
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Do More Then You Think You Can

" Do a little more each day, than you possibly think you can." Lowell Thomas

Alright, alright I said I was going to squeeze in a ST session today and a HIT but that did not happen. Yeah I said I would do MORE. I got to the gym a bit late for that I would have needed about 45-50 minutes. I only got there with 40 minutes so I managed to get in my cardio session as planned. Gonna do the pikes tonight, after work.

I will do my normal lower body workout tomorrow and a walk at lunch if our weather does what it says it is going to in the 50's. I slept good and feel really focused so its a good day. Heck had a great dinner and I went to bed at 9.30pm and got up at 6am. Last night I tried on my "little black dress" for Vegas. It fits and zips right up but with little room for eats or drinks. This could be a good thing, it fits like a glove. That's like a leather glove, not one of those comfy knit gloves. I think you get the picture, this dress was made for me in 1987 so you can imagine how I was thrilled that I could even get it on and zipped. Its been years since I put this "Audrey Hepburn" dress on and its a wonderful classic dress, but the verdict is still out if this is the one I will wear.

I have to decide on how I can do more each day, to get great results by my goal date. How I can rid myself of this unwanted loose skin that's taking over areas of my body as I age. I should consider myself lucky because I don't have cellulite every where just on my lovely abs. This is where you can see my diet habits are too many sweets and not enough fruits and veggies. Yeah the worst place to have any fat at my age health wise is the mid section. I am making progress though, its just been hard not to beat myself up while I do because I am like that.

I am my own worst critic when it comes to achieving what I want. Ever do that?

Then think, I could have done more?

Here is how my workout today went, I added more resistance and did NOT do any sprints.
Workout - Cardio
Mood - Oh Yeah!
Wt - 125.0
Time at gym - 40 Minutes

30 minute cardio elliptical.
Level 12 resistance 4 10 Min's
Level 15 resistance 5 10 Min's
Level 20 resistance 7 10 Min's

I was going to do a ST with this but decided to do that tomorrow since I got there late and pikes tonight after work. Mean while I have to focus on doing more, more, more because July will be here in no time! YIKES!

Off to get the Rockstar Body.......

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