
Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Let's Begin!

Happy New Years Eve!

Today we end "Shine in 2009" to start "2010 Let's Begin"
Time to start over and add to our personal growth, and become who we want to become.

2010 is within!

I will set my goals and inspirations on improving my life, myself, adding quality to my life to make my destiny the absolute best.

Praise God - spend more time in the word

Stay in the zone - in the moment not multi-tasking

Face my fears - breath and visualize the outcome

Increase my relationships - bond more by opening up even if it hurts

Change my mental programming - listen to great leaders over and over again until it is MY programming

Help others - stay motivated and feel good about themselves and let them know I care

Let go of past - today is a new day, a present

Remain in action mode - as long as I am moving forward I am not moving backwards or stagnant

Find mentors - keep close to those that I can grow and learn from that are where I want to be at

Take time to reflect - what I did, how I can do it better, and who can help me where I am lacking

Give praise - find good things about others and praise them for what makes them special

Empathy - learn to do this and understand the true meaning of it

Control - don't take control of situations that are not mine to control, stop fixing and giving the answers, instead just listen

Grow - do something new each month I have never done before

2010 Let's begin!

Now its all the rage in the news "Taco Bell Drive-Thru" diet!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Can the Taco Bell Diet work?

The new Taco Bell Drive-Thru diet....can it work?

Lets think about 54 pounds = 2 years = 27lb a year.

That would mean cutting 250 calories per day. 500 calories x 7 days a week = 3500 = 1lb.

3500 per week = 1lb x 52 weeks per year = 52lb per year.

So that would mean she would have to cut just half of that per year to equal 2 yr 52lb loss, and that could be done very easy with a few more adjustments getting her to 54lb loss.

Just 2 sodas at 20 oz would cover that. 120 per serving x 2 = 240. Take away just 10 more calories by an exta taking the stairs or a few less fries, or skip a bag of chips and your there.

Im just wondering what kind of workout she does......yes it could work.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Goals 2009 vs 2010

This is me doing handstand pushups, so far the most I have done is 2 sets of 3 but only 1/2 way.

2010 Goals:

I will conquer 3 full handstand pushups

Beat my record time of 9.33 minute mile

Do more strength training and yoga then cardio

Cut down on sugar. I beat the carbs in 2009 now I will beat the sugar in 2010!

Turn my weaknesses into my strengths

Break the 22% body fat plateau

Eat more veggies

Increase my lean muscle mass and decrease my body fat to 20% and break the 21% barrier in 2010!

Become more financially secure increase my auto savings deposit

Cut spending 10%

As I look at 2009 here are goals I accomplished:

Started Trainer T. Foundation to fight obesity in kids

P90X Graduate (currently working on round 2)

Completed my website & got videos up

Started writing & branding myself

Add to my networth

Give back to my community teaching free group fitness

Ran a 5k in 9.33 minute mile and came in 3rd place in class

Got a pullup bar

Paid off my car

Cut down on buying shoes

Reached my goal weight

Getting the Rockstar Body........

Friday, December 18, 2009

7 Days Till Christmas!

I just can't wait for Christmas and its just 7 days away!
I enjoy being off work and sleeping in a bit, being with my family....oh and the TREATS!

I will try not to over indulge, and thankfully my mom has not made her home made fudge in years. High calorie and sugar over drive, but delicious none the less.

We found out my sister is going to make it on Christmas Eve!!! And stay for a few days, I will get to see her 2 of the days then my vacation will be over.

Have you started thinking about resolutions?

Can you believe its going to be 20-10? When you say it that way, twenty ten, it sounds like a really cool year for something fabulous to happen V's two thousand ten.

What have you accomplished and what other things do you want to master?

Time to get the dream machine and goal planning session fired up, because it won't be long and we will be in a new year.

Today's workout:
Biggest Losers Last Chance 10 Min Upper Body

This is what I remember on this workout I did not have time to write it out. I used 10lb db on all except lateral lifts I used 5lbs db.

Each move was 30 seconds, and you have to do the 5 minute warm up prior to this bc it goes RIGHT INTO the workout.

Bicep curls
Back rows - bent over
Leaning side lunges w/bicep curls
Over head press
Plank rows
Plank lateral lifts
Tricep kick backs
Push ups - used my Yoga them!

I will do the lower body workout this weekend, and my stats and then update the full review. Either way, this is worth the $10 because it is fast and fun so the workout really goes by quick.

Considering P90X is very slow moving and methodical its quite a difference. I was supposed to do Yoga X today, but decided to do this instead and I will take the Power Yoga class on Saturday at the gym.....with my Yoga Paws!

Getting the Rockstar Body.......

Thursday, December 17, 2009

BL New Last Chance Workout DVD Review

I just got the new BL Last Chance workout and did it this morning instead of my P90X since my Back & Bicep dvd is being fixed.

I completed the 5 minute warm up, and the 25 minute workout. I did not do the cool down, or the 2 other 10 minute workouts included on the dvd.

Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout:

What I liked about it:
JM - need I say more? She is pretty supportive, keeps on them for form corrections
Circuit - cardio & ST alternating
Moves quickly - each move = 30 sec
Some modifications shown
Variety - several types of moves for each movement
My heart rate stayed in the target zone

What I did NOT like about it:
JM - is kinda dorky, even stating "she does not have balance that's why she's the trainer" and "she's skinny so she does not have to do the moves"
No timer or count down to show next up coming moves
Not really an "advanced" workout - you could add more weight but it is what it is.

I wish I would have wrote all the moves down, here is what I remember:

5 min warm up - high marches, arm circles, hip circles
25 min total workout
30 second interval circuit, switching from cardio to strength training.

This is a great beginner, or intermediate workout program here is what I remember:

3lb db on all lateral lifts
5llb db on all tricep moves
10lb db on all back and bicep moves

3 types of jump rope:
Criss cross
1 leg

Regular jacks
Plank jacks
Scissor jacks

Mountain climbers
In and out Mountain climbers
In and out, jump in and back Mountain climbers

Plank pushups (down to elbows and back up)
Plange pushups (1 hand forward, 1 back then switch)

Side lunges
Back lunges

Upper cuts

Side kicks
Front kicks

I got this for $9.99 at Best Buy and its worth the $10.

Getting the Rockstar Body.......

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 47 Plyometrics

Here is my workout today:

Pre workout snack
1 c coffee
1 banana
1 scoop of choc whey

P90X Round 2 Day 47

Workout - Plyometrics
Mood - GREAT
Wt = 116
Time of workout = 40 mins
Cals burned = ?

30 seconds to 1 min each move.

Walking lunges
Jump squats
Air Heismans
Swing kicks
Turn squats
2 tire heismans
Circle runs
Squat reach jump
Squat switch pick ups
Jump knee tucks
Mary Katherns
Leap frog squats
Twist combo Skis - right, center, left, center
All around jumps
Rocks star hops
Gap Jumps
Squat Jumps
Military Marches

Getting the Rockstar Body.......

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Secret To P90X

This is the secret to P90X........Yoga Paws!

I just got these in yesterday, put them on and wow! I could not recommend anything better. For P90X I used these this morning with my chest, shoulder and triceps workout and cranked out my pushups! REGULAR ones, not girly! They were also form fitting to use my weights with them. I would not really replace my weight gloves for anything but just to not have to take these on and off it worked out perfect.

No kidding these are a powerful change in my workout, now I can't wait to do the yoga with them. What makes these great is the fact that they are padded, made my wrist feel so much better because I felt stabilized putting less pressure on them. Easy on and off, and comfy on my tile floor in my workout room and you could use these on carpet.....buh bye yoga mat!

Here is what the company says about them, and I AGREE its the best $27 I have spent. I ordered them from since I had NO idea they had a website, or a dvd.

"The inspiring and unique way to stabilize your foundation when doing yoga postures and Pilates exercises. A revolutionary mini mat design provides solid support, extra padding, and peace of mind. Fitting in your purse, pocket, or travel bag. Going somewhere? No need to lug that mat around with you anymore cause these things are ideal for TRAVEL!"
(plus right now they have old stock for $10 a set)

The secret is out of the bag now, its up to you to decide if this is a product that will take you to the next level of P90X training like it has me. I'm thrilled!

I taught Zumba last night, it went great. We really worked up a sweat and the class got it after I put it all together so it was a lot of fun along with a good calorie burn. I think I will teach this again, and maybe even get certified in it....I may be hooked!

Pre-workout snack
1 banana
1 scoop choc whey
1 c 1% milk
1 c cold coffee

Post-workout snack
1 c non fat yogurt
1/2 scoop choc whey
1/2 apple

P90X Round 2 Classic Day 46

Workout - Chest, shoulders & Triceps
Mood - Good
Wt - 116
Time of workout = 55 min
Cals burned = ?

20 Slow pushups, 10 fast
15 - 5lb inout/shoulder flys
20 Chair dips straight leg
15 Plange push up - elbows next to chest
10 Plank pushups - like your doing a head stand
15 Side tri-rise
10 Floor flys each side
15 - 5lb Scarecrows
15 - 10lb Overhead tri-extensions
15 Two twitch speed pushups - vary speed sets
20 - 5lb Y-press
20 - 5lb laying tricep extensions
20 - 5lb leaning tricep extensions - I did from triangle stance, not chair
0 - One arm pushups
40 - 3lb weighted arm circles
12 - 5lb Throw the bomb
5 Clap/Plyo pushups
10 - 5lb Slow-mo throw
20 - 5lb Front to back tricep extensions
0 - One arm balance pushup
15 - 5lb Fly-row press
25 - 5lb Dumbbell cross body blows

Monday, December 14, 2009

Yuck P90X never ending phase 2


I can't wait to get done with phase 2 of P90X, I am on a mission to complete round 2 the classic version.

This weekend I did hit the gym and got in a great workout and yesterday and today P90X. I was productive and got up a new T- jack youtube and all my paperwork in my spreadsheet.

Cards are mailed....woo woo!
Packages sent.... woo woo!
Ready for Santa.......woo woo!

Pre -workout smoothie
2 banana
2 c 1% milk
2 scoop choc whey

it was too thick for me, tommorow I will add some coffee to this yum!

Post-workout snack
1 c yogert non fat vanilla
1/2 scoop choc whey
1/2 c blackberries

P90X Round 2 Classic Day 45

Workout - P90X Stretch
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 116
Time = 40 Mins
Cals burned = ?

Static Stretches:
Back up the car
Head rolls
Chest, back and shoulder stretch combo
Wrist, forearm
Back wrist
Dreya forearm stretch
Arm circles
Shoulder tris

Ballistic stretchs
Shake outs
Hug yourself high-low

Static Stretches:
Back/front stroke
Side stretch
Seated spinal stretch
Cat stretch
Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee
Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed

Getting the Rockstar Body........

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to make progress

Progress not Perfection.....

How many times do I, or others feel like we are not getting to that "perfect" body fast enough?
We have to remember that we are making progress, every week, every day, and every hour. Our body is very smart and it is easier to slack off and let it get comfortable then to make progress. But YOU can do it, keep the momentum of progress and you will get results.

When it comes to "perfection" leave that to form.

It is more effective to have great form then quantity, so keep that in mind when you think you want to crank out a bunch of moves thinking they will get you more results.

The same thing is true you your life. Lets say you make a job change and your thinking how great its going to be. Lets face it, its new and all NEW things are great. You are learning and using parts of your brain you have not before or in a while and you are excited! Then you get started and you are making progress... but you are not making as much progress as you thought you would, or you have not seen the results you wanted yet.

Think progress......

You know as you do this you have to remember, you are not don't think "perfection" here either. Its just that you may have a learning curve, you may have to find others to help you succeed, and you may even have slower progress then you thought because of time limitations, or organizations skills or even motivation.

So think progress.....

Change is HUGE and so is progress so try to remember that. Everyone is given the same amount of time in the day, its what you do with it, how you use it that makes a difference in progress. When you strive for perfection in anything you set a very high standard that may never be reached.

You can make progress in baby steps or big steps that choice is yours. One thing I recommend is that you don't try to make progress in many things at once. The reason is energy goes where focus is, and when you have too many things to focus on it can be exhusting on your energy level as well as frustrating.

So track what you are doing, look at your progress and even though it may not be "perfection", it is getting you where you want to go, and what you want.

Think progress not perfection...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Whats It Like To Loose 1/2 Your Body Weight?

I'm not sure of that feeling but Danny from the Biggest looser sure does! And he sure does look great and his wife does too. I am very proud of him and his family for support and winning, he was my choice. (I only got to see the last 10 minutes of the show I was at church service)

I wanted to do this blog about what does it take to do that, even though this is nothing I have never achieved personally.

In all my years of working with others, trying to change how their body looks I have never had someone loose 50% of their body weight. (30lb is my clients record for loss)

It would mean you could do things, you could never even think of doing before and doing it with confidence. Getting your life back. When I saw Danny win, and he made the comment "I was determined to win" that was all that was needed to be said.


That is the secret to weight loss success, and two other BIG elements:

His support came from his family, people on the show (especially Liz) and his trainers.

His goals were to beat Rudy, period. Sure it was also to get healthy for his family but his goal was to be better then Rudy. To beat Rudy each and every week on the scale.

If you have lost more then 50% of your body weight, please let me know and what was your secret? I believe if you think about it, It will come down to the 3 things that I feel are the secret to any transformation, or with any weight loss.

1. Determination
2. Support
3. Goals

You can say what ever you want about a turning point in your life or wanting to make a change in your life, I feel these principles are in my opinion the true key to lasting success. A determined person can not be stopped.


Todays workout should have been P90X day 43, still a twinge in my back left lower side so I did pilates.

Workout snack:
1 scoop choc whey
1 c 1% milk

Workout = Pilates
Mood = Cold 50 mph winds!
Wt = 115.5
Time of workout = 20 min
Cals burned = ?

20 min Pilates
Twisting saw
Side bridge
T-stand side bridge
Roll up
In and out Vs
25 reverse straight leg crunches
Pilates 100
OMY - Upward facing dog

Getting the Rockstar Body.......

Monday, December 7, 2009

4 Minute Fat Blaster Workout

This weekend was a very productive weekend and I feel good about that.
I got my video up, 4 minute fat blaster set to Zumba music

Why do I feel so productive?
All my holiday shopping is doneAll holiday gifts wrapped
All paper work for year end organized
Christmas cards bought
Stamps boughtReady for Santa ;-)

Some how I feel like its all coming together, you have to love that feeling don't you?

Went to the gym on Sunday and blasted out a good workout, over 300 cals kicked to the curb! Saw 2 of the regular peeps and they missed me and said I looked amazing that made my day. I am stuck on day 42 of P90X, lets hope this week I get that done or thats the plan.

Then it was church and fellowship followed by food and decorating of the church.

I love to decorate!

I took 2 of the front Ficus trees and turned them into Poinsettia trees and added lights and ivy too. They were very lovely, and it took me about 1 hour to complete. Mostly because of the fact I needed green wired lights and they had to get them from the kids church (where I teach my Monday night fitness classes) After that it was off to the cemetery to decorate my dads grave. This year I choose red poinsettias and variegated ivy, last year I did blue and sliver he loves blue.

Today: Off day

Teach circuit tonight with balls, stability and medicine

Sunday: Workout - Cardio & upper body

Mood - Muscletude!
Wt - Forgot
Time of workout = 50 mins
Cals burned = 315 + ST
30 min eliptical = 4545 steps

5 min increments:
Level 12 incline 4
Level 15 incline 4
Level 20 incline 10
Level 20 incline 4
Level 15 incline 10
Level 12 incline 4

In and out lat pull down T. style
3x12 40lb
3x12 40lb seated back rows, 2 sets feet on floor for core
3 sets 1 min plank

Downward dog to plank sets
1 min Cat to cow
Splits practice
X side stretches

Getting the Rockstar Body.........

Friday, December 4, 2009

P90X Round 2 Plyo Day 41

Today was P90X Plyo Again, I finished what I did not get done yesterday it was about 25 minutes. I found a great blog on the Plyo P90X with lots of pictures so check out

He did a fabulous job posting the moves so you get a better understanding of this workout. I find it the one I enjoy the most. I have always loved jump training even with bad knees. You can still modify but not jumping as high, or keeping your legs tighter together for support on the knee caps.

Here is my workout and smoothie:
1 c 1% milk
1 scoop choc whey
1 c spinach
1 c blueberries (I wanted to add pb but did not due to fat/cals)

P90X Round 2 Day 40 (repeat day due to injury)
Completed workout GO T!

Workout - Plyo
Mood - TGIF!
WT - 115.5
Time of workout = 25 mins
Cals burned = ?

30 seconds each unless listed as 1 min
Run squats 180 jumps switch
Lateral leap frog squats
Monster truck tires
1 Hot foot "L shape jumps"
Pitch and catch (each side)
Jump shots (each side)
1 Football hero - tire up jog back

Getting the Rockstar Body.......

Thursday, December 3, 2009

#1 Male Fitness Trainer Videos Online

Meet Ahmad Baari CPT Offers a free download that you must simply check out!

I had the pleasure of writing about Ahmad and viewing his tough workouts online and he is a very fierce trainer. He has over 7,000 watching and doing his online videos, and has helped many loose weight and get healthy.

Here is a small sample from one of Ahmad's webesites:

Congrats, for taking the first big step! Okay, now we have to get to serious business. You need to get a garbage bag and go to your kitchen now. I need you to throw away HALF (just half) of anything that has the words:
-High Fructose
-Saturated Fats over 2.5 g
-Hydrogenated Oil

Next I need you to get a calculator, pencil and paper. This will be quick. I need you to: subtract your age from 220.
ie. 220 - (put your age here) = answer

Take the answer and multiply it once by0.65
and 0.85

ie. answer x 0.65 = lower end
answer x 0.85 = higher end

This is the formula that most never use when doing their cardio. When you do your cardio keep your heart rate in the (lower end - upper end) zone for the full 25 minutes or more.

To see your muscles, you have to shed fat. Fat does not come off in just one place. It is shed from your whole frame at one time. There is NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCING!
Learn more about Ahmad and watch his amazing videos

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Month New Goals

Here we are in the last month of the year.... new month new goals!

Do-overs and readjusting, look for improvements.

This is the time to start to plan, so that failing is NOT an option during the busy times ahead. I also like to reflect on what I have learned and how I have grown and the goals that I have achieved. Anything that was not fulfilled can be place again on the game plan. It happens even to the best of planners and its ok.

Sometimes we have to step it up so that time does not get away from us. Speed is everything, keeping the mind on track to avoid negative thoughts that can create sidesteps and derailments. One thing you can do is use the term "cancel", when those brain waves that are not positive try to sabotage you. just say "cancel" and move on with the plan of action.

The brain is just a survival device that's all that it knows. You have to keep emotions in check and keep the goal in place, taking steps each day towards it. EVERY step adds up! I never knew how fast time goes till after age 45, so if your under age 45 time is of the essence use it wisely because it gets faster each year, REALLY faster!

December goals:
1. Finish out P90X round 2 (Dec/Jan)
2. Strive for 30 assisted pull ups & 5 Handstand pushups
3. Work on my financial plans - personal and business
4. Continue bible studies & prayer lists
5. Wrap up 4th quarter and all year end finances for CPA
6. Set 2010 goals - finance, business and fitness
7. Get my new Cardio T-Mix up and running
8. Continue What works journal entries, review past years entries
9. Commission artist for T- foundation artwork

Here is my workout today
P90X Round 2 Day 40

Pre- workout Smoothie
1 - scoop choc whey
1/2 c coffee
1/2 c cherries
1/2 c spinach
1 c 1% milk
2 tbs vanilla

Back hurt today, Plyo at lunch/after work split program

Workout - Plyometrics
Mood - Awww
Wt = 115.5
Time of workout = 40 mins
Cals burned = ?

30 seconds to 1 min each move.

Walking lunges
Jump squats
Air Heismans
Swing kicks
Turn squats
2 tire heismans
Circle runs
Squat reach jump
Squat switch pick ups
Jump knee tucks
Mary Katherns
Leap frog squats
Twist combo
Skis - right, center, left, center
All around jumps
Rocks star hops
Gap Jumps
Squat Jumps
Military Marches

Getting the Rockstar Body.......
If you have not seen the Bodyrock here it is

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Motivational Blog

Note to self: Personal development

" In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

" So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible. So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done."
Marian Wright Edelman

" Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it."
Ralph Marston

" Anger is the second name to failure and married to foolishness."

" Perfection should be a pleasant surprise, not an expectation."
Written in 2009 by Jared Scott

" Life is so short when you think about it. Don't waste time thinking about the little things that add up because they become a pile and a wall that you can't break down!!!"
Copyright © 2009 Marion Licchiello

" One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have lived the life you wanted to live - with the rough and the smooth, the good and the bad- and that yours was shaped by your own choices and not by someone else’s."
Copyright © 2009 George Wachira

" When you see the dead end of the road, take a 'U' turn, and start the journey again. It's only 'U' who can turn life's path in your own way."
Copyright © 2009 Swapnil Phansekar

" Your 'Past' is not your pass to fail. Do not allow what happened to you minutes ago, days ago, weeks ago, months ago or years ago be the reason for you not to strive toward success for your life. Stop looking for reasons to fail or find fault for your lacking and slacking. Your past is past, your present is present and your future is all in your hands."
Copyright © 2009 Antonio Talbert

" Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you... not because they are not, but because you are nice."
Author Unknown

" We may do anything to live a life but it's only personal relations that shape our life ...and only then we can it's my life."
Written in 2009 by Pranjal Borbora

If you want to change things, don't expect others to change, rather you change yourself first and you will be surprised to see the change around you.

Getting the Rockstar Body.....