
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

STOP Whining Get Busy

The only way things are going to change are if you MAKE them! So I'm on a mission to get busy with some ACTION and not with my in whining. Take it to the next level, clean up your eating and push yourself on those last few reps......then it all clicks, it all happens.

Sure its hard!
Sure it sucks!
Sure I may not want to!

Too BAD T.!

It's so easy to stay comfortable and do what we have always done, (hit the snooze not 2 times but 3!) but that does not get change. I think you have to dig deep and find what you really want, set the vision in front of you and go for that vision RELENTLESSLY.

If it was easy, everyone would have it and believe me they DON'T. "You have to do what others won't to get what others don't have."

Can't get that by excuses, whining or without ACTION!

Don't kid yourself, your only making it harder on yourself by not "bucking up" and knowing where your short comings are. You do know, and you know all your weaknesses and temptations and knowing is half the battle. Use that information, and get busy don't whine, OVERCOME!

So April is going to be all about ACTION and I intend on making sure I stick with all the things on the list even when I don't want to. Yeah eating weird stuff, missing my "naners" and smoothies and being sore all the time 24/7.

Too bad, I got myself in this MESS with this muffy top, bad sugar diet eating monster, and I have to get myself out of it and so can you.

Putting on my BIG GIRL PANTIES, ready for ACTION! Last day of the month, MAKE IT COUNT!

After workout snack - 1/2 scoop whey protein, 1 cup almond milk, 1/3 tbs olive oil (See what I mean?)

YogaMelt Level 1 - Body weight workout - Be comfortable being
uncomfortable. JM

Mood - GREAT
Wt - 121
Cals burned - 65

Warm up
Mountain pose & Breathing

Crescent lunges lifts
Chateranga pushup
Sun salutation
Warrior lunges - R leg
Camel heel touches
Rolling T-Side planks
Warrior lunges - L leg
Camel heel touches
Sun salutation
Warrior 3 - R leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin
Warrior 3 - L leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin

Cool down
Single leg bent reach stretch
Twisting spinal stretch

Will do run/inclines at lunch today....NO EXCUSES I MAKE IT HAPPEN!

ps- here is my article about healthy chocolate (incase you want to be a little bad lol)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Oh stop all the whining T. its a new diet, NOT the end of the world! have only less then 5 weeks till your on the BEACH so DO IT!

You want to look good don't you?
You want to reach your goal don't you?
You want to feel good don't you?
You want to wear the new cute shorts you got don't you?
You want to wear the bikini and NOT the tankini don't you?
You want to wear the adorable mini skirt don't you?

Well then listen up T. and be "NIKE-LIKE" AND JUST DO IT!

Eat what your supposed to, no MORE no less

Get your workouts in, STOP the excuses

Don't be tempted to eat after dinner

Add weights and do them till you DROP...D-R-O-P!

Keep motivated with some NEW music, LOAD IT UP!

Take that Zumba class, I don't care how tired you are at 7pm

No shopping or errands at lunch, only walks or runs

Inclines, inclines, INCLINES

You got new running shoes, NOW use them 3 times a week you will feel better once you start running

Eat mini-sugar free Altoids when you want sugar

Handstand push ups, MORE

Hoolahoop 3 times a week at 1-3 minutes each session

Enjoy and get used to being VERY sore


Get up on the first ALARM, NO SNOOZE BUTTON

Keep the sweets out of the house, and the MOUTH

No chips or crackers IN THE HOUSE

Only Yogurt non-fat for treats

If I want it, I need to DO IT even if Dancing With The Stars is on its just dancing not the end of the world

One leg chair squats 2 x a day...EVERY DARN DAY

NO Smoothies (HUGE sigh...)

Make it happen, I am in control DO IT for me

Mind over matter, WINS!

Here is my workout today and my post workout meal (which I put in the blender)
1/2 c Strawberries
1/3 tbs olive oil
1 scoop vanilla ice cream 100% whey
1 c cold water

Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout
Workout - Upper Body
Time of workout = 20 min
Cals burned = ?

Warm up 5 minutes:

High knees w/hands alt sides
Reach and pull
Shoulder roll front and back
Squat arms over head
Closed arm side twist
Knee kicks - R
Hip thrust
Hip thrust w/ arm throws overhead
Closed arm twist with toe twists
Knee kicks - L
Hip circles
Rear lunge R and L
Side lunge side to side swiftly

Bicep curl - 10lb db
Shoulder over head press - 10lb db
Side rows - 25lb db
Side lunge R & L bicep - 10lb db
Side lunge R & L tricep - 10lb db
Hammer raises - 10lb db
Plank rows - 10lb db
Push ups - 2x15
Plank lateral lift - 5lb db
Bridge tricep lift 2x20


Monday, March 29, 2010

Don't Hate Your Trainer
My Trainer Karen Finch is 56 years old & HAWT!

I'm not hating my trainer, its just like getting a spanking you don't like it but you probably need it right? You know when you have been bad or done wrong and MUST pay. (Do you think she got this body eating junk, NOT!)

Done wrong = FAT!!!

It has been proven you get 30% better results working with a trainer, even all the greats have trainers.

I have been blasting the workouts but have not had as "clean of a diet" as I need to have right now, so its back to the drawing board. My trainer said I have got to lower my calories to reach the goal, and just when I was loving my salads.


I have been putting sunflower seeds, or walnuts, raisins, apples or strawberries, and all that is going to have to change to more protein less carbs. It's not that I won't be able to have wonderful salads, I just have to change what I am putting in them. (Sniff, sniff).

No more banana smoothies.....they have to go too! (Sniff, sniff).

2 bad things for me, bananas and corn. Well for now anyway they are just too high on the carb list for this carbaholic. Sad, just sad but the sacrifice will be so worth it.

When I get to prance around in my swimsuit on the beach, all the sacrifice which really is not a sacrifice its just looking at food different will be the pay off.

Eat clean = NO FAT!!!

Now just in case your wondering, I have done really well with sugar. The only sweet thing I have had besides fruit has been toffee peanuts, and guess what?

THEY GOT TO GO! (Sniff, sniff)

So I got my spanking and I am back on my feet ready to go to work again on my new eating plan.

Here are my workouts, and I am really challenging myself with the manual stair machine. If I get past 40 floors and 10 minutes next week....I will be MORE then thrilled!!!

Off day, teaching class tonight

At the Gym Cardio

Time = 60 minutes + 30 minutes after dinner walk
Cals burned = 450 + 105 = 555

10 min - 40 flights of steps = 100 caloires
30 min eliptical - all levels 3 miles = 350 calories
2x10 hyperextention
2x15 lat pull downs
2x20 captains chair/ball crunch machine

Downward facing dog

(Today should have been Biggest Loser workout but I did Shred level 3 again before going to the gym)
20 Min workout - 30 Day Shred level 3
AM workout at gym - 1 hour Power Yoga & 1 hour Kickboxing Class w/3lb db

Kickboxing class also included:
Walking pushups
Boat with punches - 3lb db
Wall squats & Jump squats
Lunges w/jump lunges
Jumprope and boxer shuffles

Cals burned = 407 + 130 = 537 (+30 day shred?)
Time of workouts = 2 hr 20 mins

Warm up:
Arm crosses
Backward windmills
Double jump rope
High kick to touches
Butt kicks
Knee circles

Walking planks
Walking planks

Mountain climbers
Sumo squats
Plank pose
Mountain climbers
Sumo squats

Pike crunch
Sissor crunches

DB Cleans – 5lb R
Jumping lunges
DB Cleans – 5lb L
Jumping lunges

Shadow box – 3lb db
Butt kicks – 3lb db
Shadow box – 3lb db
Jumping jacks – 3lb db

Sit ups – straight leg

Travel pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db
Traveling pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db

Jump squats
Rockstar jumps
Jump squats
Rockstar jumps

Side rise plank

Cool down:
Seated split stretch
Standing hamstring


Friday, March 26, 2010

How To Get A 6-Pack Abs!

I am keeping a fire under my feet!

This has been one of the hardest things to do, stay in the ZONE day in and out. First thing, IF YOU WANT A GREAT BODY get rid of the TV and negative press. I just don't know how anyone can let that suck your life out of you really!

I was thinking this today, as I heard of a massive crash. I am sad...true, and I have compassion but it won't help me to get down and out about it. I have goals and things to do, and I need all the POSITIVE energy I can muster up!

I'm trying to find my 6-pack abs!

How do you do that EXACTLY?

1. Start with a clean diet - NO sugar, fake stuff or real! And no perservatives or high fats, keep good fats low. This part of it SUCKS!

2. Keep your calories in line - Higher protein macro and lower carb macro. Don't get me wrong here YOU NEED CARBS! Just not the bad ones, stick wtih the clean carbs they are your energy. (I am against the Atkins Diet)

3. Core work - NOT crunches, you need all around core, planks, back extentions, oblique work and incline cardio all great stuff.

4. Keep them sucked in all times - its supports the back and keeps them fired up, and just plain makes you look better. (A trick I have shared for beginners is to tie a thin ribbon around your waist sucked in, each time you relax you will feel it to remind you)

There is no easy way on this, but it can be done ask anyone they will tell you it was all about the diet. What is my biggest challenge?


Sure I can eat salads, chicken and fish but you really have to have more then that for a 6-pack, you need lean mass and totally clean eats. I'm getting better but still a work in progress.

So if your going for the 6-pack, don't get discouraged it takes time to see them "pop" and to keep them. You don't want to build them, you want them flat and ripped. So keep the fire under your feet, and just keep going.......I am. Results may be slow, but they are coming!

JM 30 Day Shred Level 3
3-2-1 Strength, cardio and abs

Post workout smoothie:
1 C Rasperry
1/2 Banana
1/2 C Almond milk
1 Scoop Vanilla ice cream 100% Gold standard Whey

20 Min workout + 10 extra of Level 2 - 30 Day Shred level 3

Cals burned = 271
Time of workouts = 30 mins

WT - 120
BF% 23.0 - this is up sadly!
BMI 20.8

Warm up:
Arm crosses
Backward windmills
Double jump rope
High kick to touches
Butt kicks
Knee circles

Walking planks
Walking planks

Mountain climbers
Sumo squats
Plank pose
Mountain climbers
Sumo squats

Pike crunch
Sissor crunches

DB Cleans – 5lb R
Jumping lunges
DB Cleans – 5lb L
Jumping lunges

Shadow box – 3lb db
Butt kicks – 3lb db
Shadow box – 3lb db
Jumping jacks – 3lb db

Sit ups – straight leg

Travel pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db
Traveling pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db

Jump squats
Rockstar jumps
Jump squats
Rockstar jumps

Side rise plank

Cool down:
Seated split stretch
Standing hamstring


Thursday, March 25, 2010

How To Get To A Whole New level of "WOW!"

Stop eating things that are not good for you, that's why you feel bloated and have a belly ache when you do

Don't buy the bad stuff, its a hard habit to break even I need baked chips with my salad, but try for the best option you can afford

Do it for you. Don't let others belittle you and say your already thin enough, or you will never stick to your diet. Others are watching YOU trust me you are setting the bar

When temptation hits, say CANCEL, CANCEL! You might just be bored, or mindless eating its a habit that the mind can change. Try it, it does work then get water, and get moving.

Keep a clean house, vacuum everyday, sweep or scrub, it all burns calories plus it makes you feel better

Get rid of clutter, it distracts your mind journey. Put only inspiring things on your fridge and around your house. Use post notes that say "You can do this, you are strong and beautiful and worth it".

Move, get moving 3 times a day, morning noon and night. Each 30 minutes adds up, don't make an excuse or you will never get to the next level of fitness.

Workout! Sure its hard, it sucks on days you don't want to but you will find to love it and know your doing yourself good. Once you take a few days off.......YOU WONT WANT TO GET STARTED AGAIN! So don't ever go there!

Find someone that will support you, a workout partner on sparks, at home or where ever, to keep you accountable. DANGER: NOT someone that is un-motivated, too sweet or won't kick you in the bum! You don't want a sugar coating here, you won't push yourself hard me.

Ditch the coffee creamers, they add so many calories to your day you have no idea. Do you want the body or not?

NO fake drinks, stick with tea, water and watch your body transform

Do more strength training then cardio, and make your body a fat burning machine

Steer away from preservatives, HFCS and Hydrogenated oils they are the worst. Organic is expensive but you can go with plain things grown from the earth. Lots of ways to make vegan treats that are good for you its just a matter of getting used to it.

Love change, love pain! Your going to be sore, you have to mix things up in your workout but push past that. Once you do, your body responds and starts to work harder for you.

Workout every day. Even if your tired, sleep in your workout clothes and get up and get moving. Its like grass, it has to be mowed and taken care of or it won't thrive. I know it sucks, but it has to be done to get to the goal. IGNORE THE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD!

Best results come from different body part workouts. So rest upper and work lower, or vice versa. Or stick with one body part per day, your results will come faster. The body needs rest to re-build.

Work your back. Take care of your spine and get a nice "V" by working your back and core. Most people do crunches but not moves like superman's or back extensions. Strength train your back with rows, and see that bra over-hang go bye buh!

Don't do crunches everyday. You have abs, you just can't see them under your layer of fat. It is the one muscle group you can work daily but I don't see the need to do them with such little results because that takes diet. So make core count by working other parts that support it by working back and doing moves like mountain climbers, squat thrusts, planks and side planks = better results.

When your crabby, walk! Releasing stress hormones that refrain you from loosing weight don't fret.....just do it and get walking you will feel better and be releasing negativity from you life.

Stretch every day. I wish someone would have told me this 20 years ago. You won't know how that changes your body until you get into a routine. I see too many people skip this step, and get injured. But don't do it only for that, do it because you will feel better knowing you are going to still be able to use those muscles for many years to come.

Yoga. I know your cringing if you have never done it. BE OPEN here to change. You don't have to do it for hours but a good 20 minutes will stretch your spine, and soften your mind again stress reliever. You can even do an active yoga such as Power Yoga that moves much faster but just do it, and see how your body changes and your mood.

Read, listen and keep good company. What you read is like having coffee with a good friend, pick them wisely. Once you start getting good words in your mind, and learn about new things your going to grow like you never have before.

Don't take NO for an answer from yourself. Over power your mind and say YES, yes you can do whatever you set your mind to. If you don't you will never grow and you will go back to your "old" self.

Fight procrastination. It's the number 1 KILLER OF EVERYTHING! It steals time, and time goes fast, very fast. Don't let it take you down, fight it and do it now.

Praise. Praise yourself when you do good, and don't go by the numbers. Go by how you feel, and carry yourself, how you have a "step in your step" knowing your succeeding.

Your worth it, your amazing, your one of a kind so go ahead and bring yourself to a whole new level of WOW! GET BUSY on your WOW factor!

Last night I finished my workout with a 3 mile run = 25 minutes in my new FILA running shoes. I got them on sale for $30.00 and am pretty pleased with how they felt. I have never had real running shoes, so I thought I would try these out instead of my normal cross trainers.
Results = keeping them!

If I really do more running this year, next pair I may upscale to a better brand so if anyone knows one let me know.

NO EXCUSES...I make it happen!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What...A Penny For A Calorie?

NOTE TO SELF: Eat pie and apply to thighs!

It's true, last night we had bible study and for dessert (of course there is ALWAYS dessert) it was mini apple turnover pies.

Did I eat one .. .NO all I thought was, how hard I am working kicking sugar to the I want to apply that apple pie turnover to my thighs???


Each time you think its just a "SMALL" thing, it adds up!

Think of it like "pennies" many times you may be thinking huh, you can't buy anything with a penny! But add them up, they DO matter and its the same with calories.

Or "oh its just a small (a few pennies) piece" every piece of the pie adds up!

1 Calorie = 1 penny (not literally but you get the point)

So you add the calories (pennies) of 230 ($2.30) for that little cute tasty pie per day and in a weeks time its 1610 ($16.10) or 83900 ($839.00) a year and year after year that adds up. (Some days more then others see picture)

So remember these things when your mindset is off in "candy land" how long do you want to save????

3500 calories = 1lb (on or OFF)
$35.00 = 1lb

It's so much easier to spend then save isn't it?

But challenge yourself......
Every time you say "NO" to a treat, add that amount of (calories) pennies in a jar and see how much you have at the end of the may be AMAZED!

I am already up $2.30.....woo woo

Also keep in mind, when you are seeing changes they are small...until that SHINNING moment when the jeans zip right up and fit just right!

It was all those little things that made that happen, NOT a week of starvation.

It was all the little extra steps from:
Parking far away
Taking the stairs
Getting off the couch
Eating healthy foods
Cutting down on fast food
Ditching the soda
Saying NO to dessert
Starting instead of stopping

We are always counting, why not start saving?

Today's post workout - 1 scoop vanilla ice cream Whey 1/2 c Almond milk

30 Day Shred Level 1
3-2-1 (3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min core)

Mood - TGIF!
Wt - 120
Time of workout = 25 Min
Cals burned = ?

Warm up:

Hip circles
Knee circles


Pushups - 15
Bent over rows - 10lb
Reg bent knee crunches

Jump jacks
Jump rope
Jump jacks

Back lunge w/bicep curl - 7lb
Arm punches
Bent knee oblique crunches

Glute kicks
Jump jacks
Glute kicks

Laying chest flys - 7lb
Side lunge w/shoulder raise - 7lb
Jumping jacks

Butt kicks
Jump rope
Arm punches
Side obliques

Cool down;
Wide leg stretch
Quad stretch


Ps, I was motivated to write this because of sparks new SparksSavings site!
Check it out here:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Be Comfortable Being UNCOMFORTABLE!

"Be Comfortable Being UNCOMFORTABLE!" JM

I have been blasting out the workouts and very good on diet this past week. I did not post my workouts on my last blog, so here are the workouts I did over the weekend up until today. (sorry its kinda long as I post in detail)

I LOVE that I am uncomfortable right now!

Uncomfy in my workouts...why? Because it is stretching me to become MORE better then I was before and even if I don't see big changes yet, I feel them.....and more coming! Sure its hard, and sure it hurts but the pay off it worth it...SWIMSUIT SEASON.

When you stay in your comfort zone your body and mind become LAZY, and you don't see the results your capable of. Thats why last night I pushed the class to try new things, and you know what? They did better then they thought they would! You may suprise yourself how good you are, how strong you can be if you SET YOUR MIND TO IT!

So get uncomfortable and try that new machine at the gym, that new workout program, that new different ANYTHING that gets you changing your mind and your body. (and helps you grow as a person)

JM Yoga MeltDown Level 2

Mood - happy
Wt - 120
Time of workout = 35 mins
Cals burned = 76

All moves are followed by 15 sec pose hold

Warm up:
3 Sun salutations w/leaning back bends

Bent knee triangle w/lifts and arm overhead - R
Revolving triangle - R
Halfmoon leg lifts
Full moon
Bent knee triangle w/lifts and arm overhead - L
Revolving triangle - L
Halfmoon leg lifts
Full moon
Chair lifts
Leg ext big toe hold - L
Twisting crescent - R
Goddess lifts
Leg ext big toe hold - R
Twisting crescent - L
Boat pose toe taps
Tabletop lifts - L
Leg lowers straight leg - 3 count
Boat post toe taps
Tabletop lifts - R
Leg lowers straight leg - 3 count

Wheel - this is a back bend

Cool down:
Staff pose
Twisting spinal stretch


Teaching Body Strength tonight = 30 min
YogaMelt Level 1 = 35 min

Standing side straight arm twists
Calve lifts - 3 directions
Chair Dips
Chair Pushups
Side lifts
Bridges - w/pulses and holds
Wall squats
Pilates 100
Plank in and outs leg lifts
Stomp the ceiling reverse crunches
50 regular crunches
3 - 50 yard dash sprints
50 Jumping jacks

YogaMelt Level 1

Body weight workout - Be comfortable being un-comfortalbe. JM

Warm up
Moutain pose & Breathing

Cresent lunges lifts
Chateranga pushup
Sun salutation
Warrior lunges - R leg
Camel heel touches
Rolling T-Side planks
Warrior lunges - L leg
Camel heel touches
Sun salutation
Warior 3 - R leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin
Warrior 3 - L leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin

Cool down
Single leg bent reach stretch
Twisting spinal stretch


JM 30 Day Shred Level 3
3-2-1 Strength, cardio and abs

AM workout - 3 miles Elliptical
10 Min stair climber = 58x1min = 580 stairs
20 Min workout - 30 Day Shred level 3

Cals burned = 350 + 100 = 450
Time of workouts = 1 hr 10 mins

Warm up:
Arm crosses
Backward windmills
Double jump rope
High kick to touches
Butt kicks
Knee circles

Walking planks
Walking planks

Mountain climbers
Sumo squats
Plank pose
Mountain climbers
Sumo squats

Pike crunch
Sissor crunches

DB Cleans – 5lb R
Jumping lunges
DB Cleans – 5lb L
Jumping lunges

Shadow box – 3lb db
Butt kicks – 3lb db
Shadow box – 3lb db
Jumping jacks – 3lb db

Sit ups – straight leg

Travel pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db
Traveling pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db

Jump squats
Rockstar jumps
Jump squats
Rockstar jumps

Side rise plank

Cool down:
Seated split stretch
Standing hamstring


JM 30 Day Shred Level 2
3-2-1 (3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min core)

1 hour Power Yoga class

Workout = Shred 2 & 1 hr power yoga
Mood - Bring it!
Time of workout = 25 min + 60
Cals burned = 130

Level 2

Warm up:
Arm cross overs
Over arm windmills
Jumping jacks
High knees
Neck circles
Jumping jacks

Walkout pushups - 3
Squat rows 5lb
Walkout pushups - 3
Squat rows 5lb
High knees
Squat thrusts - 15
High knees
Squat thursts - 15

Single straight leg lift crunches
Static lunge w/med row - 7lb
Pendelum lunge w/hammer curls - 7lb
Static lunge w/med row - 7lb
Pendelum lunge w/hammer curls - 7lb

Oblique twist jumps
Straight leg w/hold db overhead - 7lb
Reverse crunch

Military press w/leg extentions - 5lb
Chair squats w/ V flys - 5lb
Plank Jacks - 25
Military press w/leg extentions - 5lb
Chair squats w/ V flys - 5lb
Plank Jacks - 25
Double jump rope
Plank twists

Cool down:
Straight leg stretch
Quad stretch


Monday, March 22, 2010

Marisa Tomei NEW fitness workout!

I really like her, and I can't wait to know more about this workout. You can see a video clip on the link below.

Here is the scoop on her new workout and how to order it:

Let me know your thoughts.......

Friday, March 19, 2010

"Fudge" Your Food = FAT!

Every time YOU "fudge" at your numbers, you get NO WHERE! Your just cheating yourself, not your significant other, not your parents or kids, just YOU!

Here is my workout today, I am on the JM killer rotation workouts! I am doing YogaMelt 1,2 then Shred, 1,2,3 then Last Chance workout. Those are my only JM workout dvd and doing this rotation is really working up a sweat.

Last 2 days I did a 3 mile run at lunch and inclines, same plan for today I am loving the spring weather. Thinking I am due for new shoes too. Thanks Uncle Sam, I may have to get some its been a long time. I always give my old ones to my mom, to work in the yard she loves it.

FUDGING on your food intake = FAT

Its true, because I have been living this lie for the last 6 months. WAKE UP T, WAKE UP!!!

During the holiday I was just saying, "its 1 cookie what will it hurt?" Well that's just like anything you fudge because next its more and more, a cookie then a soda then an energy drink.....its ENDLESS....Hello cellulite and buh bye abs!


You just erase all the hard work you did not to mention the damage inside your body. I have trouble most of you know with that is where my "Fudging" comes in. I have to REALLY watch it, or I go overboard and even if you don't log it.......its still counts!!!

You may think its healthy food too, but portions MATTER! Remember when you eat out, consider it DOUBLE what you would at home. Double the cals and double the fat, that's why it taste so good.

But before you fudge, just remember ..... look in the full length mirror is that what you want to see? If not, then STOP FOOLING YOURSELF. I workout a TON and can't even workout enough to burn off that "fat diet" I have eaten.

I used to be like this with money too, but now......NO MORE! I don't want to work till I am 70 and I don't want to die before I am 110 there is no time to waste, because it waits for no one!

NO EXCUSES I make it happen!

Post workout snack = 1 scoop whey 1/2c skim then 1 hr later 1 med apple w/2 tbs peanut butter

30 Day Shred Level 1
3-2-1 (3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min core)

Mood - TGIF!
Wt - 120
Time of workout = 25 Min
Cals burned = ?

Friday Stats:
WT = 120 (this is up 1.5)
BF% 22.6 (this is down .08)
BMI 20.5

Warm up:

Hip circles
Knee circles


Pushups - 15
Bent over rows - 10lb
Reg bent knee crunches

Jump jacks
Jump rope
Jump jacks

Back lunge w/bicep curl - 7lb
Arm punches
Bent knee oblique crunches

Glute kicks
Jump jacks
Glute kicks

Laying chest flys - 7lb
Side lunge w/shoulder raise - 7lb
Jumping jacks

Butt kicks
Jump rope
Arm punches
Side obliques

Cool down;
Wide leg stretch
Quad stretch


Ps...Here is a yummy coffee sauce recipe

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3 Minutes Of Pleasure = CELLULITE!

Be strong, and stop the temptations! (I was pretty nice with this picture)

I have just about had enough of getting bombarded with temptations and guess what?


Nope, notta, NO EXCUSES I make it happen! Again someone is selling candy bars at the office and wants me to buy....stop the madness I love chocolate!

Well that's ok, because I won't do this I am on a MISSION POSSIBLE and my body is worth it. I have been blessed enough to workout hard everyday for the last 27 years. I have had a "perfect' body and a "skinny fat" body.

My biggest challenge is nutrition = the BIGGEST EQUATION.

I would not treat my car this way, heaven knows I treat that little red sports car like my baby. Premium gas, car washes, regular maintenance. But yet, I won't do this for me......NOT ANYMORE!

Although I may be a "small size" that does not mean I am as healthy as I could be or an image that I want to portray. If your caving in with a "this or that" reason in your head, your just fooling yourself and setting yourself up for the same ole results. INSANITY and I am NOT talking Shaun T. here!

NOT ME, and I want the same for you. Just do it, just ask yourself, is this 3 minutes of pleasure on my tongue worth the CELLULITE its creating? Pull up your big girl panties and get in the GAME!

JM is still kicking my butt this month here is my workout, oh and I did get my 30 minute incline walk in yesterday too. Had a healthy dinner and NO SWEETS!

Post workout snack: 1 scoop vanilla whey with 1/2 cup water + banana

JM Last Chance Workout
Mood - Uh huh!
Wt -119
Time of workout = 40 mins

Warm up 5 minutes:

High knees w/hands alt sides
Reach and pull
Shoulder roll front and back
Squat arms over head
Closed arm side twist
Knee kicks - R
Hip thrust
Hip thrust w/ arm throws overhead
Closed arm twist with toe twists
Knee kicks - L
Hip circles
Rear lunge R and L
Side lunge side to side swiftly

Workout - 25 minutes each move is 30 sec back and forth intervals from cardio to ST (I have a clock with a big second hand, that really helps if your doing this without the dvd)

I placed how many reps I actually did, along with the dumb bell weight I used. However they again....are all done in 30 second intervals so don't compare my numbers to yours unless you want the challenge.

45 - j jacks
20 - rows 15lb
40 - criss cross jack
20 - wide row 10lb
40 - back and forth j jacks
20 rear flys 10lb
30 sec jog
15 push up - 10 reg 5 girl
30 sec jog
10 staggered pushups
30 sec butt kicks
12 up and down planks
30 sec toe tap side kicks R
20 alt lunges 10lb
30 sec toe tap side kicks L
20 alt side squats 10lb
30 sec alt front kicks
20 dead lifts 15lb
30 sec twist punch
15 bicep curl w/leg bent up R 10lb
30 sec hooks
15 hammer curls w/leg bent up L 10lb
30 upper cut punch
60 alt bicep curls fast 10lb

30 sec jump rope
20 tricep kick backs 10lb
30 sec criss cross jump rope
20 tricep extension over head
30 sec 1 leg jump rope
20 single tricep alt 10lb
30 sec moutain climbers
30 lateral raises 5lb
30 sec prone jacks - Get in plank, jump feet out and in
25 front lateral raises 5lb
30 sec in and outs - combine mt. climber & prone jacks
25 arnold press - lateral out to overhead to bicep curl

Cool Down:

Lunge stretch
Lunge stretch w/warrior style arms out w/hip rotation - R
Lunge stretch w/warrior style arms out w/hip rotation - L
Straight leg hamstring standing
Behind head tricep stretch
Straight arm open chest stretch
Shoulder straight arm across stretch R
Shoulder straight arm across stretch L
Straight arm pull to front and roll back up


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Does Your Swimsuit Have Emotions?

NO EXCUSES... I Make it Happen! (Me in 8 weeks YIKES!)

Last night, no sweets at bible study for me. I passed the cookies right up and stuck with salad and pork. I am reaching for 5 good things a day.

Set the goal 5 things = 35 at the end of the week.
No more whinny pitty party, I don't have time and I don't need it either. I have made excuses way too long, now its time to kick my own butt!

So the "nice girl' attitude is changing! It's all about being a mean, lean fighting machine because that swimsuit does not care what I look like in it. It does not have feelings or emotions I DO!

I am the one that has to feel sexy and good in it, all it does is get to enjoy the view and the water, and the lovely sun warming it making it all cozy. NOT me, I have to feel everything, is anything jiggling? Is anything rolling over? Do I look bloated?

NO EXCUSES... I make it happen.

I don't want any of those feelings at all so I am hard at work, using my JM workouts the rest of the month. If JM can't kick my butt then NO ONE can but ME!

Yesterday, got in my 20 minute run, and 20 min inclines and it felt GREAT! Our weather was a perfect sunny 57, T. was very happy. Tonight is the chiropractor for maintenance.....then WATCH OUT!

Here is my workout, my post workout snack 1 scoop whey with 1/2 choc low fat soy. The more I do this, the more I sweat REALLY!

JM Yoga MeltDown Level 2

(This is Hybrid yoga using your own body strength training for lean muscles - JM)

Mood - happy
Wt - 119
Time of workout = 35 mins
Cals burned = 76

All moves are followed by 15 sec pose hold

Warm up:
3 Sun salutations w/leaning back bends

Bent knee triangle w/lifts and arm overhead - R
Revolving triangle - R
Halfmoon leg lifts
Full moon
Bent knee triangle w/lifts and arm overhead - L
Revolving triangle - L
Halfmoon leg lifts
Full moon
Chair lifts
Leg ext big toe hold - L
Twisting crescent - R
Goddess lifts
Leg ext big toe hold - R
Twisting crescent - L
Boat pose toe taps
Tabletop lifts - L
Leg lowers straight leg - 3 count
Boat post toe taps
Tabletop lifts - R
Leg lowers straight leg - 3 count

Wheel - this is a back bend

Cool down:
Staff pose
Twisting spinal stretch


PS: Here is my take on the Biggest loser last night

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

NO EXCUSES I Make It Happen!

Taught Ball Class last night for 30 minutes. I mixed these 3 workouts from Sparks Coach Nicole into a nice well rounded session. Pre-workout snack - 1 scoop whey protein 1/2 c low fat soy.

15 min ball workout coach Nicole

8 min lower body workout with coach Nicole

5 min booty workout with coach Nicole

Then I got home and did my JM Yoga Meltdown Level 1 workout. Had my salad with chicken, NO cheese, checked emails and called it a night. Today is supposed to be nice out, so I am doing a run/walk inclines at lunch then bible study tonight. I won't have time to do a workout after work, but since my back is in need of adjusting I will just stretch. Tomorrow I go to the chiropractor after work, woo woo!


I am so challenged by living with someone that temps me with "cheats" that I must make NO exceptions at all, what so ever if I am to reach my goals. It's just a small this or that, but those this or that's are keeping the UGLY cellulite over my beautiful A-M-A-Z-I-N-G abs that I have worked so hard for.

No one can bring me this goal but ME!

Only myself can say yes or no to what I put in my mouth and my mind is going to change the habit about sugar, it can and it WILL!

Yesterday I got sent a link with some fabulous about motivation, I'm not going to say its going to be easy it won't. But its not about easy, its about dedication and loyalty to my body.

YogaMelt Level 1
Time of workout = 40 mins
Cals burned = 120

Body weight workout - Be comfortable being un-comfortable. JM

Warm up
Mountain pose & Breathing

Cresent lunges lifts
Chateranga pushup
Sun salutation
Warrior lunges - R leg
Camel heel touches
Rolling T-Side planks
Warrior lunges - L leg
Camel heel touches
Sun salutation
Warrior 3 - R leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin
Warrior 3 - L leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin

Cool down
Single leg bent reach stretch
Twisting spinal stretch
Single leg bent forward laying stretch

No EXCUSES......... I make it happen!

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Video Prone Pike

My new Prone Pike Video is up!
(feel free to rate it)

Here is my Jillian Michaels kick my butt workout weekend! I really feel good and am sticking with JM till the end of the month. I also got a chance to do just one video and if I was better at the software I could play all day making them lol. I'm a software nerd.
Today is my off day but I will be teaching ball class tonight then doing Level 1 YogaMelt. I am still missing my 1 hour from spring ahead, uggg.


JM 30 Day Shred Level 2
3-2-1 (3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min core)

1 hour Power Yoga class

Workout = Shred 2 & 1 hr power yoga
Mood - Bring it!
Time of workout = 25 min + 60
Cals burned = 130

Warm up:
Arm cross overs
Over arm windmills
Jumping jacks
High knees
Neck circles
Jumping jacks

Walkout pushups - 3
Squat rows 5lb
Walkout pushups - 3
Squat rows 5lb
High knees
Squat thrusts - 15
High knees
Squat thrusts - 15

Single straight leg lift crunches
Static lunge w/med row - 7lb
Pendulum lunge w/hammer curls - 7lb
Static lunge w/med row - 7lb
Pendulum lunge w/hammer curls - 7lb

Oblique twist jumps
Straight leg w/hold db overhead - 7lb
Reverse crunch

Military press w/leg extensions - 5lb
Chair squats w/ V flys - 5lb
Plank Jacks - 25
Military press w/leg extensions - 5lb
Chair squats w/ V flys - 5lb
Plank Jacks - 25
Double jump rope
Plank twists

Cool down:
Straight leg stretch
Quad stretch


JM 30 Day Shred Level 3
3-2-1 Strength, cardio and abs

AM workout - 4 miles
Cals burned = 450
PM workout - 30 Day Shred level 3
Time of workouts = 1 hr 10 mins
Cals burned = ?

Warm up:
Arm crosses
Backward windmills
Double jump rope
High kick to touches
Butt kicks
Knee circles

Walking planks
Walking planks

Mountain climbers
Sumo squats
Plank pose
Mountain climbers
Sumo squats

Pike crunch
Scissor crunches

DB Cleans – 5lb R
Jumping lunges
DB Cleans – 5lb L
Jumping lunges

Shadow box – 3lb db
Butt kicks – 3lb db
Shadow box – 3lb db
Jumping jacks – 3lb db

Sit ups – straight leg

Travel pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db
Traveling pushups
Plank w/leg raise rows – 5lb db

Jump squats
Rockstar jumps
Jump squats
Rockstar jumps

Side rise plank

Cool down:
Seated split stretch
Standing hamstring stretch
Getting the Rockstar Body......

Friday, March 12, 2010

Are You Hard Enough On Yourself?

Are you hard enough on yourself?

Are others hard on you?

Do you push yourself to be better then you were? Do more in a day? Take time to help? Show people you care? Set the bar higher? Get out of your comfort zone?

Being hard on yourself is not the same as critical.

You are not looking for flaws here, you are looking to reach deep inside and feel what you want and go for it!

You have to be "SOLD"!

Believe in what you are doing and going for it with heart, soul and passion, knowing what you are doing is getting you to where you truly want to be at.


I question ME sometimes because if I really want something am I working hard enough, trying every option and putting heart soul and desire into it? Am I on course, am I sold?

How bad do you want it, REALLY?

Sometimes others can not see the desire you feel, and maybe they think "oh she isn't trying as hard as she could", or they say "if she wanted this or that bad enough, hungry enough, she would be doing this or that instead".

Or maybe they can see you have the desire because THEY BELIEVE IN YOU, but they can see what you can not.... you NEED to be pushed a bit harder!

Weekend Workouts:

JM 30 Day Shred Level 1 - Weights used 10lb -7lb
(post workout: 1 Scoop vanilla whey 1/2 light soy)
45 Min incline walk at lunch

Friday Stats:
Wt -118.5
BF% 23.8
BMI 20.3

JM 30 Day Shred Level 2
1 Hour power yoga class

JM 30 Day Shred Level 3
45 Min straight cardio elliptical

This Months Workout Goals:
Letting Jillian Michaels whip me in shape the rest of this month!!!
Using the programs I have, alternating them. I will go to the gym on Saturday and Sunday. (May do the Tuesday AM interval class next week)
JM workouts - 30 Day Shred, YogaMelts, Last Chance workouts

Train On!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

JM Yoga MeltDown Level 2 RAWKS!

"This is Hybrid yoga using your own body strength training for lean muscles" JM

Today I did the second workout on YogaMelt and I was challenged working up a sweat! Mind you I had to write this review too, so the next time I will be totally focused.

If you new to yoga, this is a great beginners workout because she shows the modified moves and also reminds you she is a beginner too. Nice to know she struggles like the rest of us, huh?

All the moves are at a good pace, again you won't be bored! This is NOT like regular yoga, its like power yoga fast flowing with at twist. The twist is after EACH movement pose, you do a 15 second hold. Which prepares you for longer holds, love it!

She explains it very well, and believe me when your done it won't even feel like 30 minutes its that fast. The only downside is she does not include any childs pose, and I would have liked to seen that incorporated in some of the in between flows. Lets see if I lose 5lbs in a week.

Cons - again NONE

Ps: This is NOT a relaxing workout, it is strong and powerful.

My workout post smoothie:
1 scoop vanilla ice cream 100% gold standard whey
1/2 c low fat vanilla soy
1 banana

JM Yoga MeltDown Level 2

Mood - happy
Wt - 119
Time of workout = 35 mins
Cals burned = 76

All moves are followed by 15 sec pose hold

Warm up:
3 Sun salutations w/leaning back bends

Bent knee triangle w/lifts and arm overhead - R
Revolving triangle - R
Half moon leg lifts
Full moon
Bent knee triangle w/lifts and arm overhead - L
Revolving triangle - L
Half moon leg lifts
Full moon
Chair lifts
Leg ext big toe hold - L
Twisting crescent - R
Goddess lifts
Leg ext big toe hold - R
Twisting crescent - L
Boat pose toe taps
Tabletop lifts - L
Leg lowers straight leg - 3 count
Boat post toe taps
Tabletop lifts - R
Leg lowers straight leg - 3 count

Wheel - this is a back bend

Cool down:
Staff pose
Twisting spinal stretch

To order this AWESOME workout:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Psyk'd About JM's Yoga Melt Down Workout

I am already in love with this workout! It's just the motivation I need for spring, for my back, spine and mind over matter! Woo woo......

Of course I love JM and she explains everything very well and its a pretty smooth moving dvd. I like that she adds some twists to yoga poses, and I consider this Power Yoga because its fast pace. You won't be bored!

Also she shows modified so its easy for someone new to do this. As she shows both, and tells you how to keep the form before moving on to more advanced.

This really got me to work up a sweat!

Considering this is a 30 minute workout she says you will lose up to 5lbs a week, SIGN ME UP! I think after you know the moves you could do this to your own music pretty easily.


I can't wait to do level 2 tomorrow, its that good.

Todays post workout:
1 scoop vanilla ice cream whey
1/2 c low fat chocolate soy

YogaMelt Level 1

Mood - Psyk'd
Wt - 119
Time of workout = 35 minutes
Cals burned = 76

YogaMelt Level 1

Body weight workout - Be comfortable being un-comfortalbe. JM

Warm up
Moutain pose & Breathing

Cresent lunges lifts
Chateranga pushup
Sun salutation
Warrior lunges - R leg
Camel heel touches
Rolling T-Side planks
Warrior lunges - L leg
Camel heel touches
Sun salutation
Warior 3 - R leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin
Warrior 3 - L leg holding leg pose
Elbow to plank to dolphin

Cool down
Single leg bent reach stretch
Twisting spinal stretch
Single leg bent foward laying stretch

Mind over Matter.......

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What do YOU want?

Today's is my off day, rest and rebuild.

"You get out....what you put into it" and good things happen when you go for it!
Stop letting the voice in your head tell you otherwise. What is it that you want to happen for you?

That is my thought for today, people do so much with so little and others do so little with so much. It makes me think about balance, desire, and timing.

You know everyone's life changes every 3 months, 6 months and a year so much. You can change careers, lose a job, get married, have a child, get an illness, get more money, loose more money, or just have life happen to you.

It is all about timing, and what you are going to do when "life happens" to you.
Are you putting into it, what you want to get out of it? What are you going for?

Sometimes things are drawn to you by your attitude, the people you surround yourself with and your mind set. I try to surround myself with people that are smarter then me so I am constantly learning, family and friends that are loving and attentive, because that is what I put in, and that is what I want out.

Are you educating yourself, taking care of yourself, and doing things that bring good to your life? Or are you drowning in a pity party of self indulgence?

If there is not a reward you would not be doing what you are doing, right? Like over eating for pleasure, or not sleeping because you have too much to do, or self medicating in a destructive pattern.

If you open your mind, educate yourself to know what you want, then you will get what you want out of your life. Focus on the plan, stay steadfast and be in control.

Think about what you want, really want out of your life start with your top 3 ideas.....the possibilities are endless. Go 4 it!

Yesterdays workout:
Walk at lunch 20 minute inclines
Taught 30 minute cardio mix class:
1 minute intervals squats
slow squats
fast squats
count 3 down, 3 up
back lunges
march to a kick
20 pushups (10 reg, 10 modified)
cat to cow pose
downward dog
bridge, hold and up & downs
childs pose

Getting the Rockstar Body........

Monday, March 8, 2010

Motivational Monday

(I know I have used this picture before but I think its so true!)
P90X 2 Time Graduate...woo woo!

"You can do ANYTHING for 30 seconds"
Tony Horton - P90X

" Don’t ask yourself, 'Can I?' but 'Am I willing to do what it takes?'... because yes! You can!"
Copyright © 2010 Salomon A. Quijada

" If you can move a grain of sand a day, eventually you will move a mountain."
George Sotiropoulos

" In life, we face difficulties and hardship because life is about striving. The people who are going to succeed are those who are able to push that extra mile, despite knowing that every sinew is at its limits. Are you willing to push that extra mile starting today?"
Copyright © 2010 Jasper Tong

" It doesn't get any tougher if you have confidence and believe in yourself."
Author Unknown

" Don't see others as doing better than you. Beat your own records EVERYDAY & you will surely find success! Remember success is a fight between YOU & YOURSELF."
Author Unknown

" Faith is the foundation of what we are hoping for."
Written in 2010 by Mzwakhe Mngomezulu

" It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years - we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity for love and happiness, the light has been turned on."
Sharon Salzberg

" Life is an exciting journey towards an unknown destination, filled with surprises, and planned by the almighty."
Copyright © 2010 Rahul Pratap Singh

" Water your dream with motivation and it will grow into reality."
Written in 2010 by Felix Opaleye

" Anyone can take away anything around you, but your motivation is your spirit - NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE THAT AWAY!"
Written in 2010 by Sekola Phakoe

" Stand up to your fears! You'll find they haven't half the weight you thought they had!"
Author Unknown

" Solid success stands on top of the mountain of failures that’s built only by a person who doesn't understand the meaning of give up."
Written in 2009 by Johni Pangalila

" See yourself as a Winner; then only, you can perform as a Winner."
Author Unknown

Friday, March 5, 2010

P90X Round 2 Classic Day 88

Just 2 more workouts and I am ready to go on to the new program. My running starts this weekend, and I can't wait our weather is wonderful. I also miss my weight training, straight up so that will be welcomed also.

P90X Round Classic 2 Day 88

Workout - Plyometrics
Mood - Brrrrring IT!
Wt = 119
Time of workout = 40 mins
Cals burned = ?

WT 119
BF% 23.3
BMI 20.4

30 seconds to 1 min each move.

Walking lunges
Jump squats
Air Heismans
Swing kicks
Turn squats
2 tire heismans
Circle runs
Squat reach jump
Squat switch pick ups
Jump knee tucks
Mary Katherns
Leap frog squats
Twist combo
Skis - right, center, left, center
All around jumps
Rocks star hops
Gap Jumps
Squat Jumps
Military Marches

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vacation Plans Picture Blog

My vacation is booked and I am so thrilled I can't wait to go! This place is right on the beach, in Orange County CA in Laguna Beach.

Here are some of the pictures of the hotel and its all walking distance in this small beach community so we won't have to bother getting a car or paying/finding parking.

Lots of shopping and food places and we have a kitchenette so I can pack some healthy snacks too. That makes T. very happy since I am going to be in a swimsuit! I can't wait to walk and run this beach everyday.

Capri Laguna Inn On The Beach, Laguna CA

Right on the beach

The lobby check in


Lobby with fireplace


Take a look, even though its not a high star place on the ratings its going to be FABULOUS to be right on the beach. Woo woo......counting the days!

Here is the fabulous you feel like your there!

I just keep playing it over, and over.......

Here is my workout today:
3 more to go....till GRADUATION!
Same post workout of 1 scoop whey, 1/2 c soy. (then oats 2hrs later w/cottage cheese)

P90X Round 2 Classic Day 87 Chest, shoulders and triceps
Mood - Rrrrrumble!
3 more workouts.......woo woo!
Wt - 119.5
Time of workout = 45 min
Cals burned = ?

3x10 slow motion pushups
3 in 1 (military, wide) 4 slow fast 10 fast
15 - 7lb In and out shoulder flys
25 chair dips
10 - 4 reg & 6 girly plange pushups (wrist killers!)
7 pike press (head to the floor on tippy toes pushups)
X - side tri-rise - skipped this is how I tore my arm
2x8 floor flys
10 - 7lb scare crows - make a Y upper movement shoulder
10 - 2 10lb db overhead tricep extensionis
2x8 two twitch pushups - I did without plate
10 - 10lb Y shape - shoulder press wide grip
12 - 7lb lying tricep extensions
7 side to side pushups
12 - 5lb pour flys 1
2 - 10lb seated side leaning tricep extensions
2 one arm pushups + 12 regular pushups
2x10 - 3lb weighted arm circles
12 - 7lb throw the bomb
10 clap pushups girly
10 - 7lb slo-mo throw
10 - 5lb front to back tricep extension
10 one arm balance pushup
10 - 7lb fly row press
30 - 5lb dumb bell cross body blows

Getting the Rockstar Body........

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Biggest Losers Miggy's Melt-down!!!

Here is my take on the black vs blue team last night on Biggest Loser

I was glad to see the update on Darrell, but am still missing Shay. I hope we get an update on her next week. I'm glad that Miggy is doing meditation now, she was really stressed out and causing the team to stress. It's not good to be negative!

The house is in an uproar, what is going to happen next week?

Today's workout was X Stretch or off day. I choose stretch, I really like it and it always puts me in a great mood for the day.

Post workout;
1 scoop vanilla ice cream whey
1/2 c soy - vanilla

P90X Round Classic 2 Day 86

Workout - X Stretch
Mood - Calm
Wt - 119.5
Time = 40 Mins Cals = ?

Static Stretches:
Yoga - chatarunga/mountain pose
Back up the car
Head rolls
Chest, back and shoulder stretch combo
Topas Wrist, forearm Back wrist
Dreya forearm stretch
Arm circles
Shoulder tris
Ballistic stretchs
Shake outs
Hug yourself high-low

Static Stretches:
Back/front stroke
Side stretch
Seated spinal stretch
Cat stretch
Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee
Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed Triangle

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

P90X Round 2 Classic Day 85!

5 more days with Tony Horton and I am a 2x P90X Graduate. First time was Lean, the second round is Classic. I plan to post reviews once completed.

Next up, YogaMelt with Julian Michaels, Chalean Extreme and on the list Cathe STS. Of course along with my back to basics working with getting my strength training back on course. I miss that right now and will be ready for a change.

Last nights class went great, now that everyone has signed releases I have PUMPED up the class! I brought out a few of my favorite toys, leaving the body bars, bands and dumbbells at home.

Circuit class all balls, stability, medicine and kettlebell:
45 minutes plus 10 min warm up/cool down

Laying ham/glute stretch
Shoulder tri combo stretch
Standing ham stretch/ foot rotator
Shoulder rolls forward/back
Neck stretches

This is the exact circuit, done 3 times around:

Resistance board jumps/jumping jacks
Stability ball crunch w/4lb med ball
Bridge on stability ball
6lb med ball wood chops
Step ups w/kicks
Stability ball overhead straight leg pass crunches
12lb kettlebell swings

I added personally
10 prone pikes
15 knee in pikes
30 second plank hold

My workout today:
Again, NO smoothie that will be tomorrow.
1 scoop vanilla ice cream whey
1/2 c soy vanilla-ee today

P90X Round 2 Classic Day 85

Workout - P90X Kenpo
Mood - Good Morning
Wt - 118.5
Time of workout = 45 minutes
Cals burned = 407

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

30 Each:
Blocks front
Blocks corner
Inward Blocks
Downward Blocks

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)

Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100
Walking combo 30

Getting the Rockstar Body........

Monday, March 1, 2010

5 Ways To Beat A Fitness Crossroad

As we enter a new month, its a chance for change. I see crossroads ahead (just 6 days to go on P90X) and I need to decide which way to go. So many times you hit a crossroad and you may be scared to make the wrong choice but make the choice, and move forward. Life will not wait for you to decide, time will keep ticking and doing SOMETHING is better then doing NOTHING.

You may need to change your workout, or some relationships that are not useful or toxic or even your work that you do. But be assured, you are going to make it, your going to be ok because its all and always UP TO YOU.

What are some ways to help you with crossroads in fitness, how do you make the most of it when everyone is pulling at you, or maybe not a spouse or a good friend?

Take control, own up to yourself and make changes because its ultimately up to YOU. No matter who you talk to, work with, what gym workout your doing.....its up to you, just YOU to make it happen or not.

Here are 5 ways to beat a fitness crossroad:

1. Do the most productive, what produces.
You might think hours at the gym will get you a great body, but it won't unless you incorporate motivation, concentration and a good plan of strength training and cardio.
Doing 8-10 rep with heavy weights that the last 2-3 are challenging, will reap you better results then 12-15 that is too light. Don't be afraid to add weight.

2. Make cardio work.
Don't do an hour on the treadmill unless your training for a marathon. Sometimes longer is just a waste of time. I'm not saying that if your just getting started into fitness this is a waste of time, but you have to make your body work or it won't produce. You will do better off doing sprints, with intervals of a few minutes. Bringing the heart rate up and down will do you more good then keeping at a steady heart rate. The goal, keeping it higher more often, then lower during your workout.
Doing high intensity training will get you better results in less time.
Changing inclines will get you better results.
Walking 2 min high incline switching to running 5 min flat will have your body working harder. (as an incline surface burns 30% more calories then a flat surface). Intervals switching from 2-5 minutes are a great way to get your cardio to produce results in just 30 minutes, not an hour.

3. Don't walk around without a plan of action.
This is the biggest time waster, really it is. Go in with a plan, and work the plan. How many people do I see just going from machine to machine, this is a WRONG plan. (I am not talking about Curves here)
Strength training upper body or lower body, followed by 20 minutes of high intense cardio for example.

4. Always use free weights when possible.
Using machines are too "comfy" for the body on the range of motion, make the body work by having to balance and keep form by using dumbbells. If you can add in Bosu or a stability ball even better, all these movements force more action from your muscles and produce results faster.

5. Clear the mind and the attitude.
Working out take concentration, and focusing on the movements the muscles are making as it is happening will get better results then just "going through the motion". I have seen people do this so much its scary! Do what you need to and focus on your body, look at the muscle that is being worked and keep your form as perfect as possible. Don't be afraid of the mirror.

Here is my workout today, and over the weekend was 1 hour power yoga and lots of walking.

Post workout =
1 scoop vanilla ice cream whey
1/2 c skim

P90X Legs & Back Day 84 (6 day to go!)

Time of workout = 60 mins
Wt - 119.5
Cals burned = ?

25 balance lunge
25 calve raise squats - 10lb db
15 reverse grip chin ups
25 super skaters
1 min wall squats
15 wide pullups
30 step back lunges - 10lb db
24 alt side lunges - 10lb db
15 close grip over hand pull ups - asst
1 min single leg wall squats
20 single leg dead lift squats each leg w/5lb db
20 switch grip pullups
30 3-way lunge
20 sneaky lunges - walking lunges on tip toes
15 reverse chin ups
2x30 sec chair salutation
20 toe roll ISO lunges each leg
12 wide front pullups - asst
45 sec Groucho walk - wide squat walk
15 slow, 10 fast calve raises - heals in 10lb db
15 slow, 10 fast calve raises - reg 10lb db
15 slow, 10 fast calve raises - heals out 10lb db
15 close grip over hand pullups
30 80-20 Siebers speed squats - 1 leg down, 1 tip toe
10 switch grip pullups asst

Getting the Rockstar Body.........