
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pick ME!

Jeanine My Pick ...... She is a Power House!
Here is who left and I am torn on the guys, I think Evan needs to go bye bye he is just not able to give the variety needed in style to me.
I love the fact that the girls did the super girl number and heck Ade brings it every time, he's a lion. I like all the styles of the girls but I just feel that Jeanine has the ability to adapt to anything, wow!

Who do you want to win?

I was going to call this blog for the LOVE of disco!
I love disco that was my groove and I was very good winning nearly every dance. I had a super partner and we were in sinc, he was tall and strong and I was about 105 of solid lean muscle in red satin pants and black stilettos can you imagine?That number blew me away, yes I was a competitive disco dancer and those moves were tough. I was thrown all over the place back in the day, including the death drop, but a death drop double and by the woman then man is something I call a complete show stopper. I can tell you I was re-living my old dance days in a daze last night and LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

What was your favorite dance?

I missed the first hour so I only got the re-cap on those but again my girl J. stood out. I think this year has been one of the best as far as reaching the bar higher. Can you even imagine having memories of being on a show like that with the costumes and make up and all? Seriously that would be AMAZING! What next for any of these dancers, the possibility is endless. I really loved the show last night, even got a jump out of Nigel shazam!

Ok now to fitness, I have been on a brownie sugar craving kick. So that scale is sticking again. My doings, and I take full responsibility. SNAP OUT OF IT T.!
I wanted to share this site that I joined, via Sparks Member Urbanmommy (Kim) and I am waiting for my first newsletter. I just thought I would share it with you in case you may want other info on supplements, or want a newsletter on this.

Here is my workout today, and glad to say my back is feeling better.
P90X Week 13 Day 2
Workout - P90X Yoga & X Stretch
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 117.5
Time of workout - 50 minutes Cals = ?

Yoga X = 30 minutes
Moutain pose Reverse Swan Chateranga Minata Plank Downward Dog Runners Pose Cresent Pose Warrior 1, 2 & 3 Chair Twisting Chair Triangle Twisting Triangle

Stretch X = 20 minutes
Seated spinal stretch Cat stretch Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed Triangle Rollers Side stretch

Now that I am almost a graduate of the P90X I am wondering if I should become a coach?
Off to get the Rockstar Body...........

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bacholor Kiptyn 7 Days Left Of P90X

Kiptyn is the bachelor I wanted to win, or for eye candy.....

Yes, I got sucked into this show last night mainly because it was filmed in Hawaii how sweet would that be? Holy cow when they showed all the scenes I was like, lets go! I can't imagine NOT falling in love by just being there all that infatuation and dream dates, whats not to love? I only saw a few parts of this show and one time her and Kiptyn were on the top of a telephone pole and juming off to a trapeeze thingy, how cool would that freakin be? Pleeeeze sign me up!

Do they take old ladies lol.

I also saw them on boats and snow sledding and in a helicopter what the heck! I need a vacation, maybe I could sign up and go??? Who has these kinds of dates to get to know someone, do you know anyone that does? When she turned down Kiptyn after stuttering with an answer I think any "normal man" would have just walked away right then and there. NO begging and recapping the memories. Hey anytime a woman would stutter to answer or take more then 1/2 a second to say YES and jump up and down you just would NOT hang around.

Wonder if he would have pushed her in the water, after the other guy came back to ask her and she turned him down on TV. Do you think he really pulled strings to come back...or do you think its national tv they BROUGHT HIM BACK for that reason. Well I duno about that, let me have my little romantic fantasy for a moment and pretend he did.

Anyway are you happy with her choice of Ed?

Wonder why she picked the guy she had the most drama with? Do you think she did NOT want to have to keep up with Kiptyns 6-pack ab routines? Thats my thought, but hey I would love to run with this man! Ok, well I am over the eye candy for now I think.

I am officially done with P90X Lean and the next 7 days are recovery, then I am a graduate and will post pics.

P90X Week 12 day 7 todays workout was a mish-mash:
X Stretch - 30 minutes
I finished Kenpo this morning - 20 minutes
Mood - GREAT
Wt - 117.5
Time of workout = 50 minutes
Cals burned = ?

Kenpo - 20 minutes:
Inward Blocks 30
Downward Blocks 30 J
ogs, jump rope, jumping jacks (25), jump X jacks (10)
Star Blocks 16
High block low punch 2x25
Knee back kick 2x30
Back knuckle ball kick/back kick 2x10
Hook upper cut low side kick 2x10
Elbow series 30
Vertical punches 100

X Stretch- 30 minutes:
Static Stretches:
Back up the car
Head rolls Chest, back and shoulder stretch combo
Topas Wrist, forearm Back wrist Dreya forearm stretch
Arm circles Shoulder tris

Ballistic stretchs:
Shake outs
Hug yourself high-low
Static Stretches:
Reaches Back/front stroke
Side stretch

Off to get the Rockstar Body.......

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Trainer Karen Finch

There is no Thrill, Hope, or Beauty in settling for average."

Congrats to my trainer Karen Finch On becoming certified as a Master Physique Trainer for the sport of Bodybuilding & Figure Competition Preparation!

I am thrilled to brag for her, she is extremely knowledgeable in the area of nursing, nutrition and ALL areas of fitness & wellness.

As a person she is caring and genuine in helping you see it "like it is" and take a "no excuses" approach to get you to your goals. I am proud to call her my friend, trainer and role model. Thank you Karen for being YOU.

Here are some of the ways she has helped me grow:
How to adjust my macros for my body type
Eating PLAIN oatmeal can be tasty with apples
Choose sugar free jello and non-fat whipcream as my sweet tooth treat
NO more then 1 banana a day
Too much fruit = too many carbs
Lighter weights can be better
Injuries take 2 times longer to heal then you want them to
Sugar is my enemy
Too much cardio is burning my muscle off
Find the obsticals = limited factors, understand them and get past them

But most off all that anything is possible at any age if you want it bad enough, she is living proof and if you have not been to her page please stop by. She is amazing!
"There are only two options regarding commitment. Your either in or out. There's no such thing as life in-between" - Pat Riley
This quote she has on her page today fits her perfectly!

I have no idea how much effort goes into learning all she has learned to pass this certification but I am sure it was very hard. I know as I get older how hard it is for me to retain data at 47 and she is 55 and achieving this masterpiece. Wow thats all I have to say....WOW!

Karen even though you are in NY and I am in MO we have a great bond that will last a lifetime. You have been in my head every day and you have no idea how much that motivates me, challenges me and makes me want to be a better trainer and person because of YOU.

So today I say thank you Karen Finch my friend, trainer and mentor and I wish you continue success!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Arnold Bread, I tried it and LOVE it!

I tried this sandwich thins bread and love it!

This is my new fav bread, its soft and has so much flavor I am addicted. I can't wait to make a mushroom sandwich, or anything else on it. It was reveiwed by Sparkpeople and I tried it, and its true that its a great as they said it was.

I had low fat lunchmeat on it with mustard and just enjoyed it to pieces. Im kinda a bread junkie anway, I think I could live on it if I could afford the carbs.

My workouts this weekend were spot on, I did very well and felt energized. I have still not done the whole yoga and doubt I will but its still a very good program. Since our weather is still fabulous I will be doing my incline walk at lunch today.

Still need to be productive on the homefront, trim some trees and things like that but I have just been really loving our true summer weather pattern. Cant wait for this weeks So you think you can dance, should be another great show, its getting down to the wire.

Anyone have a favorite?

Why is this show so addictive to me? The hard workouts and you dont even see the true sweat and grind, the behind the senes and these people have to learn this lickidy split. NO way could I do that, sheesh please Im better giving instructions then getting them now that I am older. It could be that saying about old dogs and trick, blahh blahh.


45 mins yoga

45 min walk



45 min walk

Off to get the Rockstar Body........

Friday, July 24, 2009

Are You Loosing Your Passion?

I am on Chapter 7 of my book "I Dare You" and I am very excited about it. I like that Joyce has some real insight on life in general. There are parts that really hit home and I want to do a blog when I get a bit farther on this.

One thing for sure is that she dares you to live with passion and a purpose I agree TOTALLY. I think my passion is getting zapped out of me at times so this is really hitting home.

Ever feel like your loosing your passion?

Do you have a purpose?

I say that I may be loosing my passion because I have had the same work for the last 10yrs and there is nothing that I have not conquered on my J-O-B. So I try to do the same thing day in and day out with a positive attitude and focus on my business, what I can do better with it. How I can push myself with my workouts and try new things to keep it spicy.

Helping others
Fitness & Wellness
Organinzing & planning
Coaching & training

Helping others
Foundation Ranch

Don't confuse being busy with having a purpose, I think that is one thing that many people do. As women I know our never ending to-do list keeps us on the go, but we have to decide which things to say no to. Even though your busy you may not be accomplishing very much out of your life, this is an area I am REALLY EXAMINING CLOSELY!

Last night I did get in my after dinner walk it was just before the rain. I also got back in time to see the end of 'So you think you can dance". The Katie Homes dance was very good and then the news of the Cha-cha Miami girl getting the axe did not make me happy she was one of my favorites. I think she was so much more versatile then the others and when you saw her re-cap wow......stunning lines!

Still on the last week of P90X and here is my workout:

Week 12 Day 3 P90X Chest & Back (and Ab Ripper tonight)
I did 45 Minutes
Wt - 117 (Carbs last night)
BF% 21.5 (down .03)
BMI% 20.1 (up .01)

Pushups 2x30
Military pushups 2x15
Wide fly pushup 20
Heavy pants 2x25 - 10lb
Diamond pushups 15 & 10 on knees
Lawn mowers 2x25 - 10lb
Divebombers - 0
Back flys 2x20 -10lb
2x50 Jumping jacks
2x50 Obliques bent knees
Saw, Cats stretch, Child pose

Off to get the Rockstar Body.......

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fried Green Tomato

Last night I did not get in my walk or my extra workout. Yep I watched 2hrs of "So you think you can dance" and it was great! The opening number with all the lighted costumes was off the charts cool! I am not sure who will go this week, I like them all. I am not sure why Ellen was on the show and I think she got more calmed down after a few of the dancers danced. They did a number on breast cancer that just brought down the house with tears. It did me too.
The hip hop was one of my favorites, OMG it was so fabulous! They even showed 2 workout dvds, anyone have these or know about them? For some reason I don't know if it was the lack of sunshine this week, or I was just tired but I struggled with energy on my motivational level. After watching those powerful dancers I was ready to ruuuuumble!
I did not do as good with diet last night as I hoped, I had 2 fried green tomato's. My family is a farming background and I grew up on that and fried squash, zucchini and okra all tasty but NOT good for you. You really have to consider that a treat.
Have you ever had fried green tomato's?
Sinfully delicious! It is NOT in the Clean Eat Diet book trust me, its just NOT! They even made a movie on this, I really liked the movie too.
Today I got up 10 minutes early I was so pumped up to workout I got in some bonus moves. Just 5 more workouts to go!
Here is my workout:
P90X Week 12 Day 2 Workout - Cardio X
Mood - Rockstar
Wt - 116.5
Cals = ?
47 Minutes total workout:
Yoga warm up - 15 minutes
Jumping jacks - 50
25 of each:
Hook upper side kicks
Kick front & Back
Ball kick knuckles Jab, cross, hooks, uppercut
3 Direction kicks
Airborn heisman
Swing kicks
Jump shots
Wide tires
Wacky jacks - 50
Squat cross X
Steam engine -50
Dreya roll - 15
Squat runs - 1 minute each side (3LB weights)
Banana to superman
Plus Bonus: 50 Jumping Jacks 10 Military Pushups
Off to get the Rockstar Body.......

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Plumbing Friend or Foe?

Plumbing can be your friend until it goes bad!

I mean when its working great you never give it a second thought. But when drains back up and black gunk that smells starts comming up your like......OMG!

I like my plumber Max he is a great guy, however yesterday he hit me with some VERY bad news. In 2003 I had some lateral lines replaced by our county, and I only had to pay for a video and $200 not bad. Now that area has a problem about 19' from my front door and my property is 1/4 acre long. Monday I had to pay $115 to have it snaked out and yesterday another $200 for the camera work and to snake it out again at no charge. He knocked off $50 on the camera work that the county needs to process the claim. Now its a waiting game to see what they say. In addition to that, I need the pipe under the floor of the basement replace. It does not need to be fixed immediately but in the next year, and we are talking about $2500-3000. This news did not sit very well with me yesterday, considering at the end of the month as per my goal I was going to be very excited to say I was totally debt free. Then I was going to open the account for the foundation, forget about the bathroom that needs remodeled and go for my dream.

Pray, pray pray......I ask God that the county will pay this bill so that I may start my foundation and continue to help others. I felt drained. Since I was exhausted all day, I knew I was going to go to bed early which I did at 8.30pm so that I would get in a FIERCE WORKOUT this morning!

What the heck Im on the last week of P90X!

Wrong.....I opted to crawl back in bed. Just NO motivation for a FIERCE workout. So I am going to consider this my off day, get in a run/walk at lunch and try for my Cardio X after work. Also get in my after dinner walk last night. I have chicken and yams planned for dinner tonight, yum. I'm sure "So you think you can dance" will cheer me up, I am so happy its on tonight. Just to see that skill level is amazing to me.

Got a few more pages read on my book and I am loving it. Off to get the Rockstar soon as I SNAP OUT OF IT!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Last Week Of P90X

I would love to have the audio of this Book by Joyce Meyers

I am on the last week of P90X finally!

I can't really believe how the time just flew by. I will post some pictures & stats once I officially graduate, however I feel like I am just a smaller version of me. On the next round I will do classic, it has more legs and I would like to challenge myself on that. Last night I got in an extra 45 minute after dinner walk and that was a struggle. I was tired from working a straight shift at work and my engery was drained.

The first thing I did when I got home was take my Nutrazon.

I finished up dinner and after the walk got in some good reading. I'm really enjoying the Joyce Meyers "I dare you book', and Im only on the third chapter.

Here is my workout today:

P90X Week 12 Day 1

P90X Lean Shoulders & Arms

P90X Ab Ripper

Mood - Ready to rumble

Wt - 116.5

Time of workout = 45 min

Cals burned = ?

2 sets each

2x15 10lb - Alt shoulder press

2x15 10lb - In & out bicep curls

2x25 7lb - 2 Arm kick back

2x15 10lb Deep swimmer press

2x15 10lb Supination curls

2x25 Chair dips bent knee

2x20 - 7lb Upright rows

2x16 - 10lb Static arm curls

2x15 - 7lb Flip grip twist back tris

Ab Ripper = 339 Moves (bonus +10 extra masons) 11 moves 25 reps = 16 minutes long

In & outs Bicycles - forward & Reverse

Crunchy frogs

Cross leg wide leg sit ups

Fifer sissors

Hip rock and raise (reverse curls w/diamond legs)

Pulse up (heals to heaven or stop the ceiling)

V-up roll up combo - very tough roll up then do a V

Oblique V-up Leg climbs (the more climbs the easier)

Mason twists

Off to get the Rockstar Body........

Monday, July 20, 2009

Camping In High Heels

Today is my day off from workouts! I may do some stretch when I get home from work, I love that P90X Stretch its so good for you.

I took a visit to Troy Missouri this weekend.
I went camping for a night, and NO I did not do it all in high heels I brought my hiking boots. I live in high heels and even do better at the driving range in them vs flats go figure. I think its because I am so used to being up in the air like that, I freak out when I am not lol.
Back to Troy, I found this fabulous resturant called JR's Diamond Dinner right outside there 10 miles past the town where everything is homemade and DELICIOUS! We are talking home cooking and desserts too, most places send out for that. It was a nice treat that of course put my fat grams way over. It ok, I am still focused and on track just have to enjoy a few treats now and then. I can't find any information on line about it, however its just 10 miles outside of Troy and worth the trip.
Its a nice quaint little town and there was a Darius Rucker concert going on at the county fair, can you believe it?

There was a park called Cuiver River that had these amazing steps

140 of them, what a GREAT workout!
This park also has a beach (these steps are near the beach) and boating area and lots of camping with a place for horses too. I saw some amazing horses and I really want some. It took about an hour and a half to get here from where I live but a very nice place. I actually visited and camped at a state wildlife area. It has 3 lakes and a shooting range, mostly hunters and fisherman stay there since there are NO facilities.
Our weather was perfect, in the low 50-60's and no wind or rain. Today is the last visit for my doctor on my ear surgery and then its back to a workout. I don't mind a nature workout and hiking in a park like this will sure get you one.
Off to get the Rockstar Body........

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ever Botox?

This weekend I think I may be going camping and I can't wait!

I have not been in 2 yrs and our weather has been wonderful with some nights in the 60's. There is one thing that I love its building a bonfire and watching it under the stars. The place I go to is a private park, there is nothing but a outhouse there and lakes but that makes it very romantic. There are 2 lakes if you fish, but just watching the deer at night is fun they are so cute. I guess I better check out my tent and sleeping bags tonight and get them aired out, find my battery operated fan and my flashlights. I can't wait to be in nature, I love it.

Called the plumber this morning, and he should be out from 12-4pm. Thank goodness I hope he can fix it and cheep! I hope to go swing dancing tonight its been forever and I am starting to forget the moves and I do SO miss our dance instructor Sandy. Did I tell you she got botox? I had to laugh at that, her lips were so puckered up. I plan on going all natural with the aging process I hate needles! And I think once you do it and it fades, you feel like you look 2 times as old since you get used to the new improved YOU. I think most everyone is addicted to it, don't you?

Have you ever botoxed? Would you do it?

Here is my workout and stats today:
Week 11 Day 3 P90X
Lean Shoulders & Arms P90X Ab Ripper
Mood - GREAT
Wt - 116.5
BF% - 21.8
BMI% - 20.0
Time of workout = 55 Minutes
Cals burned = ?
2 sets each 2x15
10b - Alt shoulder press
2x15 10lb In & out bicep curls
2x25 7lb - 2 Arm kick back
2x15 10lb Deep swimmer press
2x15 10lb Supination curls
2x30 Chair dips bent knee
2x20 - 10lb Upright rows
2x16 - 10lb Static arm curls
2x15 - 7lb Flip grip twist back tris
349 Core = Ab Ripper
Off to get the Rockstar Body.......

Thursday, July 16, 2009

P90X Just 12 Days Left

I wonder how much I have changed since I started P90X?

Here I am on the last 2 weeks of this 90 day program and wondering what type of results I will get as I blast these next 12 days.

I will be a P90X Grad so to speak, next round I would do like to do the classic version.

Some of the results I have noticed so far, as I progress is that I love the stretch. I was never doing enough of that and this program has forced me to do more. I also love pilates over yoga since its faster paced, however this program of yoga has been pushing me more on the balance end. I still have not completed the whole hour and half but I have made it one hour on a weekend day.

The other thing that I have found is that my legs seem to be more defined and I do look leaner, which is ok. Now as far as my mid section I know I lost but not as much as else where. I do feel like I am stronger in my legs yet weaker in my back. I won't know until I get back to the gym and try to lift. The lighter weights and more reps have been a nice switch up. I will be looking forward to a new program.

When I finish the last 12 days I will post what I started with and what I finished with and see the difference, including body stats. I will post new pictures too, but remember I am NOT doing the diet that comes with the program and I am NOT completing the full minutes. I am sure if you did those other 2 things you would really see results.

Last night I got to see So you think you dance and it was another great talented show. I like all the dancers so I don't know who will go. I love dance of any kind, just to see these dancers push themselves is amazing don't you think? Not to mention costumes and hair... wow!

Here is my workout today:

P90X Week 11 Day 2

Workout - Cardio X

Mood - Rockstar Wt - 116.5 (over on carbs again)

Cals = ?

40 Minutes total workout: Yoga warm up - 15 minutes 25 minutes

25 of each:

Hook upper side kicks Kick front & Back

Ball kick knuckles Jab, cross, hooks, uppercut

3 Direction kicks

Airborn heisman

Swing kicks

Jump shots

Wide tires

Wacky jacks

Squat cross X

Steam engine -50

Dreya roll Squat runs - 1 minute each side (no weights)

Banana to superman - I only did the supermans

I need to get in Ab ripper and the last 10 minutes of this workout.

Off to get the Rockstar Body........

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Best Of The Best P90X

P90X WEEK 11 DAY 1

Chest and Back

As I go into the last 2 weeks of P90X Lean I decided to post my "BEST OF THE BEST" on the strength training workout plan in my opinion.

I would like to add, that the stretch, yoga and ab ripper are all very good as well, though I did not include them on this lower body strength training challenge. The moves with the MOST bang for the buck that entry level to advanced could do. I wrote this challenge in February for the A BETTER ME Team after pre-viewing and trying all the moves. I did not start the actual P90X program until May 1st. I did the first 2 weeks as the Regular version, then switched to the Lean version on week 3.


You will only need a hand weight of 5-10lb on this challenge and if you are advanced up to 20lbs. The goal is 25 of each move or 50 on dual leg/arm moves, that’s part of what makes this so challenging is that you do high reps. We will do 2-3 sets depending on your fitness level, so do the best that YOU can do but be mindful of your breathing and not to overdo beyond your level of fitness. Disclaimer: This like all my challenges on A Better Me team are at your own risk.



SNOW TIRE RUNS– You have 6 large wide (pretend) snow tires laid out in front of you in a side by side row of 2 sets of 3. These are wide leg jogs up and back with high knees. 6 jogs up and 6 jogs back 25 laps total

CATCH & SHOOT- This is as if you have a basket ball at your side and pretend to shoot the ball from the opposite side. So catch from the right and shoot from the left then alternate. 25 each side = 50

RUNNING LUNGES- Get in a lunge position starting with right leg, then pretend (as you keep in the position) to move your arms as fast as possible as if you are running really fast. Then switch legs. 25 each side = 50

SOLDIER MARCHES- Straight leg marches just like a soldier or the Nutcracker. 25 total


LEAP FROG PLYO – Get down on all fours and stay on your toes to look like a frog. Then jump your back legs up like you are going to leap over something but stay in place. 25 total

WACKY JACKS – This is a jumping jack, but you keep your elbows bent and your legs straight. The goal is to reach the elbow to the hip as your leg kicks out and it is done fast like a normal jack. 25 total

BENT SEATED SHOULDER FLY- Sit in a chair and bend forward as you lift the weights out like a fly towards your back (be sure your not lifting these up high working the shoulders, keep elbows more at waist and bring shoulder blades together)


HIP RAISE WITH LEG RAISE- Lay on your back with knees bent, and as you lift your glutes up lift one leg up in the air then come back to start position. Do one leg at a time then switch to other. 25 each side =50 total

LUNGE REACH W/WEIGHTS- Get in a lunge position left leg forward. As if you are picking a book off a bookshelf to the right then place it the opposite on the left on the floor. Use 5-10lb weight then switch sides. 25 each total =50

SQUAT JACKS- Get in squat position, jump up to a jack then back down to a squat. 25 total


DECLINE PUSHUPS- Use the couch, chair or ball if you have it, and place your feet there. Then do a pushup. 25 total

PRAYER SQUATS- Get in a squat position, with hands place in a prayer. Do the squat down and raise back up to start. 25 total

FLIP GRIP TWIST KICK BACKS- Use a 5-10lb weight and bend over to do a tricep kick back. As you do them then switch your grip from under hand to over hand and do another alternating back and forth. 25 each arm = 50 total.

There are some more moves that are my favorite that I can list later when the program is complete. The moves are different depending on which program you do.

My workout today:

Week 11 Day 1 and I can't believe it!

P90X Chest and Back

Mood - Sheepish (late night carbs watching the All Star Game)

Wt - 116.5

Time of workout = 45 mins

I will try to complete the Ab Ripper tonight

Off to get the Rockstar Body........

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

HELLO...Mr. President Obama

P90X Week 10 Day 7 Stretch

Today is the Baseball All Star Game for 2009, hosted in my town and home town of St. Louis MO.

This is the day where we say "Hello Mr. President Obama" as he throws out the first pitch of the game today.

Are you a baseball fan?

If you are, then St. Louis is your kind of town. We don't offer much else here to occupy time. Sure we have the Muny Theater, St. Louis Symphony and the fabulous Gateway Arch, Zoo and Brewery. We also have the Art and History Museum and Botanical Gardens but after you do these things there is not much else going on.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my home town for the "Midwest feeling" however since we really only have a few other things going on, like wineries, the Katie bike trail and Gateway International Speedway you can get kinda ho-hum about this place. We are not as urban as say Chicago or even the big apple but it is my home town, and I do like the change of seasons.

So as they say at the stadium, Play Ball!

Today is my last day of week 10 I cant believe it!

Here is my workout:
Week 10 Day 7
Workout - P90X Stretch
Mood - Relaxed Wt - 116.5 (carbs for dinner)
Time = 40 Mins
Cals burned = ?

Static Stretches:
Back up the car
Head rolls
Chest, back and shoulder stretch combo
Topas Wrist, forearm Back wrist Dreya forearm stretch Arm circles Shoulder tris

Ballistic stretches
Shake outs
Hug yourself high-low

Static Stretches:
Reaches Back/front stroke
Side stretch
Seated spinal stretch
Cat stretch
Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee
Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed

Off to get the Rockstar Body........

Monday, July 13, 2009

P90X Week 10 Day 6

P90X Week 10 Day 6

I'm 47 now, I just can't believe it!

Workout - P90X Kenpo
Mood - Good Morning 47!
Wt - 116
Time of workout = I did 35 minutes
Cals burned = ?
I met my 115 weight goal over the weekend and feel like a champ! I have set some new goals and moving forward to being the BEST me I can be. As a matter of fact I can't believe I am going to be on week 11 of this P90X program, thats how fast time goes.
Have you noticed how the older you get the faster time goes?
Maybe its just me. My girlfriend said her and her husband have been doing it, on and off. Well you can't get great results I told her if your not consistant. She said she hates Tony too, only because its hard I have a different love hate with ole Mr. Tony Horton. For me its his style, and as a trainer too thats what I look at. However you can't argue he has an excellent program!
Here is my workout today, and Sunday I did Coresynergistics with the BONUS ROUND!
P90X Week 10 Day 6
25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump X jacks

Step drag punch, punch
Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch
Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump X jacks

Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25

Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump X jacks

Off to get the Rockstar Body.........

Friday, July 10, 2009

P90X Lean Week 10 Day 4

I did it!
I was glad to step on the scale today and see that I reached my goal of 115!
I did not make my body fat goal of 20% or less however I have re-set that goal date. I truly believe I could have met it if I would not have been on vacation. T. did have a good time but it cost me 2% body fat gain. I was at 20% the Friday prior to leaving town, and I needed to stay with that super clean clean diet to keep it. I still got in some great workouts, but Lays and Kisses did me in.
Now on to the Belly Dancing..... It was a blast and we are going to go again. For one thing you don't get much out of 1 lesson, its a lot to learn. We did hip circles and arm movements with some tummy rolls. You could feel those and especially since I did Ab Ripper that morning I really felt it. I did have to laugh at myself just because its funny to see me trying to focus so hard on tiny little movements when I don't really have any hips! Talk about some shoulder workout keeping your arms out for a long time is hard too but we did it. We got to wear hip scarf's that was cool and there were 2 instructors and they kept switching which was awesome because you got a feel for each ones own style. I liked that! The cost was $8 a class or a card for $40 which gets you 1 class free. We decided just to try it again before committing.
Its a terrific day in T's world, I am feeling very blessed.
Here is the stats and the workout:
WT - 115 - Goal met!
BF% - 22.7
BMI% - 19.7
I will put my NEW body fat goal at the end of P90X which is in less then 2 weeks. (10 days)
P90X Lean Week 10 Day 4
Workout - P90X Yoga
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 115
Time of workout -45 minutes
Cals = ?
Moutain pose
Reverse Swan
Downward dog
Runners Pose
Cresent Pose
Warrior 1,2 & 3
Twisting Triangle
Twisting chair
Off to get the Rockstar Body......

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ever Belly Dance?

Ever Belly Dance?

T. is going for it, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Im feeling the crunch of the goal date. Good news is that I weighed in at 116 today and think I will make my goal! Tonight is belly dancing lesson number 1 and then maybe a run after that. I should be home by 8.30 and hit the pavement or thats the plan. I have never belly danced but have been intriged by it so me and my girlfriend are doing a lesson tonight. It is an hour long from 7pm-8pm and it should be a blast. I am bringing my Kodak Zi camcorder hee hee.

Got to see my show "So You Think you can Dance" and it was very good. I liked 2 of the dances and then I saw a bit of that Top Model show, is Tyras chest getting bigger? I don't really remember her that much but anyway "the girls" just seemed to be staring at me and that extreme blue eye shadow she had on the whole time. Some of the models were super duper cute.

I stuggled through the Ab ripper today its been a while since I did it, TOUGH WORKOUT! 340 Core and crunches, very intense but I think I am getting better at it. I have to support my back on some of the moves like straight leg sissors.

Here is my workout:

Lean Phase 3 Week 10 Day 3 P90X

Work out - Chest & Back and Ab Ripper
Mood - Bring It!
Wt - 116
Time of workout = 50
Minutes Cals burned = ?
Pushups 30
Military pushups 20
Wide fly pushup 20
Heavy pants 30 - 10lb
Diamond pushups 15
Lawn mowers 25 - 10lb
Divebombers 7
Back flys 20 -10lb

Off to get the Rockstar Body......

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

P90X Week 10 Day 2

P90X Week 10 Day 2

Ok, I have 4 days to go and its looking like I may not be able to get the weigh goal. I will continue to keep diet clean, and work it like the Rockstar I am because I am on the Hot Tamale Train!

I will take pictures at the end of the month, which will be the 90 day mark. For now the goal is FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS. I am pumped up!

I got in lots of running over the 4th of July hoiday and I tried to stay away from all the bad foods. I ate mostly fruit salad and I had a 1.5 lb weight gain. I played games with my sister and had a few lays chips and hershey kisses, so I am sure that was the cause. I stuck with salad and fish for my meals, and being so close to my goal date I am really feeling the crunch.

Did you do well over the holiday?

I hope so and that you had a wonderful time. I actually got back late on Monday night and its taken me this long to catch up.

Here is my workout today:
P90X Week 10 Day 2

Workout - Cardio X & Shoulders & Arms
Mood - Rockstar
Wt - 116.5
Cals = ?

50 Minutes total workout:
Yoga warm up - 15 minutes
50 minutes

25 of each:
Hook upper side kicks Kick front & Back
Ball kick knuckles Jab, cross, hooks, uppercut
3 Direction kicks
Airborn heisman
Swing kicks
Jump shots
Wide tires
Wacky jacks
Squat cross X
Steam engine -50
Dreya roll - 10
Squat runs - 1 minute each side (no weights)
Banana to superman - I only did the supermans

I also finished Shoulders and Arms:
2 sets of each
15 - 7lb Seated Shoulder Flys
15 - 7lb Crouching Cohen Curls
15 - 7lb Laying tricep extensions
15 - 7lb Straight arm later lifts
15 - 7lb Congoon Curls
15 - 7lb Side tri-raise

Off to get the Rockstar Body.......

Thursday, July 2, 2009

P90X Week 9 Day 7

P90X Week 9 Day 7 - Stretch

I managed to see a few of the dancers last night on So you think you can dance, I saw the last 4 dances. I was glad to see the ballet of Romeo & Juliet it was fabulous. The skill these young dancers have is amazing.

I did stop in to a new fitness studio up the street from me called Ellipse. are a franchise from up north and do one on one training. They helped the BL contestants train, and its into kickboxing, boot camp and kettle bell and yoga. We met the owners and they plan to open a few more. They do have cute shirts that say "Knockout" I may just have to get one.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend, I am happy that I will be off work and returning on Tuesday. Its going to be a mini vacation for T.

Here is my workout today:
Week 9 Day 7 P90X Stretch
Workout - P90X Stretch
Mood - Relaxed
Wt - 117.5
Time = 40 Mins
Cals burned = ?

Static Stretches: Neck
Back up the car
Head rolls
Chest, back and shoulder stretch combo
Topas Wrist, forearm Back wrist Dreya forearm stretch
Arm circles Shoulder tris
Ballistic stretchs
Shake outs Hug yourself high-low

Static Stretches:
Reaches Back/front stroke
Side stretch
Roller Seated spinal stretch
Cat stretch
Glute stretch - I did this hand behind hamstring not knee
Wide feet forward bend - I did this arms closed

Off to get the Rockstar Body.......10 days!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is Milk Poision?

Week 9 Day 6 - P90X Kenpo
Today was a great workout, I really worked up a sweat. I think because I have only 11 days to go. I am really on the HOT TAMALE TRAIN...ON FIRE!
I can't wait to watch "So you think you can dance" tonight as long as I remember to turn it on. Last time I turned on the tv now I only get channels 2,11 and 30 its getting slim pickins. Thank goodness its on channel 2!

Last night after dinner I went for a 2 mile walk and struggled, I could feel my legs were like jello. I am so glad tomorrow is my day off and I will be doing stretch only. I am still going to do a walk at lunch today, its just been way to nice here in STL not to get out an enjoy.

Yesterday they had the big retirement party at work, cake and soda and food galore but I stuck with my diet and my lunch a salad with chicken and was proud of myself. However I was so hungry for some reason when I got home I had 2 of the chicken breasts. It was so good, you have to love a Foreman grill. I went over on carbs because I had some cherries and a few animal crackers for my last snack since I was so high on protein. Opps that's why my weigh in was 116.5 I am sure.

Its POISON! I'm reading a book on how the milk, even skim has so many bad things in it. How it actually causes osteoprosis not prevents it.
Now Im thinking of switching to soy. I don't want to get into the details because really it made me ill listening to this whole thing, but most of it does relate to hormones and even the farm cows too. A normal farm cow produces 10 gallons a day a hormone cow produces 100 gallons a day!

Do you drink milk or soy?

I don't drink much milk but have always drank skim so if anyone has thoughts on this please share with me.

Here is my workout today:
Week 9 Day 6 P90X Kenpo -58 min workout
Mood - Good
Wt - 116.5
Time of workout = I did 45 minutes
Cals burned = ?

This is the boxing one, and I like it very much. The stretch serious is very good and intense, I like it.

25 of each move unless specified 1 set per leg.

Jab twists
Jab upper cuts
Jab, cross hooks, uppercut
Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump X jacks

Step drag punch, punch Jab, cross, switch
Hook, uppercut, switch Knee kicks - 20 slow - 10 doubles fast
Ball kicks - 30 single doubles
Side kicks - 30
Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump X jacks
Back kicks - 25
3 direction kicks - 24
Sword hammer - 15
Claw punch - 25
Jogs, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump X jacks

Off to get the Rockstar Body............