
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Biggest Loser NOT Victoria

Poor O'Neal was hurt last night and I was so worried for him!

When he fell I was hoping he would get back up but did not, and Sunshine was frantic as I would be too if that was my dad wouldn't you?

I can't believe that Victoria had only a 1lb loss and could not believe how Koli gigged her so bad!

Good for her for using that as fuel to her fire, I may have just decked him for that comment..........any thoughts?

Did anyone know that Sun chips bags are bio-degradable? I had no idea, and what about next week do you think we will see Shay?

I'm still looking for Ashley to have more success or have her or Sunshine win. No workout today, I am taking the day off and tanning!


  1. Me too....It was a very emotional night last night! WHEW>>>> I have my hubby is hooked now too on the show...I sprint on Tuesdays and Thursdays......Tuesdays are great for me the program gives me extra energy.....

    Hope all is FANTASTIC with you girl!

  2. I havent seen a Biggest Loser in ages, they keep repeating the Biggest Loser in Australia that Bob and Jillian did a while back..I miss it as Bob motives me...have him on my Twitter.

  3. Mary - I know what you mean, I sometimes have tissues ready for my tears! Good for you getting inspired, by the time it comes on I am getting ready for bed lol

    Marcelle - Can you get it online at thats the weblink and you can watch it after the show on video, try that hon.
