
Friday, July 30, 2010

P90X Vs Insanity Extreme Workouts

If you ever wondered what the difference in these two programs are, here it is broken down:

P90X is dumbbell weight training/strength training. Personally if you like variety, P90X may be the one you want. Plus you can really modify it very easily. There is only 2 plyo (jumping) workouts, Cardio X and Plyometics.

Insanity is body weight training. It has more of the same moves over and over, (think jumping jacks and high knees) with each workout and very much harder on the knees and back. More bending over and jumping, and not much difference in each of the style of workouts.

Hey, I don't consider myself a whimp either....
... at 119lbs I:

Bench 70lbs
Cable row 70lb
Asst Pullup 65-70lb
Curl 25lb
Squat 60lb
Leg Press 120-140lb
Clean press 50-60lb

But both workouts are effective and will get you results like any workout if you stick with them. So check it out and let me know your thoughts.......

I am on round 3 of P90X and did Insanity for 1 week and stopped because of my knees.

P90X Round 3 Lean Day 7 Shoulders and Arms (PT 2)

One more week till the reunion.....I have got to keep myself on FIRE!

Today should have been yoga, but since I did Yoga already this week I finished Shoulders and arms.

Its one of my favorite workouts in the program and I did all the moves with 10 lb db and felt great. Next time I will use my 15 lbs db and really RAWK! (since I was not even sore today from yesterday that tells me my weights were too light) Plus If I were sore, I would have done Yoga and let my body have a day of rest.

I did not do the Ab ripper, and thought I would have time to do some core but I did not get started early enough. I did circuit this workout today, just for an extra cardio boost. (since I was going to take my stats)

Between each set I did jumping jacks until the next move (20-25). I did all moves to 12 reps with good form using my mirror as usual.

My favorite move = Crouching Cohen Curls

Why? Because the back is fully rounded and it feels wonderful on my back as a stress relief. (you bend down in a crouching position and place the weights with elbows inside of knees and curl up)

Bad food choice last night, small cup of custard....don't even get me started I already was so mad at me last night :-(
I may have to move away from my favorite custard stand! I'm considering this my weekly cheat.

Today's smoothie berry D-lish:

1 Scoop vanilla ice cream 100% Gold standard whey
1/3 small banana
3 Large strawberries
1/2 c ice cold water
1 tsp olive oil

P90X Round 3 Lean Day 7 (Part 2)

Workout - Shoulders and Arms Part 2
Mood - YES
Time of workout = 25 minutes
Cals burned = 160

Friday Stats:
Wt 120.5
BF% 23.0 (This is DOWN insert happy dance)
BMI 20.7

Warm up:
100 Jumping jacks
Arm circles 1 min forward 1 min back

Upright rows 10lb db 2x12
Static arm curls 10lb db 2x12
Flip grip twist kickbacks 10lb 2x12
Seated shoulder flys 10lb db 2x16
Crouch cohen curls 10lb db 2x12
Lying triceps extension 10lb db 2x12

Is anyone doing anything for National Dance Day tomorrow?

I am doing 15 minutes of contemporary gospel in the morning, praise God. Then its to my hair appointment for next weekends 30 year reunion.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Day 6 Shoulders and Arms

Oh to have Dreyas Bod, talk about motivation!

This morning I woke up refreshed after going to the chiropractor yesterday after work, I slept so much better.

Thanks Dr. Burns!

So far I am doing better today on this meal plan. I did have only a few extras yesterday, it is all about consuming a bit less calories but with high good fats.
I added a few extra carbs, I entered them in as brand cereal but it was Quaker Oats oat square cereal and I had about 10 squares for dessert.

This next week I will get some jello, and curb my dessert cravings.

I also froze some bananas to make some ice cream too. Any ideas or recipes you have on using frozen naners let me know. I have never used them like this and not sure how to make them. They were already soft bananas. (and they are NOT on my meal plan so I can only have about a 1/2 c)

Today's workout was P90X Round 3 Lean Day 6 and I really RAWKED it!

I plan to keep at the 10lb dumbbells for now, in a few weeks I will up that to 15lbs. Just to be safe with my injury, BUT I am feeling strong and S-E-X-Y already! ........Take that 30 year reunion!

Workout - P90X Shoulders and Arms
Mood - Brrrrring it!
Wt = 119
Workout time = 25 minutes
Cals burned = 160

Warm up:
50 Jacks
Run lunges
High knees / wide /narrow
Butt kicks

Alternating shoulder press 10lb db 2x12
In and out bicep curl 10lb db 2x16
Two are tricep kick back 10lb db 2x12
Deep swimmer press 10lb db 2x12
Alt one arm concentration curls 10lb db 2x12
Chair dips - 25

Ps here is the HoopBody workout story from yesterdays blog and more


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

P90X Round 3 Day 5 Cardio X

Doing a story on this, I love Marisa!

I'm on day 3 of my new meal plan, and so far hanging pretty tough.

However I had 2 mistakes last night. I had some low fat ice cream after dinner (that is out of the house now*sigh) and cereal dry for a snack around bedtime, when I should have had my whey casein instead. BAD T. NO carbs before bed!

Note to self: You are a work in progress do not beat yourself up, its a new day.

Yesterday I found my dream bedding and bought it!
Here it is....Surprise its GREEN!

You all KNOW how obsessed I am with bedding, changes with the seasons so what can I say. The price was wonderful and it is so super duper soft with a nice weight for summer/fall. And the price, with shams could not be beat for the quality and its a modern style. The thread quilting is oval, not like old fashion style quilting so it looks very contemporary with my modern white night stands. Just the right POP of color.

Also I don't know if anyone is into family fun, but I found this site OF COURSE CREATED BY A WOMAN and as you know I am all about supporting women in biz so check this out its an amazing concept to draw family together.

I am glad to be back to P90X and enjoying the variety of the workouts, HELLO round 3 gonna kick some serious FAT! Plus I love the lean version since I am a cardio freak, T. is very happy.

Today's Workout:

P90X Round 3 Day 5
Workout - Cardio X
Mood - Oh yeah
Wt = 120
Time of workout = 25 minutes
Cals burned = 158

Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Swan dive
Runners lunge
Warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior

Ball kick - 2x25
Hook upper cut side kick - 2x25
Knuckles ball kick back kick - 2x25
Jab cross hook upper cut - 2x25
3 direction kicks 2x18


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

P90X Round 3 Lean Day 4 Core Synergistics

Hello Tony Horton......I'm back! and fully committed for another round of extreme fitness with you .

I was going to start Insanity August first, but have decided not do to this program due to my knees. I have only did 1 full week of Insanity, and its a great program if you can do a lot of jumping.

Since my surgery I had to take almost 3-4 weeks off extreme workouts and packed back on my body fat that I lost *sigh and feel I lost strength. Yup, back on my meal plan (my meal plan is written by a nutritionist/trainer in NY) which also should show major improvements.

I was rowing 75lb easily and doing glute press of 55lb now I have scaled back to 55lb and 45lbs until I can build back up to do 8-10 reps. For my home workouts I will be using 15lb - 25lb dumbbells.

So the good news is......that my arm feels much better and I am able to do pullups and pushups again. I have not done any heavy lateral lifts and will continue light until I have progressed enough being mindful of that injury.

What is the program I am going to do?

P90X Round 3 Lean. (First round was P90X Lean, then P90X Classic now P90X Lean)

I started last week and here is how my workouts will be for the next phase.

Monday - Off day (yoga, stretch, hula hooping, walking)
Tuesday through Friday - P90X Round 3 Lean
Saturday at the gym
Sunday at the gym

I'm super happy about this plan, and ready for big changes since I have 2 weeks till my reunion.

YIKES send support daily to me PLEASE.......

Today's workout:
P90X Round 3 Week 1 Day 4

Workout - Core Synergistics
Mood - Refreshed
Time of workout = 40 min
Cals burned = ?

Stacked staggered pushups 2x5
Banana rolls 2 min
Leaning crescent lunge 24 w/3lb db
Squat run 1 min w/3lb db
Sphinx pushups 12 (girly)
Bow to boat 10
Low lateral skaters w/leg lift 25
Lunge and reach 25 w/3lb db


Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend Workouts P90X Day 3 Yoga X

Tia, just so you know I did not slack on my workouts you pumped me up!

I did not get in enough cals yesterday since I had so much coffee it took my appetite away. I had a great workout weekend and lots of socializing.

Now I am back on my old meal plan and am happy to be changing things up. I decided I will stay on P90X for another round since I lost strength from surgery. My legs are killing me, yesterday on the stair master I thought I would die, and it was just 10 minutes.......YIKES!

Here are my weekend workouts, and its back to P90X sorry Shaun T.

Today's workout:
Off day

Workout - Yoga X and Core
Mood - Sluggish
Time of workout = 25 mins
Cals = 44

Forward bend
Downward dog
Upward dog
Runners lunge
Warrior I
Warrior II

25 Regular crunches
50 Obliques
25 Reverse crunches bent leg
Reverse Warrior

Sunday workout:
Workout - Upper Body & Cardio

Mood - Strong
Time of workout = 60 min
Cals burned = 150

Back flys 30lb 3x12
Chest press 30lbs 3x12
Asst Pullups 55lb 3x10

Back rows 55lb 3x12
Lat pull downs w/alt bicep 45lb 3x12

Yoga stretch cool down
Downward dog
Upward dog
Forward bend
Seated stretches
Shoulder tri stretch

5 minute elliptical = 50 cals
10 minute stair master = 100

Saturday workout:
Workout Legs & Glutes = 30 min cardio
Mood - Fierce
Time of workout = 45 min
Cals burned = 240

Squat Standing 60lb 3x10
Laying glute 55lb 3x10
Standing glute 40lb 3x10
Seated Back ext 50lb 3x10
Leg Press 100lb 3x10
Hyper extentions 3x10
Captains chair ball 3x10 alt knee/straight leg
Standing single leg squat
Dead lifts 50lb 1x20

5 min elliptical 10 min Stair Climber 1 min intervals level 5-7 with cross leg, double step and wide step

10 min stretch cool down:
Runners lunge
Forward bend
Downward dog w/alt calve raises
Upward dog
Childs pose
Side childe pose
Hero pose
Single leg seated stretch


Friday, July 23, 2010

P90X Day 2 Yoga X

P90X Yoga X is such a long workout....I have still never finished the full hour and a half. Acutally I only know a few people that have.

I have done one half one day and the second half the next if that counts but to devote 90 minutes to a workout just seem doesn't happen. If I take 2 back to back classes at the gym but other then that, nope. A split,, I just never have that much time *sigh.

Today's workout was good and relaxing. I am going to a jewellery party tonight and then relaxing and getting some projects done over the weekend.

If your into some good recipe ideas I really like Ginas blog, here is the link

3 ways to cut back on BAD stuff:

1.Switch to fake sweeteners or "wing" yourself off completely, just add less and less each week you wont even miss it.

2. Take 1/2, always just take 1/2 of whatever it is.....then go back after 1 full glass of you won't want it.

3. Divide all things that are packaged AS SOON AS YOU BRING THEM HOME. You may buy some wheat thin crackers, or nuts sit down right away after putting way your groceries and just DO IT. Then when mindless munchies come calling you will you be ready.

I am glad my stats are better this week, but I still have work to do the reunion is just 3 weeks away! YIKES........*sigh

Workout - P90X Yoga
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 119
Time of workout - 40 minutes (20 minutes)
Cals = 86 (44 calories)

Friday Stats:
WT- 119
BF% 23.9
BMI 20.6

Last Week:
Wt - 119
BF% 24.8
BMI 20.4

Mountain pose
Reverse Swan
Downward Dog
Runners Pose
Crescent Pose

Here is my latest


Thursday, July 22, 2010

P90X Day 1 Back and Biceps

Good news....I did P90X Back and Bicep workout, and all the pull ups without my arm hurting!

I really think all that time off healed that injury that kept nagging me. Don't get me wrong, I am very mindful right now of it and did not push myself as hard as I like, but I was sweating like a pig! (I am going to stick with P90X till the end of the month, then re-start Insanity.)

What is the toughest move on this workout for me is the towel pull ups! No doubt. I do all these pull ups with an assisted tool a ladder on a yoga mat. But the balance of having one arm higher then the other, and the instability of the towel movement makes this one crazy hard.

How to do this towel pull up move:
Place one towel (damp for grip) over the bar of the pull up AND place your hand gripping the bottom of the towel, and place your other hand regular on the pull up. Do 4 pull ups and switch the towel to the opposite hand.

Thanks Tony Horton!

Next to this pull up move I would add the Corn Cob pull up.

How to do the Corn Cob pull up:
Pull up to a full held up pull up position and hold, then lean your body to the right, back to center then to the left and then back to center then release the pull up back to the full hanging down position and repeat.

Since I do these assisted, the towel one is much harder for me but I may feel the other is if I were able to do it without it. Since your keeping your body in a flex hold for quite a few seconds its really isometrically a KILLER!

Last night I did not get in another workout. *sigh. But that walk at lunch yesterday has to count for something it was 98 degrees out right?

My girl friend came by to take me to dinner for my birthday, plus she got me a gift too.

I got 3 small Bath and Body items, I was thrilled plus dinner out....pleeeese (insert happy dance here) I got the new Lime Citrus lotion, nice and clean and then Japanese Blossom the body spray and lotion.

Today's workout:

Workout - P90X Back and Bicep
Mood - Happy
Time of workout = 45 mins
Cals burned = ?

Wide pull ups 20
Lawn mower 15lb 15
Twenty ones 10lb - 21 - full, 1/2 curl, full
1 Arm cross body curl 10lb 15
Switch grip pull ups 20
Elbow out lawn mower 15lb - 15
Standing bicep curls 10lb - 15
1 Arm concentration curls 10lb - 10
Corn cob pull ups 10
Reverse grip bent over rows 15lb - 15
Open arm curls 10lb - 15
Static arm curls 10lb - 16
Towel pull ups 6
Congdon locomotive 15lb - 40
Crouching cohen curls 10lb - 12
Corkscrew curls 10lb - 10


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3 Doctors 1 Day

This is my ear doctor Dr. James Benecke, one of the best in St. Louis love him!

Yesterday I went to the doctor, or I should say 3 of them.

Since I had to go back for my post op ear appointment I decided to use that day off to take care of other annual appointments too.

Sadly I did not bring my camera.

First I went for my mammogram, at Midwest Breast Care I love this place. Everyone is so caring and they have these cool coffees you can make plus warm gowns. How great is that?

I learned a lot of things, besides being very good taken care of. I always ask questions so that I can view the pics on the screen and know that things are ok. They are NOT allowed to read them but I know they can tell when something is wrong.

I found out, that implants under the tissue/muscle are much easier to read/see whats going on. Also that even if your more muscular it is harder to read because it makes the tissue dense. Like a tree in the winter you see the birds but a tree in the summer is much harder to see them.

But there are women that are muscular that have fatty breast due to babies so they sag under the muscle and they are easy to read. My breast are small and very muscular and since I have had no babies they are firm and dense. This makes it harder to read, but not impossible.

No matter what she told me there has never been a case of finding something on a women with implants that has NOT shown up on a mammogram so that is good news for those women that have them. Yay!

Next up the eye doctor. My mom had glaucoma so I get tested every year, in this case I missed both appointments last year. He started doing another test where they take a picture of the eye. It was so cool, hence missing my camera for this blog. He showed me how the cone of the retina and the veins can show if someone has pressure and how that effects the site or detects glaucoma. This was NOT covered under insurance however I paid the $18 to have it done just to be safe.

At 48 the conclusion was I need reading glasses if I want them. One eye compensates for the other. Right eye near sided, Left far sited. So I have a script and I may get that filled. Good news, no glaucoma. Yay!

Then it was off to the ear doctor, where I got out my stitches and had my ear sucked out (sorry that's the only way I can say it) and tested the ear drum. All is good. He said that the healing is perfect, the surgery is a "Home run" and that I need to keep with drops 2 a night till Saturday.

I can get water in the ear, and that even though I still have head ringing that should go away in the next 3-4 weeks he has ASSURED ME this will happen. He said the healing and skin are growing properly and I can hear out of the ear now but it is still tender on the cartilage top area of the ear. (he fliped back the top of the cartilage to do the surgery then cut all the way around behind the ear)

Thank you all for your prayers!

We continue to pray that this healing process continues and I am totally cured in the next 3-4 weeks and can sleep without taking a pill. Cleared to do all workouts. Yay!

Now on to workouts.

This morning we had birthdays at the office so I had to fix my huge fruit tray, and did not workout yet. The plan yoga after work, or upper body at home not sure yet.

Yesterday RAWKED!

(except that I got a pecan blizzard at DQ after dinner since I had such a rough day. I know like a kid, but I still did it since I love pecan pie and those darn commercials have been killing me)

Tuesdays workout:
45 Min Morning walk 13 min mile

Workout Legs & Glutes = 5 min HIIT 10 Monster Stair
Mood - Fierce
Time of workout = 45 min
Cals burned = 279

Squat Standing 60lb 3x10
Laying glute 55lb 3x10
Standing glute 40lb 3x10
Seated Back ext 50lb 3x10
Leg Press 100lb 3x10
Hyper extentions 3x10
Captains chair ball 3x10 alt knee/straight leg
Standing single leg squat
Dead lifts 50lb 1x20

5 min elliptical 10 min Stair Climber 1 min intervals level 5-7 with cross leg, double step and wide step

10 min stretch cool down:
Runners lunge
Forward bend
Downward dog w/alt calve raises
Upward dog
Childs pose
Side childe pose
Hero pose
Single leg seated stretch

Todays workout = Zero (Yoga or Upper body after work)

I will blog my Monster Stair workout seperately, so anyone that wants to take on the challenge can.....

View my Chair Yoga workouts and rate if you want.


Monday, July 19, 2010

2 New Videos Fat Blasting Workouts

I had a productive weekend, and I feel good about that. I blasted some fat this weekend with my gym workouts.

SORE does not even start to describe how I feel, and I am loving getting back to my basic training. Especially at the gym, which my gym went to a 24 hours now so NO EXCUSE!

Diet not so good, had some new lemon ice cream called 5. Five ingredients and very tasty I only had a half cup but still. For some reason this weekend I had a sweet tooth more then usual and we ate out 2 times.

I was dreading a weigh in today even though my weigh in day is Friday I felt icky from that food. Good news, 119 so T. is very happy today!

How did it happen? Portion control! You can have a few treats but you just can't ruin the WHOLE WEEK of work.

Sundays Workout:
Workout - Upper Body & Cardio
Mood - Strong
Time of workout = 60 min
Cals burned = 150

Back flys 30lb 3x12
Chest press 30lbs 3x12
Asst Pullups 55lb 3x10

Back rows 55lb 3x12
Lat pull downs w/alt bicep 45lb 3x12

Lateral lifts w/T lifts 5lb 3x12
Side plank w/db 5lb 3x10
Tricep kickbacks 10lb 3x12

15 minute elliptical = 150 cals

Saturdays Workout:
Workout Legs & Glutes = 20 min HIIT
Mood - Fierce
Time of workout = 60 min
Cals burned = 250

Squat Standing 60lb 3x10
Laying glute 55lb 3x10
Standing glute 40lb 3x10
Seated Back ext 50lb 3x10
Leg Press 100lb 3x10
Hyper extensions 3x10
Captains chair ball 3x10 alt knee/straight leg

20 min HIIT elliptical 1 min intervals level 12-20 inclines 4-10

10 min stretch cool down:
Runners lunge
Forward bend
Downward dog w/alt calve raises
Upward dog
Childs pose
Side child pose
Hero pose
Single leg seated stretch

Monday Workout:
Off day
20 Minutes P90X Stretch

PS: I finally got my 2 new videos up, please rate me


Sunday, July 18, 2010

My video is up

My new video is up! I know I said I would do this last week but its up, and part 2 is being loaded today.

I welcome any comments and ratings thanks!


Friday, July 16, 2010

Flower Garden Picture Blog

This is the flower garden I started from seed, enjoy

A little garden frog, now he is a blog celebrity

Me - ok, no make up or anything.....warning!

I can't believe I grew these from a little seed in an egg carton to this its just amazing.

Now on a food note, promised pictures

Cottage protein pudding
Sugar free jello pudding
Cottage cheese

Sweet potato
Honey and sunflower seeds
If you like sweet and salty you will love this!

My lunch today
Yogurt, banana and strawberries dash of cinnamon.

Now next year I will get these same flowers and start learning about flowers you can actually eat.

Do you eat flowers?

Todays workout - Step
Mood - Ok
Time of workout = 30 min
Cals burned = 237

Friday stats:
Wt - 119
BF% 24.8
BMI 20.4

I am going to re-take these stats again tomorrow since that is a big jump in the WRONG direction.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cross Fit Training

" Once you start your journey, you should be clear on where you have to end because your journey is already a success, once you are clear where you are heading to."Written in 2010 by Vishal Mehta

Today I felt so bad I went to the local Walgreens Clinic. I have been drinking loads of cranberry juice, which btw will TOTALLY CLEANSE your system and thought its NOT going away.

So confirmed UTI and got a 3 day antibiotic pack and some pills for the pain which turn your urine pretty orange. I am glad they took care of me at Walgreens, and got me some medicine and sent me on my way back to the office. I am feeling so much better now.

I drink so much water I have rarely had a problem like this but let me tell you that it sure lets you know your alive *sigh.....

Basically the day went like this:
Too low cals
Not enough protein
No workout

The good news, tomorrow is a new day and its upper body workout day yippee! I always feel strong and sexy on that workout day. Not like legs, I mean mine are not that much worth bragging about.

I wonder how all this no sugar cranberry juice is going to effect my stats tomorrow, I can sure tell you I am sick of the taste of it. You know how when you HAVE to eat or drink something its just not as good to you?

Oh and since I did not workout, I thought I would share the Cross Fit daily workout link for you.

They are out of Kentucky and RAWK! Just poke around they have lots of great info on the site and I visit it often.

NO EXCUSE I MAKE IT HAPPEN (just not today)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

8 Minute Workout In My Panties

Today I decided to do my lower body workout at home. And since I did not do very much yoga yesterday I stuck with a body weight workout. I finished up with 15lb straight leg dead lifts and felt fabulous!

Something about working with weights makes me feel so powerful and sexy. I know it may not seem that way when you first start with weights, but you will get the feeling if you stick with it.

Today I needed extra motivation so I worked out in just my panties and tennis shoes. It was not pretty site, but a reality check.

Mind you I have a full length mirror and let me tell you it shows all the ripples and dipples I don't care for.

But.....that just makes me work harder!

If you have never tried it, I really recommend it. Even if you are far from where you want to be at physically you still have the ability to change how you look on the outside by how you feel on the inside.

I decided to try my sweet potato different today, I am getting creative or lazy because I did NOT feel like looking up a recipe.

Anyway here is my creation today:

1 sweet potato
2 tbs peanut butter
2 tbs honey
small dash of cinnamon

1/2 cup yogurt
3 strawberries sliced on top......yum!

If you have a sweet potato recipe you like, please let me know. I am trying to eat more of them and less bread at lunch.

My workout was old school 1994 dvd Jaime Brenkus 8 minute workout. Here is his ab workout that I love to do.

Lower body body weight workout
8 min Legs, 8 min Glutes, 8 min stretch = 24 minutes
Mood - Go girl!
Time of workout = 25 min

Squat pulses
Forward lunge
Forward to back lunge
Standing Abduction
Standing Adduction
Glute press
Donkey kicks
Straight Leg lifts
Dead lift 15lb db

5 min stretch

Did anyone see Losing It with JM last night? (I loved those girls)


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

P90X Yoga

" When a person wants to do something in life, then all the excuses go away automatically, but the first step has to be taken. The first step and focus is what keeps us going." Written by Tarun Shienh

After my rest day yesterday I felt much better today, but still sore during yoga. I have really enjoyed getting back to my strength training so much. I still have never did this whole hour and a half workout in one session, or know anyone that has.

Today I am going to lunch with my boss and will order fish. Just one more week and I got to the doctor.....yeah!

Workout - P90X Yoga
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 120
Time of workout - 40 minutes
Cals = 86

Moutain pose
Reverse Swan
Downward Dog
Runners Pose
Crescent Pose
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Warrior 3
Twisting Triangle
Twisting Chair


Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Workouts Sweet Potato Concoction

The stair BEAST! Ever try this machine?

I had an ice cream with brownies in it this weekend, I will admit. (which I don't like so won't be mixing my brownies and ice cream again)

Worked out really hard this weekend, and feelin' it SORE!

I even did the MONSTER manual stair climber for 5 minutes (usally I do this for 20 minutes if I do NO other cardio). I know your thinking that's not much, huh? But after 15 minutes on the elliptical at a calorie burn of 1 calorie per minute it was tough! I burned 2 cals per minute on that stair MONSTER puppy.....sheesh.

Plus on a down side, I did have to drop down on the asst pullups machine by 10lbs but you know I am ok with that.

Last week I really kept my fat macro in line and hope to do the same this week, just tweeking some things while trying to stay on a budget.

On a food note, (I did not load the pictures yet) I am trying a new thing with my sweet potato........

What do you think?

Lunch today:
1 med sweet potato
2 tbs honey
1/2 oz sunflower seeds

D-lish sweet and salty......and for dessert yogurt with cinnamon.

Today's workout:
Off day rest and grow

Sundays 7/11 workout:
Workout - Upper Body & Cardio

Mood - Bring it!
Time of workout = 60 min
Cals burned = 200

Back flys 30lb 3x12
Chest press 30lbs 3x12
Asst Pullups 55lb 3x10

Back rows 55lb 3x12
Lat pull downs w/alt bicep 45lb 3x12

Lateral lifts w/T lifts 5lb 3x12
Side plank w/db 5lb 3x10
Tricep kickbacks 10lb 3x12

15 minute elliptical = 150 cals
5 minute manual stair climber = 50 cals

Also, I did not film my yoga video but it is coming!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lower Body Workout And Smoothie

Don't forget to stay hydrated during your workouts, the colder the water the better your body processes it.

Workout Legs & Glutes followed by 20 min HIIT
Mood - Fierce
Time of workout = 60 min
Cals burned = 250

5 Minute elliptical warm up

Squat Standing 60lb 3x10
Laying glute 55lb 3x10
Standing glute 40lb 3x10
Seated Back ext 50lb 3x10
Leg Press 100lb 3x10
Hyper extensions 3x10
Captains chair ball 3x10 alt knee/straight leg

20 min HIIT elliptical 1 min intervals level 12-20 inclines 4-10

10 min stretch cool down:
Runners lunge
Forward bend
Downward dog w/alt calve raises
Upward dog
Childs pose
Side childs pose
Hero pose
Single leg seated stretch

I got four birthday cards, I am super happy about the love and so very grateful. I think I am over my "48" meltdown, yippee!

Mid day smoothie snack:
1 scoop vanilla whey
1 tbs pb
1/4 c non fat vanilla yogurt
1/4 skim

My new lamps :-)


Friday, July 9, 2010

12 Protein Balanced Snacks

12 Protein balanced snacks:

1. Nut butter & apple slices with pumpkin seeds
2. Whole grain toast topped with nut butter and sliced bananas
3. Hummus and veggies on whole grain pita bread
4. A handful of nuts and dried fruit
5. Yogurt and nuts or fruit
6. Cheese slices and whole grain crackers or veggie sticks
7. A hard boiled egg and veggie sticks
8. Tuna, and whole grain crackers with veggie sticks
9. Cheese and bean quesadilla triangles
10. Cottage cheese and cubed fruit
11. Edamame and whole grain crackers
12. Turkey, cheese, and veggie wrap

More healthy tips from Dierbergs Whole Life Store

Here is my workout and Friday Stats, and I am glad that this week looks so much better then last week. Considering I even had the holiday in there...hum, and all those darn desserts!

Workout - P90X Yoga
Mood - Sleepy - it was raining out
Wt - 120
Time of workout - 40 minutes
Cals = 86

BF% 23.7 last week 24.3
BMI - 20.6

Mountain pose
Reverse Swan
Downward Dog
Runners Pose
Cresent Pose
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Warrior 3
Twisting Triangle
Twisting Chair

I am feeling positive now that my body fat has lowered and trying to keep that under control. As most of you know, I have a sweet tooth and that is not good for anyone with fat near your abs.

Tomorrow is legs at the gym followed by 20 minute cardio and Sunday is upper body at the gym followed by 20 minute cardio.

Maybe I will do the Stair climber BEAST!

Lately I have just been so tired when I get home, I have no idea what is going on with that. I have not had any change in my diet so I can't really understand that. If anything I did add a few carbs (Bare Naked Granola), which could be the reason? Was going to push myself to do an after dinner walk, but decided to hang on the couch......sigh.......


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can 3 Days Make a Difference

In 3 more days, another year will have passed

Here is my story on Rachel's Frozen Mango Recipe, thanks Rachel!

Today's workout was upper body strength training. I have been doing a hybrid of workouts and its been fun and creative. What I call Plan B until I go back to the doctor, yes I keep talking about this because I want it over.

I added in Ben Greenfields Push-Pull workout here is his link for more info

He is actually a trainer and a triathlon expert so I don't get into everything he has going on but I do like to learn from him.

Here is my workout:
Workout Upper Body ( from Ben Greenfields Push Pull)
Mood - Grrrrreat
Time of workout - 35 min
Cals burned = ?

7 min Warm up:
J Jacks 100
Arm circles & Windmills
Pot stirs
Neck rolls

Dead lifts 20lb 3x10
Bicep curl to shoulder press 6lb 3x12
Kettle bell 12lb 3x12
Pull ups 3x12
Bent over back rows 10lb 3x12
Chest press 10lb 3x12
Twist crunch w/6lb med ball 30

I am feeling pretty good, and have clean up since the holiday here are my numbers including today's meals since I know what I am having I already put in it.

Week of 7/2 to 7/8
Calories: (1,410 -1,760) 1,978 1,468 1,713 1,187 1,493 1,417 1,397
Fat: (37 -65) 69 63 80 30 41 40 40
Carbohydrates: (187 -270) 242 122 150 130 159 148 151
Protein: (60 -145) 104 110 100 93 128 124 117
Fiber, total dietary: (15 -30) 20 9 10 4 25 19 21

Some how last night I had a melt down! I just crushed myself because of the stress of getting to my birthday and being behind on my goals. I just had a huge rough patch.

I want so much and feel like I keep focused and driven, but am not getting there fast enough. I even did Darren Hardings 10 year plan and found areas that I was lacking but still did better then I expected.

Here are some things that have been playing with my head about goals and being more successful. I am just venting here....

1.Teach Zumba and Specialize in TRX training, so those certifications are what I am working on. Certification for Zumba is September and hoping for TRX in October. I started BOTH of these 6 years ago.

2. To buy another property to turn into a studio vs renting. Still working on this as you know the Barbie house is too small if you have seen my youtube videos you can tell. (trainertfitness if you want to look me up)

3. Public Speaking on Impressions, Self belief, Motivation and Coaching

4. Get a new mattress and dresser to complete my bedroom. (This is some what a need for my back, but the dresser it can wait)

5. Learn investing. I am still struggling here I just can not get into it. I have great support and websites but I would be more interested in business ventures.

6. Contemplating 1 last competition at age 50. Its been almost 20 years and I don't know that I have it in me again. I still love every aspect but if I can't wrap my head around the nutrition that goes with it, I honestly have to hang it up.

7. The economy has shifted and I need to be ready for that come back, and I don't feel that I have everything in place that I should have. I have many things started but I am not sure that I have got as far as I should or could be.

8. Increase my net worth. I have done some work in this area that is reaping results but I can do better, I know I can. (expenses like surgery and certifications take way from this right now, until I re-coupe that from training clients for now its DEBT)

Today is a new day, a clear day and I will work on re-aligning my goals. I just need to get deep within myself and know it is what I want to go after and then pray for the answers.

So in 3 more days it will be another year that has passed, will that really make a difference? I doubt it, but since each day adds up I need to focus on the next 365!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Do You Zumba?

I am super happy about getting Zumba Certified this September with Jani Roberts!

I have been teaching a few classes, a "hybrid Zumba" that I created from youtube videos and getting a good response. Now that I will be certified I will be able to use the logo, and learn the actual steps.

If you are certified can you tell me about ZIN? Cost and all to keep my certification up?

Do you Zumba?

I already have the Zumba original music from 6 years ago at a fitness convention I was at, that's how long I have been "on the fence" over this. After thinking about how I want to continue training at age 48, this is one area that I feel I am strong at to continue a one-on-one or group in.

Not that I don't love teaching step and kickboxing, I have to face the fact that eventually I may have to let that go and switch to floor aerobics and now Zumba.

Don't worry my passion is still in weight training and always will be, however its very hard to get clients to understand that it works better then cardio when used in the proper program.

Lately I have decided to add some spice to my oatmeal, so I created the
"Cinna-butter nut apple Oatmeal" (you might not think cinnamon and pb go together but that is what makes this so tasty)

Here is what you need:
1 small apple sliced small cubes
1 packet or 1/2 cup plain old fashion oats (or steel oats)
1 tbs of peanut butter (smooth)
1 tsp of cinnamon

Take a 1 cup container and put 1/2 cup oats (or packet) and add hot water, make it kinda runny. (if you don't make it runny its too thick after you add the apples) Then add 1 tbs of peanut butter, and 1 tsp of cinnamon and stir. Once all that is mixed and melted, add the cubed apples and stir. Delish!

Cals 250
Carbs 36
Fat 10 (mostly good fats from pb)
Fiber 7g
Sugar 12g
Protein 5g

Today's workout:
Workout - Legs
Mood - Sore
Time of workout = 15 minutes
Cals burned = ?

25 Jumping Jacks
Shadow boxing w/alt front kicks 50 reps
Lunge on step 5lb db 30 reps
Squats on step 5lb db 30 reps
Calve raises 5lb db 30 reps
Side Lunges 50 reps
Sumo Squats 50 reps

If you Zumba, what do you like about it OR are any classes better then others?


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Extreme Plastic Surgery

How far would you go to be beautiful? I watched Oprah on Monday, it was just EXTREME.

Today's Workout felt really great. I am going to continue with my yoga 2 times a week.

This time I decided to do the P90X Yoga X workout from the second half, and it was very tough. Its a lot more twisting but I did enjoy it as I fell on my butt!

Just 2 more weeks from today and I go back to the Doctor for my last follow up on my ear surgery and pray that the party in my head goes away. I still am putting in the drops and have some balance issues since the ear is packed and I can't hear.... but I am dealing so to speak. I don't like surgery at all and am hoping for a cure, so I pray.

I saw the MOST disturbing plastic surgery ever on Oprah!

It was about Asian, how they are getting taller with leg surgery. They cut the leg bone below the knee, then they put this brace on the inside of the leg (huge long thing they DRILL in the leg) and the bone grows where it has been cut to fill in.

This makes them 1-3" taller and each day they must "screw" this contraption to lengthen the brace so that the space between the break is bigger so the bone grows back longer. What about down the road, how will this effect them?

Has anyone seen or heard of this?

Here is my workout today 7/6
Workout - P90X Yoga - Second 1/2
Mood - Tight
Wt - 120
Time of workout - 40 minutes
Cals = 86

Downward Dog
Runners Pose
Crescent Pose
Twisting Crescent
Side Angle
Twisting Side Angle
Warrior 3
Half Moon
Reverse Swan
Mountain pose

Really how far would you go to be beautiful?

I am such a baby, I could not do any of this. (as you know ear surgery was horible enough and thats to hear and get the ringing out of my head) I feel beautiful no matter what, its how I feel about me that matters. God made me, I respect that and try my best to take care of my body for him. Everything you do today does effect down the road.


Ps- Do you sleep with a sleep mask?

Holiday Weeked Workouts

Cute Kitty - me melting in 100 degree weather

Holiday treats - I had 2 pieces, or was it 3?

Here are my holiday weekend workouts.

Saturday - 7/3

Workout - Lower body, Core & Cardio (2500)
Eliptical = 20 min
Cals burned 200
Time of workout = 60 mins

Squats 50lb,60lb,70lb 3x12
Leg press - 100lb 1x15
Glute press Laying - 45lb, 55lb 3x12
Glute Press Standing - 40lb 3x12
Seated rows - 45lb, 55lb 3x12
Back flys - 30lb 3x12
Hyper extentions 3x10
Abs standing 3x10

Cool downs stretch
Yoga, triangle, cobra, downward dog w/calve stretches

Sunday - 7/4

Workout - Upper body & HIIT cardio (3000)
Eliptical = 25 min
Cals burned 250
Time of workout = 60 mins

Lat cable pull downs 3x12 45lb
Chest press 3x12 30lb
Tricep kick back db 3x12 8lb
Plank side w/5lb db 3x10
Combo bicep overhead press 10lb 3x15
Seated chest flys 15lb 3x15

Monday - 7/5
3 Mile walk - off day

I made the July Oxygen protein cookies tonight, but I added oats. They were to me an 8 out of 10 but I am not a baker. It made about 30 cookies, so I will be having 2-3 each day instead of my half pb sandwich for breakfast snack.


Monday, July 5, 2010

4th Of July Picture Blog

We went to a local free firework and concert last night from 7-10, it was a good crowd and lots of people watching. Kids and parents dancing and playing good times were had by all.

Just thought I would share some pics from the night, met my girlfriend Diane and her daugher Maria, and grandbaby Mattie there.

Diane and T (I know I forgot to put my lip gloss on uggh)

Dianes granddaughter Mattie, Madison - 2 yrs old

The band

Diane and Mattie Dancing

Night falls we get ready for fireworks as the band wraps up

The fireworks

They had lots of food, I had a hamburger (which I worked off madly this morning) and 2 waters and avoided the funnel cakes that I REALLY was close (INSERT DEVIL HERE) but the line was so long I told myself I did not need them. (INSERT ANGEL HERE)

I can not tell you the last time I had a funnel cake, and they smell wonderful. When you don't have kids you really are not at places that sell them so when you do find them you I mean ME, feel the crave to indulge!

Anyone else love funnel cakes?

Don't cave in on all the temptations just pick a few that you know you can work off. Your body will love you for it in the long run.

I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th July weekend! Now its back to work........I will post my workouts later.


Friday, July 2, 2010

P90X Yoga Food Slump

Today's workout was Yoga, as planned. However I did not get up early enough to hit the gym for my cardio or legs sigh......

I am happy to be back with my Yoga two times a week, I have missed the focus and energy it brings me. I still don't have my balance but I am doing the best I can. I don't think it will be restored till the packing is out of my ear, or that is the plan. 3 weeks to go woot woot!

Got to thinking am I lazy?

Lazy with how I buy foods and go to the ones I am comfortable with. I mean am I getting boring? Maybe I am not sure, when I am on a budget I just buy the same old things each week.


Its easy.......period. I don't have to think, I can be lazy and go down the same aisle and grab it and go.

What is my go to foods:
Wheat bread
Chicken breasts
Cottage Cheese
Frozen or fresh peaches

If you check my food ticker you won't see much else then that, I rarely have rice or pastas and I am only getting in 2-4 fruits and veggies and its summer!

Where are my salads AND fruits? I need to get back to them and quit with so much bread (3 slices a day). The pasta I had this week killed my body fat stats. Yes it was so good but with the way my workouts have been my body does not need that extra carb laying on top of my abs!

Is anyone else stuck in a food shopping slump?

Here is my workout today, and the Friday body stats:
Workout - P90X Yoga
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 120
Time of workout - 40 minutes
Cals = 86

BF% 24.3 - OMG! (I am going to take this again in the morning- yup rebel)
BMI - 20.6

Mountain pose
Reverse Swan
Downward Dog
Runners Pose
Crescent Pose
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Warrior 3
Twisting Triangle
Twisting Chair


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weights RAWK!

I must admit I have been doing so many programs in a row that I have missed using my weights.

Today's workout RAWKED!

I did a single power set of each, I learned this from a blog and I like it but it is to only be used no more then 2 times a week.

Total workout - 20 minutes if only I could get up earlier....sigh

5 Minute warm up:
Cardio floor aerobics
Jumping jacks
Front Kicks

30 reps each move of the following
15lb Rows
15lb Kettle bell swings
15lb Kettle bell lifts
10lb Bicep curl to overhead press
15lb Back Flys

This may seem a bit short and sweet but I know my body and this was a killer on my back, complete burn.

I will do safe workouts as I build back up again so that I avoid any possible injuries.

Plan B is in full motion...Tomorrow Yoga.