
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Move Over Insanity

I have missed today's Insanity workout sigh.......

I am on week 2 Day 3 of Insanity have decided to wait until the end of July to restart this program.

Doing the jumping around, reaching down and all the other upside down-ish, sideways, head moves are just too much for my ear right now. I have to admit it, I am not giving up it is just something I can't do right now. The challenge is too big! [There I said it]

So I am putting this on hold for now and going with plan B.

My workout mix will be:

P90X - Yoga & Upper body [Tony I do miss your head rolls, but not your dorkyness]
Cardio - Elliptical & walking lunch and dinner
Gym - Legs, back and glutes

30 Day shred
Yoga Meltdown

So I will be heading back to the gym a few times a week rather then just on the weekends and its been over a month since I got to take a class.....sigh.

Meanwhile, I did putz around and miss the cut off date for my next certification so I will be taking that next round.

My ear is healing, it is 3 weeks today since I had the surgery and its a bit less tender. I still can not hear, and its packed so I put the drops in 2 times a day and go back on Tuesday July 20th for the final post-op visit.

Now I wait on the bills. This will help me decide if a mattress is going to be bought on credit or not. I have decided its time to get a new one and since they are on sale for this holiday weekend, I may bite the bullet. [Mine is 10 yrs old and my back is killing me]

I also really want [want not need] a new dresser so I am cutting cost where I can trying to get this bedroom in shape. I spend a lot of time reading in my bedroom so it is one room that I really enjoy which is why I am also addicted to bedding, remember that blog?

This is just a blog I wanted to share called "Selective Hearing" which I have been told by many guys that I have selective hearing [we all have it lets admit it right?] Humm.... hopefully NOT this bad but the girl does remind me of me. [Warning it is very funny and I am NOT responsible for anyone peeing in panties k?]

Off to plan B. when I get it all organized I will post it.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much for the encouragement!!! I am loving Insanity though this week will be put on hold now that we are traveling for the holiday. I can't follow it solely though so I guess it doesn't matter. I am using it for my cardio though & still doing my weight training. I'd be sad to give it up!
