had speghetti with turkey meatballs and it was de-lish. I am starting to really like using turkey for my dishes, its so lean.

I have a friend Rachel that has a great turkey burger recipe that her boyfriend Bill the pilot makes all the time, he travels so you can see how easy these work for someone on the go. Find it here:

Here is her blog on it (warning will make you hungry) and pictures too:

Today's after workout snack same as yesterday:
1/2 banana (I cut the first half then place in fridge for next day)
1/2c water
1 scoop casein whey chocolate
a splash of skim milk

This slow release casein whey has really been keeping me full until breakfast at 10am so I like it. I am not sure its the best time to take this type protein after a workout, but I am out of my regular and saving my money till payday (today)

P90X Round 3 Week 5 Day 6 - Stretch (I did second half of Kenpo instead)

Workout - Kenpo Arm series
Mood - Rushed
Time of workout = 25 min
Cals burned = 185

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30


Monday, August 30, 2010

P90X Week 5 Plus Weekend Results

Ok, I got a bit messed up on my rotation over the weekend on my P90X.

My legs were so spent that I could NOT do a workout on Saturday so I switched that to my off day.

I still feel the same, so my results are not appearing yet but I am staying faithful to the plan. I am staying at 120-121lb range which I don't expect to change.

Feeling bad that my body fat is rising but I am certain that too is going to kick in. That's the thing about the body, it does nothing then BAM everything kicks in and results happen.

Kinda like planting a seed, you water and water and nothing then one day you wake up and there is a big sprout. STAY THE COURSE AND BE CONSISTENT AND IT WILL HAPPEN. (ask anyone that has ever competed the can confirm this)

So this week starts wtih Kenpo and tomorrow will be Yoga that I missed last week instead of stretch/rest. All good and back on track, sometimes you have to listen to your body and rest and rebuild.

One thing at the gym I was proud of, I did my clean and press with 30lb barbell that's up 10lbs!

Even though I am not seeing the change I am getting stronger, lets hope the leaner kicks in soon.

Today's post workout smoothie:
1/2 banana
1/2 scoop chocolate casein whey
1/2 cup water
a splash of skim milk

Today's workout:
P90X Round 3 Lean Week 5 Day 4

Workout - P90X Kenpo
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 121
Time of workout =45 minutes
Cals burned = 417

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

Sundays Workout:
At The Gym upper and lower body & abs
Workout - Full body & abs

Mood - Bring it
Time of workout = 60 mins
Cals burned = 420 + 109 Walk = 529

7 min elliptical warm up w/ inclines
10 min elliptical cool down
3 min manual stair climber

2 x12 all sets

60lb squats
40lb glute press standing
55lb glute press laying
45lb back extensions
50lb chest press
45lb lat pull downs
55lb back rows
55lb asst pullups
25lb db straight leg dead lifts
5lb side plank T obliques
Captains ball chair straight leg & bent knee
Standing ab
Hyper extensions
30lb clean and press - 20 reps

10 min cool down stretches:
Downward dog w/calve stretches
Cat - Cow
Childs pose
Runners lunge
Forward stretch
Side stretch
Tri-bi stretch
Neck stretch


Friday, August 27, 2010

Shhh The Secret To a Great Body

Right now you are thinking.....just give me the answer Teresa, I want to know. Well here it is....


That is the secret.....why because when you procrastinate it all but ruins your chance to succeed. It is the NUMBER 1 REASON PEOPLE FAIL AT ANYTHING!

VO max, RHR, HR, BMI, BF%, people measuring every oz of food intake, mindset programs, and monitoring every you think they are succeeding? Getting major results?


Why? Because they are NOT procrastinating about any aspect of the goal at hand. I see the drive, the tenacity and effort going into what they are doing by being accountable, being a "doer".

This is the exact opposite of "Mr. Procrastinator"....

Action reaps results even if it is in the smallest of steps. When you want to know the first way to get a great body it is to take action and move forward to the results you want. See, when you say things like I will get to that later or put a priority before hand, or not have a plan, you will fail. Sorry but that is the facts. You will not get a great body because that takes daily efforts, dedication and doing the actions that will reach the goal.

Don't be scared to put in the hard work, don't be scared you won't get instant results, don't be scared you won't achieve your goals....just take everyday and do SOMETHING towards the vision you have for yourself.

Sure you can say there are basics to achieve a great body, no short cuts with surgery or injections you just have to not procrastinate and do something everyday to propel you there.
So do something everyday and some days do more, focus on specialized programs for the areas you want to change, and go for that great body!

What can you do everyday to work on your body results? Don't let Mr. Procrastinator steal your body.... That's The Secret!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

P90X Round 3 Week 5 Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

This is Zuzana doing a pike press pushup from Body Rock TV I got to do a story on her, she RAWKS!

I love this workout Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, it is almost as much fun as Plyometrics. It moves really fast and you do lots of pushups and I like moving myself in different ways like this.

My favorite move?

Pike press pushups! I did 15 today and would not have been able to if I was not practicing my handstands.

Last night my girlfriend came over and we had pizza and soda. You read that right, but I squeaked by just under my fat at 62 when the high for that macro is 65.

All good stuff, and a treat I had not had in a long time. I got to show her the pictures from the reunion and gave her a lamp for her new apartment. She gave me 4 bags of stuff for the church tailgate sale.

That sale will give 10% back to the church so I am super hoping to sell a lot of my stuff and glorify God.

Today is going to be nice again so I will do my inclines at lunch and maybe even some short sprints.

Did you know when you run a few minutes then sprint for 30 seconds to 1 minute you really blast the calories from muscle confusion. That's because your body has to bring the heart rate up and down making it work harder.

Also for anyone that walks inclines, remember to lean a bit forward and contract the abs this gives them a much better workout so go for it and AMP UP YOUR WALKING! I only got in a walk yesterday, so today's workout was really yesterdays if that makes sence?

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 5 day 3

Workout - Chest, shoulders and triceps
Mood - Rrrrrumble!
Wt - 120
Time of workout = 45 min
Cals burned = 190

3x10 slow motion pushups 3 in 1 (military, wide)
10 slow fast
10 fast
15 - 7lb In and out shoulder flys
30 chair dips - bent knee
10 - plange pushups
15 pike press pushups (head to the floor on tippy toes pushups)
X - side tri-rise - skipped this is how I tore my arm
2x8 floor flys
10 scare crows - make a Y upper movement shoulder
10 - 2 10lb db overhead tricep extensionis
2x8 two twitch pushups - I did without plate
10 - 10lb Y shape - shoulder press wide grip

12 - 7lb lying tricep extensions
7 side to side pushups
12 - 5lb pour flys
12 - 10lb seated side leaning tricep extensions
2 one arm pushups + 12 regular pushups
2x10 - 3lb weighted arm circles
12 - 7lb throw the bomb
10 clap pushups girly
10 - 7lb slo-mo throw
10 - 5lb front to back tricep extension
10 one arm balance pushup
10 - 7lb fly row press
30 - 5lb dumb bell cross body blows

Special thanks to Sarah for letting me share her story "The other side of Fat" with the public


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Purpose Driven Life is a MUST read

This book by Rick Warren is a MUST read!

I just finished this book and loved it, and will continue to use this as a reference to remind me about why I am here on earth.

There are so many things this book teaches you plus it has a 40 day challenge to get more out of your life.

Have you ever seen the movie The Ultimate Gift?

It is another outstanding tool of life, in this movie his lesson is about taking away material riches to find out who you really are and what your about.

Both of these are Christian based but you do NOT have to believe in God to get something out of these they are amazing tools to use for changing your life.

Seems to fascinate me that many people do not set goals, or reach deep inside themselves to find out what makes them tick and what they really want out of life.

Ask yourself this one question: What do I want out of life?

If your just doing the "same ole same ole" you are STAGNANT!

Time to get yourself rolling towards a goal and what you want your life to be and don't say you don't have time. You make time for what you really want, and not necessarily what you need to be doing.

Spend your "bathroom time" reading and writing things that put you towards your goal not negative things that don't lift you up or reach you to be a better person its just a waste of time and brain power.

Now that your on your way to a healthy life what will you do with it?
Who will you share it with?
How will you grow?

For me:
Study the word
Using my gifts to help others
Zumba Certified
Giving my knowledge to others
Fitness Ranch
Finding other entrepreneurs

Study your goals for 20 minutes a day, keep them in front of you and visualize them taking place and watch your life bloom!

No workout yet - will do inclines at lunch ( P90X Shoulders & Arms day)
iPad still a work in progress


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Cardio X....Sexy Breakfast

How to have a SEXY breakfast:
Well the darn drain is trying to back up again but I am keeping positive vibes going that the plumber will not take all my money!

I just worked on my file cabinet over the weekend and filed the last receipt from him "snaking" out the drain $160.00.

Is it fate? Law of attraction?

If it is.......go away! I need the law of attracting that brings lovely plumbing that allows me to take long hot baths or showers with no problems at all. Here me NOW universe as I speak.... give me FABULOUS PLUMBING!

Ok, I am off my rampage and its not that I don't like Max the plumber because I do. Since I am still paying off my ear surgery I would like to get one guy paid before I start paying the others you know?

Why is it that money goes faster then it comes in?

I live a frugal life in a 480 sq foot home (I found out its only 480 when I have been thinking it was 580 go figure) and I try to only reward myself when I feel I should be.

Plus I don't care for more to clean, you know the more you have the more you get stuff for. Dusting ranks very low on my list of fun things to do!

I use a few frugal tips, and if you have some lets share! Here are some ways I save money:

Bring my lunch
Buy weekly groceries according to the food sale ad
Use ceiling fans and not the A/C
Have a garden
Flush only when its "brown" to save water
Buy store brand goods on paper products/baggies/food wraps
Paint my own nails
Limit the lights in the house by using candles
Have heavy grade shades/window treatments
Use dollar store for things that can be bought there

Why do I do all this?

So that I may be able to have cash flow for the Ranch to help kids in my fight against obesity in children. Its a big sacrifice but I don't mind making it because I want to make a difference in the world one child at a time.

If you have any more frugal tips like this that you would like to share please comment!

Plus I got in an after dinner walk last night, I love our weather right now I really wanted to run but I didn't. Maybe tonight.

Today's workout:
P90X Round 3 Lean Week 5 Day 2

Workout - Cardio X
Mood - Oh yeah
Wt = 122
Time of workout = 50 minutes
Cals burned = 196

Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Swan dive
Runners lunge
Warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior

Ball kick - 2x25
Hook upper cut side kick - 2x25
Knuckles ball kick back kick - 2x25
Jab cross hook upper cut - 2x25
3 direction kicks 2x18

Repeat this series 2 times:
Airborn heisman 30 sec
Swing kicks 30 sec
Jump shots 30 sec
Snow tire 30 sec
Wacky jacks 30 seconds

Squat cross X Press 30 sec
Steam engine 100
Dreya roll 8
Squat run 1 minute
Superman banana 1 minute

Cool down
Jump rope
Low kicks
Forward bend
Downward dog calve stretch
Cat cow
Standing quad stretch


Monday, August 23, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 5 Core Synergistics

I'm on Week 5 on round 3 of P90X and am getting stronger then last time which is a good thing.

It shows my arm injury is almost fully healed.

My bonus over the weekend was:
9 Handstand pushups (goal 10)
Increased all my P90X pushups by 5

I am STILL TRYING TO GET THIS iPad to work, getting it to know my wi-fi connection so that I can get my email set up. Anyone know how to do this let me know I spent 5 hours trying and called a friend over.

Tech NERD!

Here are the workouts and there were no fabulous smoothies to report but I hope to get back to the Green monsters in September.

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 4 Day 5 (Recovery)

Workout - Cardio X & Yoga Core Class
Mood - Oh yeah
Wt = 122
Time of workout = 50 minutes + 1 hour Yoga Class
Cals burned = 327

Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Swan dive
Runners lunge
Warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior

Ball kick - 2x25
Hook upper cut side kick - 2x25
Knuckles ball kick back kick - 2x25
Jab cross hook upper cut - 2x25
3 direction kicks 2x18

Repeat this series 2 times:
Airborn heisman 30 sec
Swing kicks 30 sec
Jump shots 30 sec
Snow tire 30 sec
Wacky jacks 30 seconds

Squat cross X Press 30 sec
Steam engine 100
Dreya roll 8
Squat run 1 minute
Superman banana 1 minute

Cool down
Jump rope
Low kicks
Forward bend
Downward dog calve stretch
Cat cow
Standing quad stretch

Off Day

P90X Lean Round 3 Week 5 Day 1

Workout - Core Synergistics
Wt - 122
Mood - Smiles
Time of workout = 45 mins
Cals = 284

BF% 24.0
BMI 20.0

Stacked foot pushups - 20
Banana Roll Boats - 24
Leaning Crescent Lunge - 24
Squat run w/3lb DB 1 Min
Sphinx pushups - 15
Super man Boats - 15
Low lateral skaters - 30
Lunge reach w/5lb DB - 30
Prison pushups to max - 15
Side hip raise - 12
Squat X Press w/3lb DB - 30
Plank tatarunga runs - 10 sec switch 1 min
Walking pushups - 20
Lunge kickback curl press - 5lb db 2 min
Towel hopping 1 min
Reach high under pushups (T stand with twist) 1 min
Steam engines - 50
Dreya roll - 12 (1 min)

Plank to chaturanga - 1 min
Half back - wide tires 4 up, high knee run back 6
Table dip leg raise - 25 (backward bridge w/leg lifts)


Friday, August 20, 2010

I WON! It came my Apple iPad....Pinch me!!!

I got home from work and the UPS driver delivered my iPad I could NOT wait to get off work to open it up and check it out!

I am so thrilled to have won! (jumping with joy)

An Apple iPad Wi-fi 32GB thank you the company I write for online, and thank you to all my supporters for helping me win!

This is the biggest thing I have ever won, I worked for it writing like a mad woman day and night...... but still I am amazed as its value is $600 just PINCH ME is this a dream?

The best part is everyday and every article I hope to help one person become more fit or teach them something about health and wellness they did not know.

I'm thrilled to be a trainer, I am thrilled to write for the Examiner and I am thrilled to help people get fit!

Now if only I knew how to use this :-)
any tips let me know............

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 4 Day 4 (Recovery)

Workout - P90X Kenpo arms and X Stretch
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 121
Time of workout = 45 minutes
Cals burned = ?

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

P90X Stretch

Static Stretches:
Back up the car
Head rolls
Chest, back and shoulder stretch combo
Wrist, forearm
Back wrist
Dreya forearm stretch
Arm circles
Shoulder tris

Ballistic stretches
Shake outs
Hug yourself high-low

Static Stretches:
Back/front stroke
Side stretch
Seated spinal stretch
Cat stretch
Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee
Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kenpo and Oats & Pizza Recipe

Oxygens September Oats for Pizza Recipe, if you want CLEAN pizza this is it!

There are 4 recipes in this issue I want to try, yum but this one is first up for the weekend.

I love Rachel_Macs Eggs-N-Oats so I know I am going to love Oats for Pizza, you know they give you energy that is so good for you!

Hopefully my iPad that I WON will come today, jumping up and down right now and stalking my UPS man lol. And I will do that next month also when the NEW Jillian Michaels Shred it with weights comes out, shipping after Labor Day!!!
My workout today Kenpo power, and post workout boring.... skim milk with protein powder and olive oil.

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 4 Day 3 (Recovery)

Workout - AM- P90X Kenpo & PM- Yoga Class
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 121
Time of workout = 1 hour 45 minutes
Cals burned = 542

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

Yoga Class 6.30-7.30pm


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

P90X Round 3 Week 4 Core Synergistics

Good news, my iPad I won is being shipped out! I got the email yesterday from Examiner. com that it was in from Apple...and on its way out to ME!

(Also if your looking to make extra money, its a great company they are recruting but please use me as a referal as I get credit)

I was going to sell it but thanks to MARINEMAMA and RACHEL_MAC and Anna at church, they have tempted me to keep it because of how awesome it is!

Love you peeps!

Very productive last night, working on my website links and changing my domains FINALLY!

Do you ever have a project you just keep putting off? That was mine :-)

Today....Core Synergistics, love this workout. It flies by for me, and I love all the moves but the 2 switching Banana Bow, Superman Boat only because sometimes they hurt my lower back.

So if you have these issues just do what I do, pick one of the two to do. Usually I will pick Bow then Superman. Or I will do both, but slower then they do so feel free to modify if you are doing the P90X program or if you need help let me know.

My favorite move?

Lunge kickback curl press! This blast all areas big and small muscle groups. If you want to try it imagine a walking lunge 2 forward, turn and 2 back.

Get down in regular lunge with db at side, lean forward keeping a straight back, holding in your abs, kick back the db like a tricep kickback then return to sides with arms straight.
Then lean back up in regular lunge position, do a db curl, then take them up to a shoulder press, back to db curl then back to sides.
Lunge forward opposite leg and repeat.

Oh yeah!

Your basically doing:
Walking lunge working legs & glutes
Tricep kickback
Bicep curl
Shoulder press

I do this with a 5lb db, because you do 2 full minutes and you HAVE to keep your abs contracted to save the back.

After workout smoothie:
1 cup strawberries
1 scoop vanilla whey protein
1 tsp olive oil
1/4 water

P90X Round 3 Week 4 Day 2 (Recovery)

Workout - Core Synergistics
Wt - 121
Mood - Smiles
Time of workout = 45 mins
Cals = 284

Stacked foot pushups - 15
Banana Roll Boats - 24
Leaning Crescent Lunge - 24
Squat run w/3lb DB 1 Min
Sphinx pushups - 10
Super man Boats - 15
Low lateral skaters - 30
Lunge reach w/5lb DB - 30
Prison pushups to max - 10
Side hip raise - 12
Squat X Press w/3lb DB - 30
Plank tatarunga runs - 10 sec switch 1 min
Walking pushups - 20
Lunge kickback curl press - 5lb db 2 min
Towel hopping 1 min


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

P90X Round 3 Week 4 Recovery Week

Loving my 3rd round of P90X with my added Yoga To Go workouts!

I had a 3 day weekend, and was productive with some fabulous workouts.

The highlights were:
Painted my basement ceiling
Filmed a new yoga video of Linda owner Yoga To Go (that I have been loving)
Went to the doctor for my check up
Cleaned my desk files
Got in a morning walk in the cool weather
Pre-ordered Jillian Michaels new Shred it with weights
Created a blog for a friend
Learned more about Chair Yoga from Linda

Our weather has finally got cooler I am so happy about that. I got 6 more flowers off my Dahlia plants and put them in a vase they are gorgeous!

Todays workout:
P90X Round 3 Lean Week 4 Day 1 (Recovery Week)

Workout - Yoga X
Mood - Focused
Wt - 120
Time of workout = 35 mins
Cals = 76

Forward bend
Wide T stand
Split leg forward hamstring stretch
Standing side stretch
Astanga sun salutation
Downward dog calve stretch alt.

Downward dog
Upward dog
Runners lunge
Warrior I
Warrior II

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Day 7

Workout - P90X Kenpo
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 121
Time of workout = I did 45 minutes
Cals burned = 411

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

Off Day - rest and rebuild muscle

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Day 6

Workout Legs & Back, Yoga and walk
Mood - Happy
Wt - 122
Time of workout = 2 hour 15 min
Cals burned = 440

30 min am walk
45 min weight training
6 min manual stair climber
1 hour hatha yoga class

(Plus 3 hours cleaning out my basment and gathering things for charity)

Squats 70lb 3x12
Leg press 140lb 3x12
Standing glute press 40lb 3x12
Laying glute press 55lb 3x12
Dead lifts 25lb db 3x12
Single leg squats 1x10
3 way lunges, lateral, forward and back

Cool down:
Runners lunge
Forward bend
Downward dog w/calve stretche


PS Here is the video its only 2 min long if you want to rate it

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tom Venuto Holy Grail = Gain Muscle, Lose FAT

You all know I love Tom's training (Hello have you seen his body?) and education he is the BEST. I just received this newsletter about his new book and I had to share here it is:

So what's the deal? Is it really possible to lose fat and build
muscle simultaneously?

Short answer: Yes, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the "same time."
Long answer: It's difficult and it's complicated. Allow me to explain....

First we have the issue of whether you really lose fat and gain
muscle at the "same time."

Well, yes, if your definition of the "same time" is say, a month or
12 weeks. But in that case, you're probably not gaining muscle at
the "same time" literally speaking, as in, right now this very
moment you are reading this, or 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for
months in a row.

The best explanation is that you alternate between periods of
caloric surplus (anabolism) and caloric deficit (catabolism) and
the net result is a gain in muscle and a loss in body fat.

You see, if you stay in a calorie surplus, it's the body's natural
tendency for body fat and lean body mass to go up together. And if
you stay in a calorie deficit, it's your body's natural tendency
for body fat and lean body mass to go down together.

There may be exceptions, but the general rule is that it is very
difficult to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time - the
mechanisms are mostly antagonistic to one another.

When it does happen, it's almost always the result of "unusual
conditions" - I call them X factors.

The 4 X-Factors

The first X-factor is "training age" . Ever hear of "newbie gains?"
The less trained your body is and the further you are from your
genetic potential, the easier it is to gain muscle.

The second x factor is muscle memory. It's easier to regain muscle
you've lost than it is to gain new muscle in the first place
(ergo, the fat out of shape semi retired bodybuilder who starts
training again and blows up and gets ripped "overnight").

The third X factor is genetics (or somatotype). Ever heard of the
"genetic freak?" That's the dude who sprouts muscle like weeds even
when he's on the "50-50 diet" (50% McDonald's and 50% pizza)... and
he never gets fat.

The fourth X factor is drugs. I'm not just talking about pro
bodybuilders, I'm talking about "Joe six pack" in the gym - not to
mention those fitness models you idolize in the magazines. How did
they get large muscle gains with concurrent fat loss? Chemicals.

I'm not a gambling man, but I'll place a wager on this any day:
I'll bet that in 99% of the cases of large muscle gains with
concurrent large fat losses, one or more of these x factors
were present.

That's not all! There are actually 5 more X factors related to your
body composition and diet status (the X2 factors). But I'll have to
talk about those later.

So you're not a beginner, you don't take roids, you're not a genetic
freak and you have no muscle memory to take advantage of. Are you
S.O.L? Well, I do want you to be realistic about your goals, but...

There IS a way for the average person to gain muscle and lose
fat at the same time.

The Secret: You have to change your "temporal perspective!"

Traditionally nutritionists and fitness pros have only looked at
calorie balance in terms of 24 hour periods. At midnight, you could
tally up the calories like a shopkeeper closing out his register,
and if the balance were positive, you'd say you were in a surplus
for the day. If the balance were negative, you'd say you were in a
deficit for the day.

But it's entirely possible that you might pass through periods of
"within-day" surplus where you were in a highly anabolic state
(for example, you eat the biggest, highest carb meal of the day
after your workout), and you were in a deficit the rest of the day.

If you did intense weight training, and you timed your nutrient
intake appropriately, Isn't it possible that you could gain a small
amount of muscle during those anabolic hours, while losing fat the
rest of the day? Granted it might only be grams or ounces - but what
if you kept that up for a week? A month? Three months?

As you pan out and look at the bigger picture, what if most days
of the week you were in a deficit for the entire day, and on some
days you were in a surplus? If so, then isn't it possible that over
the course of the week, you'd have a small net gain of muscle and
loss of body fat a a result of the caloric fluctuation?

These within-day and within-week phases are called microcycles
and mesocycles. If you also had a primary goal with a longer term
focus of several months, say 12 weeks or 16 weeks, that would be
a macrocycle.

What I've just described is nutritional periodization. Some people
call it cyclical dieting. it's where you manipulate your calories
(primarily by fluctuating carbohydrate intake, hence "carb cycling")
in order to intentionally zig zag your way through periods of surplus
and deficit and to create specific hormonal responses.

The end result: muscle gain and fat loss during the same time period!

I know that someone out there is having a hissy fit because I've
only talked about calories: deficits and surpluses. Rightfully so.
Calories matter but there's more to it than calories - most
importantly, hormones and "nutrient partitioning."

If you're in a calorie deficit you are going to pull energy from
your body. The question is: From WHERE? If your hormones are out
of whack and you're eating crap, you could lose more muscle than
fat in a deficit and gain almost pure fat, not muscle, in a surplus!

But WHAT IF you could manipulate within day energy balance,
use nutritional periodization AND control your hormones with food
and lifestyle strategies?

AHA! NOW you can see how concurrent muscle gain and fat loss are
starting to look possible!

Make no mistake - concurrent muscle gain and fat loss is a difficult
goal to achieve. The good news: difficult does not mean impossible.

Or as George Santayana said, "The difficult is that which can be
done immediately, the impossible, that which takes a little longer."

You may have already heard the buzz about my new ebook - either
from me or from other fitness professionals...

It's Called "The Holy Grail Body Transformation System: How to
lose fat and gain muscle at the same time."

In this groundbreaking new manual, you'll learn all about nutritional
periodization, cyclical dieting, hormonal manipulation, within day
energy balance, nutrient partitioning, AND the all the X factors,
including the 5 "X2-Factors"

You'll also get my new "TNB" training system, as seen in Men's Fitness
magazine (the complete, expanded version that Men's Fitness didn't
have room to print... works great for women too!)

At the moment, The Holy Grail ebook is available at a discount
for a pre-launch special offer.

In the early fall, it will be released across the entire world wide
web at the full price. Now is your chance to check out this new
system and save...

To order the holy grail or to get more information, visit my new
site at:

Your friend and coach,

Tom Venuto

PS. If you have a lot of body fat to lose, the holy grail is
not the right program for you.
Instead I'd recommend Burn the Fat,
Feed the muscle, which is dedicated purely to fat loss. More info at:

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Shoulders & Arms

Linda Jones at Yoga To Go is a great trainer and becoming a good friend.

Last nights core yoga class was the BOMB!

We did 200 crunches total all yoga moves, like from Dolphin to plank it was amazing.

I am shocked I am not sore! I do have a very strong core which is odd because I have low back problems. Only T right?

Great news on my Friday stats thanks Karen for never giving up on me, back at the 22%. I also rocked out my shoulders and arms today adding 5lbs to 3 of the moves.

In out bicep (bicep curls) 15lb
Concentration curls (bicep curls to the side) 15lb
Deep swimmer press (bicep with over head press) 15lb

Last week I did 10lb on all these and feel like I can keep at 15lb I am finally getting strength back woot woot!

Feeling great today, and had sweat dripping off of me today, always good plus my form was spot on. (use a mirror always)

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Day 5

P90X Shoulders and Arms
Mood - Brrrrring it!
Wt - 122
Workout time = 40 minutes
Cals burned = 160

Friday Stats:
WT - 122
BF% 22.9
BMI 20.9

Last Week:
Wt - 121.5
BF% 24.5
BMI 20.8

Warm up:
50 Jacks
Run lunges
High knees / wide /narrow
Butt kicks

Repeat 2 times
Alternating shoulder press 10lb db 2x12
In and out bicep curl 15lb db 2x16
Two are tricep kick back 10lb db 2x10
Deep swimmer press 15lb db 2x12
Alt one arm concentration curls 15lb db 2x12
Chair dips - 30 reg 15 straight leg


Here is my take about SPARK AMERICA!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Cardio X

What's not to love about P90X Wacky Jacks?

Not only do they work the oblique side abs they also are just down right out wild and fun. You don't even realize your blasting fat. (I need to get a pic of this) Thanks Tony!

Tonight I have the 1 hour Yoga class with Core that I just can not wait to do! Love CORE!

My workout today:
P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Day 4

Workout - Cardio X & Yoga Core Class
Mood - Oh yeah
Wt = 122
Time of workout = 50 minutes + 1 hour Yoga Class
Cals burned = 383

Yoga warm up - 15 minutes
Warrior, runner lunges, downward dog, plank to pushup.

Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Swan dive
Runners lunge
Warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior

Ball kick - 2x25
Hook upper cut side kick - 2x25
Knuckles ball kick back kick - 2x25
Jab cross hook upper cut - 2x25
3 direction kicks 2x18

Repeat this series 2 times:
Airborn heisman 30 sec
Swing kicks 30 sec
Jump shots 30 sec
Snow tire 30 sec
Wacky jacks 30 seconds

Banana rolls to Superman
Dreya rolls - 10
Steam Engines - 100

Cool down stretch


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

P90X Round 3 My New VIDEO is up

I finally got my handstand leg lift video posted last night, ratings are welcome

This is the move that Linda did at the Yoga To Go class, I loved it.

However this video is shot in a very small space, and there is a light right above my foot extension. So I could not really do this form correct as I like to. I should have been closer to the wall with my hands, this puts more difficulty on the move as in shoulders and arms.

Also my leg should have had a full extension, if you can tell I had it a bit bent do to my foot hitting the fixture but it was the best I could do in that space.

So keep that in mind, you should be about 1 foot away from the wall and I would do about 8-10 reps on each side. Of course with you tube, people get bored so I try to make them short and sweet.

Good news! You tube now lets you have 15 minute videos, time to crank up a great workout routine.....Go T.

Workout post smoothie:
1 scoop vanilla whey
1 cup skim
1 tsp olive oil

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Day 3

Workout - Core Synergistics
Wt - 120
Mood - Ugh
Time of workout = 40 mins
Cals = 120

Stacked foot pushups - 15
Banana Roll Boats - 24
Leaning Crescent Lunge - 24
Squat run w/3lb DB 1 Min
Sphinx pushups - 10
Boats - 15
Low lateral skaters - 30
Lunge reach w/3lb DB - 30
Prison pushups to max - 8
Side hip raise - 12
Squat X Press w/3lb DB - 30
Plank tatarunga runs - 10 sec switch 1 min
Walking pushups - 20

If you try the handstand move, let me know how you liked it I would love to hear your feedback


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Stretch

This link has lots of great stretches on it (this is not me)

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Day 2 was stretch. I decided I needed a bit of a warm up so I did Kenpo arms too. I like that workout so much, its fast and fun.

My favorite stretch is back up the car, its so good for the neck where we hold our stress at.

I feel really great today just trying to keep the sugar portions under control. Yup I had some ice cream, but that was it.

My Peachy Strawberry smoothie:
1 scoop vanilla whey
1 cup strawberries
1/4 peach juice
1/2 cup water
1 tsp olive oil

Workout - P90X Stretch & Kenpo
Mood - Rested
Wt - 121
Time of workout = 45
Cals burned = 107

Kenpo arm workout:

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

P90X Stretch

Static Stretches:
Back up the car
Head rolls
Chest, back and shoulder stretch combo
Wrist, forearm
Back wrist
Dreya forearm stretch
Arm circles
Shoulder tris

Ballistic stretches
Shake outs
Hug yourself high-low

Static Stretches:
Back/front stroke
Side stretch
Seated spinal stretch
Cat stretch
Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee
Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed


Monday, August 9, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Kenpo

The weekend weather was fabulous, and I had a great weekend catching up with old friends at the reunion and being productive all about ME.

I also got in touch with a few leads, which makes me very happy that this may open more doors to touch more lives with getting healthy. (In Kansas at least) I was asked to write a newsletter for a company there on health and wellness and I am super thrilled!

So its back to reality and working towards my fitness goals, trying to replace sugar with fruits. All in all, I think I did pretty good with diet and workouts and am really looking forward to another Yoga class at Yoga to Go with Linda. I am glad I switched my off day to Sunday instead of today, I needed the rest :-) so here is my Monday workout. (weird huh?)

Today's workout:
P90X Round 3 Lean Week 3 Day 1

Workout - P90X Kenpo
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 121
Time of workout = I did 45 minutes
Cals burned = ?

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

Weekend workouts:

Sunday - Off day (switched this due to the reunion)

Saturday workout:

Workout Legs & Back and Yoga (Replacing P90X Legs and Back & Yoga X all in 1 day)
Mood - Happy
Wt - 121
Time of workout = 1 hour 45 min
Cals burned = 411

(At the gym 8am-9am)
Squats 70lb 3x12
Standing glute press 40lb 3x12
Laying glute press 55lb 3x12
Lat pull downs 50lb 3x12
Reverse flys 30lb 3x10
Back extension 40lb 2x20

1 Hour Yoga class at Yoga To Go - I loved this Class!

I learned 3 really great yoga moves and even did a video on one of them that I hope to post by the weekend.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 Year High School Reunion Photo Blog

First of all, I get freaked out thinking I have been out of high school for 30 years. My girlfriend and I decided to go together and chat up a storm, and reflect on "good ole times" and we sure did.

We got there and received our booklets, inside contained a DVD of a musical photo collage that was played during dinner that was amazing! Our class really put it together nice, and they had set up a "memory lane" table and posters.

There was a poster of Farrah, click clack balls, albums, and "Blues Brothers" glasses all things that were popular during our year. It was so well thought out we really enjoyed it very much.

The food was good, I stuck with salad and veggies, with plain beef. I had 1/2 glass of red wine and then water the rest of the night. NO dessert yay!

Even though I did not meet my fitness goal for this event, I still had a great time. Everyone looked great and it was so fun to catch up, we can't wait for number 35!

Diane and I at our 30 year high school reunion here we are before we left, she's so beautiful!

Check out her super sexy shoes! I wore my old ones and saved money and yes I already had this dress too I got on sale for $30 last year so comfy!

My new hair cut, color and spray tan (which I only got the light bronze spray tan for a glow that you can't really see in this picture)

We had a great time and I made it home by 1am, I skipped the after party. I will have to find out what happend next time Diane and I chat.

Here's to another fun girls night out :-)

Friday, August 6, 2010

30 Year High School Reunion

Tigers Class of 1980 Rules!

This weekend is my 30 year high school reunion and I am super duper excited to see everyone. But I can't believe how fast time has gone, I mean am I really that OLD? I sure don't think of myself old but I remember when I was a little girl I thought my mom looked old at 40 sheesh what was I thinking?

Many of our classmates still live in our home town area, but its funny because I never run into them around town! I keep in contact with about 4 really tight, and about another 20 on face book.

My girlfriend Diane and I are going together, STAG. (Hello, girls night out!)

We are getting all dialed up in black for the event. I will be wearing of course a backless halter, and she will be wearing a little black dress with a T strap back. HAWT! You should see the shoes she is wearing OMG and I am just wearing some old ones I have saving the money, hoping no one will notice at all.

Last night I decided to do a dance-a-thon!

I worked up a huge calorie burn, sweating like crazy till I just couldn't dance no more. Everything from cardio dance to contemporary and lots of shadow dancing too. Yes, T. can entertain herself lol.......

Today's workout was just a 10 minute stretch. LAME huh? (ACTUALLY I was running around looking for my Zumba music, its lost :-( so sad)
Friday Stats:
Wt - 121.5
BF% 24.1
BMI 20.8

Since Saturday will be a full schedule, I decided to skip Yoga X this morning and just relax SWEET!

I did not meet my HAWT body goal, but I am fine with that I am still moving forward and doing the P90X program till completion.

Saturdays plan is:
7.30-8.30 at the gym - Legs and Cardio
8.45- 9am - Rinse off, go to the bank, have breakfast
9.45 - 11am - Yoga to go 1 hour class
11 am - Shower and exfoliate have mid morning snack
11.30am - Go for a spray tan
1-2pm Power nap - lunch
3-5pm Give myself a cotton candy french mani and pedi
5pm After lunch snack
5.30pm Start getting dialed up

Sunday if the weather is nice, after church I want to head to the river and just relax.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 2 Shoulders and Arms

Just got the deal of the day, 5 Hatha Yoga sessions at Yoga To Go for $25!

There were only 15 and I got it just in time, super duper happy! Plus its near my house, and I have been wanting to go there for a long time.

Hello opportunity knocking.... T. answered!

I got my hair fixed last night, and I like the color much better now. Its more how I wanted with some highlights around my face. T. is very happy to say goodbye to Goldie Locks.

Workout was great this morning, but the cookies last night not so much. I took a 1/2 pb sandwich with me to eat on the way to the hair salon so I would not be starved. Got home at 7.20 and ate 2 cups of watermelon for dinner.

Then about 9pm, I was starved (dahh lack of protein) so I had 3 cookies and 1 cup of milk. Yum, but very bad at 9pm. I'm over it! This is why its so important to get enough protein in your diet, and why I should have opted for my Casien Whey.

Here is my workout today, and I love working the upper body. I feel so good doing strength training that doesn't hurt my knees! Plus its just down right out sexy to see my muscles grow, and the cellulite bit the dust :-)

Post workout smoothie:
1/2 c strawberries
1 scoop Vanilla whey protein
1 tsp olive oil
1/2 c water

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 2 Day 3

P90X Shoulders and Arms
Mood - Fierce!
Workout time = 25 minutes
Cals burned = 160

Warm up:
100 Jacks
Run lunges
High knees / wide /narrow
Butt kicks

Alternating shoulder press 10lb db 2x12
In and out bicep curl 10lb db 2x16
Two are tricep kick back 10lb db 2x12
Deep swimmer press 10lb db 2x12
Alt one arm concentration curls 10lb db 2x12
Chair dips - 25


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 2 Cardio X

I really love this workout! It is one of my favorites because it incorporates several workouts in one.

Yoga, Kenpo and Plyo.

Whats my favorite move?

Swing kicks. Why?

They really work all areas of the core. When you are lifting your legs, you are working the lower abs (transverse) as you round over the chair, you are using your side abs (obliques - love handles) and the contractions that are happening as do the movement work top of the abs (rectus)

You don't have to have a chair or a bench, you can just eye an area on the wall, then swing your leg that height. (Your making a 1/2 circle as if your kicking around a chair.) Keep your hands up like a boxer, to me its just the most fun you can have without an opponent. Always remember to exhale as you lift your legs and inhale as you lower.

I think if you did this move 3 times a week you would see a huge difference in your abs.

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 2 day Day 2

Workout - Cardio X
Mood - Oh yeah
Wt = 120
Time of workout = 35 minutes
Cals burned = 221

Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Swan dive
Runners lunge
Warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior

Ball kick - 2x25
Hook upper cut side kick - 2x25
Knuckles ball kick back kick - 2x25
Jab cross hook upper cut - 2x25
3 direction kicks 2x18

Repeat this series 2 times:
Airborn heisman 30 sec
Swing kicks 30 sec
Jump shots 30 sec
Snow tire 30 sec
Wacky jacks 30 seconds

Cool down:
Stretch in shower, forward bend neck rolls and at office, chair stretching


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Week 2 Core Synergistic

I know you might be thinking what happened to Kenpo last week?

I decided to run (2.5 miles) instead of doing the Kenpo last week which it is a cardio day. Since I am doing the gym on the weekends, I am sticking with lower body on Saturday and upper body on Sunday or vice versa.

Of course I love Kenpo because its kick boxing, and any boxing is a favorite of mine.

My favorite move of Core synergistic is the Prison Push ups, think combo burpee/push up and mountain climber.....whats NOT to like?

Today's workout P90X Round 3 Lean Week 2 Day 1

Post workout smoothie strawberry d-lish:
1 c strawberries
1 scoop Vanilla whey protein
1/2 cup water
1 tsp olive oil

Workout - Core Synergistic
Mood - Refreshed
Wt - 121
Time of workout = 40 min
Cals burned = 240

7 minute Warm up:
Neck rolls
Back wide arm stretch
Tapas stretch (sumo squat w/arms out to laterally)
High knee taps
Jog, wide, knees down, knees up
J Jacks 25
Forward bend stationary
Straight leg forward bend
Standing hamstring stretch

Stacked staggered pushups 2x5
Banana rolls 2 min
Leaning crescent lunge 24 w/3lb db
Squat run 1 min w/3lb db
Sphinx pushups 10
Bow to boat 10
Low lateral skaters w/leg lift 25
Lunge and reach 25 w/3lb db
Prison push ups 10 (My fav)

Thank you all for reading my Examiner articles, for subscribing and clicking.....because of YOU, I won the grand prize an i-pad!


Monday, August 2, 2010

Awesome August Weekend Workouts

Awesome August is going to be working on my glutes!

Over the weekend, I cranked out some fierce workouts hoping to get glutes like this HAWT! (btw these are not my glutes) I have to keep building mine with the added weights, and my single leg squats but it will happen because I am on a mission.

I also got my hair done for this weekends 30 year high school reunion and I hate it. (I know hate is a strong word) I tried to fix it myself and its a disaster, so I am going to go back after work this week and get it corrected.

I wanted some "face framing highlights" in a light blond and then carmel and brown for the rest of my hair.

What I got was a lovely yellow-orange color. *sigh. I called my sister in Oklahoma who is a hairdresser and she walked me through a "toning" process. Bad T. I called after it was on my head, ALL over my head. She said, jump in the shower and rinse that out....then call me back. I did and it looks much more toned down like dark carmel/gold streaks but ANY gold on me looks B-A-D!

Sunday I tried to help my girl freind out with her relationship, but it looks like its going down like the titanic. *sigh I am such a romantic person, I just love, love, and all people in love as we just don't see enough of it.

I had a good workout weekend. I did a run on Saturday which was the first one in a long time, the fresh air was wonderful but HOT. I ran 2.5 miles in a 10.57 minute mile. I used to run all the time, now not so much because its kinda addicting especially if your stressed. But I tend to get too skinny and not in a good way, first thing to go is my glutes....last my belly. Go figure.

Sunday I did legs at the gym, and today I am so super duper sore! (In a good way) Today is my rest and recovery day thank goodness, but I did 15 minutes of yoga pilates stretch. I did pretty good with diet, but did have some sugar. 1 ice cream, and a slice of cheesecake with cherries, I don't know what it is about summer I just love ice cream.

I stocked up on cantalope and watermelon and got some strawberries and peaches, this week crunch week needs to be super C-L-E-A-N. (Clingy black backless dress need I say more?)

Sundays workout:
Workout Legs & Cardio

Mood - Sore
Wt - 119
Time of workout = 45 min
Cals burned = 150 (Elliptical & Stair Master Climber)

Squats 70lb 3x12
Standing glute press 40lb 3x12
Laying glute press 55lb 3x12
Calf raises (3 way) 10lb db 3x10
Dead Lifts 50lb z bar 3x12
Standing leg squats 1x10
Abs captains chair 3x10
Crunch machine 1x20

10 minute manual stair climber = 100 cals 43 flights
5 minute elliptical warm up = 50 cals

Saturdays workout:
Workout - Cardio

Mood - Ruuuumble
Wt - 119
Workout - Running 2.5 miles (at 10.57 per mile)
Time of workout = 23 minutes
Cals burned = 182

Warm up - Cool down:
Runners lunge stretch
Hamstring stretch
Forward bend stretch